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47th infantry regiment 9th infantry division vietnam

Air Force Units Army Units Coast Guard Units Marine Corps Units Navy Units Become a VetFriends Member Site Map. However, as difficult as this experience was, this was nothing compared to the Tet Offensive. Charles William Gill Collection. Histories. - Herbert, Lillian - Auburn High School. (Interview conducted at, and with the assistance of, the Military Heritage Museum- WebIn mid-January, the 9th Division became the first American infantry unit to establish a permanent camp in the VC-infested Mekong Delta. Indeed, a German bomber plane did crash in Cheriton Wood and Toby White remembers British soldiers checking the wreck and finding a map in the cockpit showing red circles drawn around the Micheldever area. Why were the Montagnard units getting no contact? John P. Snodgrass (AFC 2001/001/xxxx), Correspondence (MS01), Veterans History Project Collection, American Folklife Center, Library of Congress. Later in the month most had reached their new quarters, which A course of instruction in manners and customs were given to each individual, followed by an examination, before daily passes were issued. [24][35] Medical supplies for the regiment had been lost during its movement from England to Normandy, but were replaced and captured German vehicles were pressed into service by the regiment's medical detachment. All Rights Reserved. 1969-1970 Stationed in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam Web9th Infantry Division (ARVN) Stuart Jamison recalls observing the reality and immediacy of death as his unit assaults a Viet Cong company during Phase II of the Tet Offensive. It is important to remember why we were there. Every soldier in a spider hole was armed with a rifle and a RPG launcher. Our soldiers never lost a battle there. It was then the men knew their stay in Hampshire was to prepare for their next military operation, i.e. The situation was dire for the men on the ground so the answer was affirmative. Czarnecki, Jeanne - Santa Cruz Public Libraries - Plank, Terrence J. On a lighter note, he remembers the songs that he heard there and that take him back to that time. concurrently assigned to the 9th Infantry Division and activated at Fort Riley, The brigade had moved and tactics had not been adjusted for the fact that there were anti-aircraft batteries up near the DMZ. Platoon leader Bill Pearson sent out a squad to set up a night ambush and when they made contact, it was with a much larger VC force. [57] In 1957, the regiment was reorganized into the Combat Arms Regimental System. He was there to call in air strikes, artillery, Medevacs and resupply. He has been back to Vietnam several times, including one memorable trip that was cut short. Great Britain. This article incorporates public domain material from .mw-parser-output cite.citation{font-style:inherit;word-wrap:break-word}.mw-parser-output .citation q{quotes:"\"""\"""'""'"}.mw-parser-output .citation:target{background-color:rgba(0,127,255,0.133)}.mw-parser-output .id-lock-free a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-free a{background:url("//")right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .id-lock-limited a,.mw-parser-output .id-lock-registration a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-limited a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-registration a{background:url("//")right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .id-lock-subscription a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-subscription a{background:url("//")right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .cs1-ws-icon a{background:url("//")right 0.1em center/12px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .cs1-code{color:inherit;background:inherit;border:none;padding:inherit}.mw-parser-output .cs1-hidden-error{display:none;color:#d33}.mw-parser-output .cs1-visible-error{color:#d33}.mw-parser-output .cs1-maint{display:none;color:#3a3;margin-left:0.3em}.mw-parser-output .cs1-format{font-size:95%}.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-left{padding-left:0.2em}.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-right{padding-right:0.2em}.mw-parser-output .citation .mw-selflink{font-weight:inherit}47th Infantry Lineage and Honors. to the 9th Infantry Division, and assigned to the 4th Infantry Division (organic Witness to War is a non-profit dedicated to preserving the oral histories of combat veterans through digital video interviews. Mr. Harness remembers seeing the convoy of cars enter the Grange, VIPs walk into the building and then close the large doors. that he could collect all the waste food for his pigs during the time away from Alresford.There were now so many jeeps and half- track vehicles hidden in the woods on the Northington Estate that Les gave up counting them. WebThe pictures were taken during the Vietnam War in 1968 and 1969 A large number of records never made it back from Vietnam at all. 3:09 | During a brigade operation in the Plain of Reeds close to the Cambodian border, Richey's platoon was asked to stay behind to see what the Viet Cong would do. When the damp winter weather turned into crisp spring, training was being stepped up and talk of the invasion was becoming more prevalent. Les Harness, who had a small holding at Northington, was a regular visitor to the various U.S. camps collecting the pig swill and has many amusing stories to tell of the boys teacher harriet voice shawne jackson; least stressful physician assistant specialties; grandma's marathon elevation gain; describe key elements of partnership working with external organisations; The motorized infantry division was to be equipped with enhanced technology to give it deployability and fire power and The 9th Infantry Division ("Old Reliables") was created as the 9th Division during World War I, but never deployed overseas. 250 enemy soldiers perished. What army units were in Vietnam in 1972? [57] This process continued until August 1988 when the 2d Battalion was inactivated again. [65] For the most part the regiment's battalions were assigned to the 9th Infantry Division's 2d Brigade, except for the 2d Battalion, which was temporarily assigned at various times in 1968 to the division's other two brigades. At 0630 hours on the 27th of May 1944, the 9th Infantry Division was put on a six hour alert and events quickly began to happen. After being told to clean their ammunition their first time out in the field, Richey's company decided to instead use up all their ammo in free fire zones. [8] During the remainder of the 1970s and into the late 1980s, the 2d and 3d Battalions remained with the 9th Infantry Division. After his captain heard one such group calling for help on the radio, Freddie Owens joined a patrol to find them, guided by a gunshot every few minutes. Constituted in 1917 at Camp Syracuse, New York, the regiment fought in the Great War, and was Guards were posted outside and the meeting continued for 2-3 hours. [24] During March the regiment experienced multiple changes in command, at the beginning of the month Colonel Smythe departed the regiment, leaving Lieutenant Colonel Herman A. Schmidt to act as the regiment's commanding officer, only to be succeeded by Colonel Peter O. As Marine Captain Ron Christmas fought to regain the city of Hue, he found the enemy adept at concealment and surprise. He saw the enemy soldier stand and fire the RPG that changed his life forever. WASSI, Inc for Hosting Our Site (Caution: coarse language.). WebUnit of Service: Company D, 3rd Battalion, 47th Infantry Regiment, 9th Infantry Division. When daylight came, it was a grim scene, with hundreds of enemy dead. Hambone Jr. the dog . for VIETNAM 1967-1969, * Republic of Vietnam Civil Action Honor Medal, First Class Private First Class William P. Fesken, Served with Company A, 3rd Battalion, 47th Infantry Regiment, 9th Infantry Division, United States Army Vietnam. It was also felt to be a great honour and privilege for them to be invited to join families in their own homes. [13] In September and October 1918, the regiment fought near Cuisy, Septsarges, and Brieulles-sur-Meuse;[14][a] during this period of time Colonel Troy H. Middleton took command of the regiment, having previously commanded the regiment's 1st Battalion. They were always short of pilots in the assault helicopter company, but he didn't think this guy was going to work out. However, celebrations over, the troops settled down to training, ever mindful of the real task which lay ahead. This led to an assignment which found him in South Africa just as the country was undergoing monumental change. The purpose of sailing to England meant only one thing a springboard to the invasion of the Continent. As 1944 approached people began to wonder what the New Year would hold in store, would we see the end of the War? A Special Thanks to a Friend of all Vietnam Veterans. On the flight over, while some of the planes were grounded by weather, Jim Littig saw an amazing test of wills in an Airborne versus Air Force standoff. WebOn the morning of 15 November three companies of the 3rd Battalion, 47th Infantry Regiment, were lifted by helicopters into the southern part of the Kien Giang zone to secure a firebase. He was given free reign to take care of his area. WebHoward Kramer was attached to the 3/60th, 9th Infantry Division while stationed on the USS Whitfield County from August 1968 to August 1969 Tom Hain was a "grunt" soldier in 2nd Squad, 2nd Platoon, Company B, 4th Battalion, 47th Infantry 9th Infantry Division from April 8, 1968, to May 18, 1969. Gill, Charles William, - Aside from taking leaves to nearby London and partying in Alresfords many pubs, the soldiers of the 47th Infantry Regiment had someone special to help keep their minds away from the stresses of combat. Lieutenant Colonel, Army, Vietnam War, 1961-1975 - Fort Knox, Kentucky; Fort Ord, California; Fort Benning, Georgia; Fort Sill, Oklahoma; Fort Bragg, North, Carolina; Vietnam; Germany; Korea. E-5, Army, Vietnam War, 1961-1975 - Fort Knox, Kentucky; Fort Polk, Louisiana; Vietnam. True Panthers Never Quit! [8], In 1961, the regiment's 2nd Battle Group (the redesignated 2d Battalion) was deployed to Germany. The 9th Division was re-designated 9th Infantry Division August 1, 1942 and was deployed to North Africa in November 1942. Shipping & Handling: Shipping orders from Clark Airbase, Philippines. Recently, the Association changed from a 501(C) 19 veterans group to a 501(C) 3 not-for-profit group. Phase VII, Presidential Unit Citation (Army) for CHERBOURG, Presidential Unit Citation (Army) for HAGUE PENINSULA, Presidential Unit Citation (Army) for ROETGEN, GERMANY, * Presidential Unit Citation (Army) for NOTHBERG, GERMANY, Presidential Unit Citation (Army) for FREUZENBERG CASTLE, * Presidential Unit Citation (Army) for REMAGEN, GERMANY, Presidential Unit Citation (Army) for OBERKIRCHEN, GERMANY, * Valorous Unit Award for LONG BINH - BIEN HOA, * French Croix de Guerre with Palm, World War II for CHERBOURG, * Cited in the Order of the Day of the Belgian Army for action Ninth Infantry Division Association John P. Snodgrass (AFC 2001/001/xxxx), Transcript (MS04), Veterans History Project Collection, American Folklife Center, Library of Congress. Part 1 of 3. [ Attached to the 2d Battalion (Mechanized), 47th Infantry ] DAGO 5 (27 January 1969) 2nd Battalion, 47th Infantry. The plaque remembering the location of the 47th Infantrys Regimental headquarters at 50 Broad Street, Alresford. It was the day he helped out one of the APC crews, though, that earned him recognition. After the column was devastated by an NVA ambush, wounded Americans were scattered in the darkness. Phase IV; * Counteroffensive, Phase V; * Counteroffensive, Phase VI; * Tet 69/Counteroffensive; Citations are generated automatically from bibliographic data as Charlie would disappear into his holes and only come out once the Marines of Mike company had left. Warwick, Rhode Island. [52], By early April, the 9th Infantry Division was assigned to III Corps, and was part of the effort against the Ruhr Pocket;[53] once again the Panzer Lehr Division attacked the 9th Infantry Division. Captain, Army, Vietnam War, 1961-1975 - Vietnam. In a letter home, Tommy Clack expressed his worry that something bad was going to happen and it did when his unit engaged the NVA near the Cambodian border. Sergeant, Army, Vietnam War, 1961-1975 - Fort Knox, Kentucky; Fort Polk, Louisiana; Fort Benning, Georgia; Camp Eagle, Vietnam. Can I cut the mustard? It was a group of wounded men who had pulled themselves together after the ill fated march to LZ Albany and were lost in the dark. They were under siege. Menu. WebThere are 2 soldiers of the 9th Infantry Division Vietnam that have been identified and recovered. WebBrice Barnes | Vietnam | 9th Infantry Division, 47th Infantry Regiment, 2nd Battalion Mechanized | 5:46 Brice Barnes remembers some of the most important things he gained He describes the tactics he used to fight the enemy and recalls one memorable fight in which his men and an NVA unit charged at each other in darkness. Apparently his original name was Whisky, but the GIs named him in honor of a cook whose nickname was Hambone, Gilbertson said. 1 talking about this. [30] Along with the rest of the 9th Infantry Division, the regiment was sent to Sicily, in 1943;[28][31] in Sicily the regiment was tangentially involved during the Battle of Troina, which saw the 9th Infantry Division's other infantry regiments in significant combat. He managed to finally get himself on a tank crew through sheer will and intelligence. The 9th Infantry Division ("Old Reliables") is an inactive infantry division of the United States This isn't going to work. The RPG that severed Joe McDonalds foot didnt kill him. She vividly remembers the patients coming aboard, and the aftermath of this incident, including one boy who was MIA. Family members are welcome to join us too. Cemeteries & Memorials; Burial Search; About Us; Education; Facebook; Twitter; YouTube; Instagram; The first reunion was held in New York City the next year and has held a national reunion every year since. WebThe 9th Infantry was disbanded for the last time in 1848. Jim Littig shuffled through several assignments as the war was winding down for US forces. The DI is unmarked. American advisor John Le Moyne didn't give the South Vietnamese Airborne unit much advice. The Air Force rescue crews flying the big helicopters known as the Jolly Green Giants began to get respect among the pilots of other services because they excelled at retrieving downed airmen. A nine hour journey carried the 47th Infantry Regiment of the 9th Infantry Division down to Hampshire i.e. [64]:128143, During the Tet Offensive, in early February, the regiment fought heavily in and around M Tho in Operation Coronado X. The machine gun fire that hit him as he still tried to help others didnt kill him. [19] Although inactivated, the regiment was relieved of its assignment to the 7th Infantry Brigade in 1927, and reassigned to the 13th Infantry Brigade, which was part of the 7th Division. [45] The regiment penetrated the Siegfried Line near Schevenhtte on 16 September. Stuart Jamison recalls observing the reality and immediacy of death as his unit assaults a Viet Cong company during Phase II of the Tet Offensive. When John St. Peters joined Richey's company as a replacement, he was not used to this particular procedure. [66][c] During its time in Vietnam, the regiment conducted joint operations with the United States Navy, during which its soldiers deployed from, and billeted aboard, naval vessels. He was given free reign to take care of his area. WebThe 9th Infantry Division was split up with units landing at Liverpool, Swansea in Wales and Gourock in Scotland. This is a nice little story about the stay of the men of the 47th Infantry Regiment in the UK, before they left for France to fight in the Normandy Campaign. Several helicopters were lost due to enemy fire, and two artillery barges sunk; the Benewah was struck by enemy fire, and one LCM was sunk. Therefore, permission must be obtained before using the interview or other materials in exhibition or publication. [48] By 30 September, the regiment had lost 163 officers; one company alone lost 18 officers killed, leading to a loss of experienced leadership over time. He saw the enemy soldier stand and fire the RPG that changed his life forever. 1968, * Republic of Vietnam Cross of Gallantry with Palm for VIETNAM While in the hospital at Fort Knox, Richey told his parents to come by themselves to pick him up. [49] During the Battle of the Bulge, the regiment served as a cornerstone of American resistance around Eupen. Merrie Olde England was a phrase they had heard and read and here it was in reality. He had applied to Pathfinder school and was waiting for a slot when he got a lesson in how things get done in the Army. In order for VHP materials to be duplicated, we must receive written permission from the interviewee for you to obtain a copy of the recording unless the proposed use is limited to personal use, research, or other uses permissible by copyright law. George Forrest sent a patrol to find them, and in an incredible act of bravery, medic Daniel Torres stayed through the night with them and saved many men. [64]:160163 In July, the regiment's 4th Battalion conducted operations with the South Vietnamese Army's 9th Division. [38] On 22 June, the attack on Cherbourg began, with the regiment errantly being attacked by aircraft of the IX Bomber Command, and the 39th Infantry Regiment following behind its advancement;[39] by the 24th the regiment had broken through the enemy defenses, and along with the 39th, where fighting within the suburb of Octeville. There are 2 soldiers of the 9th Infantry Division Vietnam that have been identified and recovered. Entrance into Service: Drafted. For new soldiers in Vietnam, more training was imperative to get them ready for the changes they would face in country. to Alpha from Bravo Company"Brothers in War"Nat Geo's Documentary [64]:5967,70 In April and May 1967, the regiment's 4th Battalion conducted operations in the Rung Sat Special Zone. John P. Snodgrass (AFC 2001/001/xxxx), Computer file (CF01), Veterans History Project Collection, American Folklife Center, Library of Congress. The troops appreciated the local hospitality and in towns such as Alresford the Pubs became their local; and mild and bitter the usual. Tom Agnew was apprehensive on the way to Vietnam and wondering if he was up to the task. The Army was short of officers, so when Jim Littig finished his basic officers course at Ft. Benning, he was sent to Ranger school the same day with jump school to follow. (Caution: coarse language.). He managed to finally get himself on a tank crew through sheer will and intelligence. Shipping Time: 314397965901 He relates the story of LT Dick Anshus and a downed pilot who were captured. Preserving The Oral HistorIES of Combat Veterans. Brice Barnes remembers some of the most important things he gained from his time in Vietnam. American advisor John Le Moyne didn't give the South Vietnamese Airborne unit much advice. He was used to hot, humid summers, but when the door on the airliner opened in Da Nang, Tim Dunn felt like he was standing in front of a blast furnace. One night, while Laurie was eating dinner, the USS Sanctuary got a call about a plane crash. [72] On 8 April 2013, an inactivation ceremony was held for the 3d Battalion, 47th Infantry Regiment, resulting in a reduction of 44 soldier and 27 civilian positions. When daylight came, it was a grim scene, with hundreds of enemy dead. On the flight over, while some of the planes were grounded by weather, Jim Littig saw an amazing test of wills in an Airborne versus Air Force standoff. FOR SALE! [57][b] In 1957, the regiment's 2d Battalion was relieved from the 9th Infantry Division, returning to assignment with the 4th Infantry Division. It is important to remember why we were there. Part 1 of 5. The Division incurred 2,624 causalities and was inactivated in 1969, then reactivated in 1972 and served as an equipment testing Division at Ft. Lewis, Washington until 1991. It was hard to find the enemy. WebThe 94th Division was a unit of the United States Army in World War I, and of the Organized Reserve Corps in 1921 until 1942.. When he located the besieged squad, the battle became intense and they were in danger of being wiped out. When a new pilot checked in, David Farthing asked where he was before. The 4th Regiment of the U.S. Marine Corps was sent to China in January 1927 to protect American citizensand U.S. business intereststhere in the midst of Shanghai's ongoing civil unrest. If the interviewee is deceased, their next-of-kin may grant written permission. received an Emmy nomination.September 28th in NYC,