signs mirena is wearing off

a business should be managed ethically because

These steps included creating a climate based on service quality and ethical behavior that guides employees without direct supervision, taking corrective actions before unethical behaviors occur by periodically measuring employees perceptions of the companys ethical climate, and emphasizing the importance of service quality and ethical behaviors as they relate to competition in the marketplace. To allow whistleblowers to come forward with information organizations should fascism Multiple select question. Byron Almen, Dorothy Payne, Stefan Kostka, The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, Eric Hinderaker, James A. Henretta, Rebecca Edwards, Robert O. Self, Chapter 18 APUSH The Victorian Era 1880-1917. Business ethics benefits the bottom line. Noones;C\underline{\text{\color{#c34632}No ones; C}}Noones;C. B. shareholders Which of the following were not identified as being fundamental to the CSR definition? leaving unethical behavior unpunished Multiple Choice What occurs when an employee exposes an employer's wrongdoing to outsiders? social order ethics ___________ __________ ______________is a business's concern for the welfare of society. C. energy consumption A. it attracts and retains customers How does the action I am proposing to take make me feel about myself? Economic conditions in some developing countries make child labor a necessity for the survival of families. [B] To maintain a good reputation Compliance-based ethics codes allows them to reach specific groups more directly. building parks Should an instance occur, the result could be devastating to your company's finances and reputation. Economist Milton Friedman believed that a business's only social responsibility was to make ________________for its owners and that anything else was socialism. it makes financial as well as moral sense to invest in companies that plan to create a better environment, Companies that try to act in a socially responsible way are likely to focus on such activities as Multiple select question. B. ability to plan for the unexpected. Laws, Ethics Laws - are passed by legislators to protect us from fraud, theft, and violence. the collection of laws to protect society from fraud, theft, and violence. B. CSR can lead to even more profits. Which of the following is NOT included as one of the questions we must ask when faced with an ethical dilemma? The You Design, We Build Company makes custom furniture of all kinds. A(n) _________________ ___________________ethics code creates an environment which supports ethically sound behavior by stating an organization's guiding values, shared responsibilities, and accountability. [D] having an ethics officer who is fair, A low cost, efficient way for companies to connect with specific groups and inform them of corporate social responsibility efforts is. \text{Rent Expense} & 11,000 & \text{Dividends} & 4,500 \\ can encourage employees to deceive customers, Following an ethics-based approach to decision making will normally lead to higher ________. Many organizations create a code of ethics, which might include generic guidelines for ethical behavior about doing the right thing or remaining fair. Everyone with whom the business has dealings. corporate social initiative The monetary award may total as high as 30% of the amount collected for violations that exceed $1 million. In addition to researching trends, reviewing products and writing articles that help small business owners, Sean runs a content marketing agency that creates high-quality editorial content for both B2B and B2C businesses. These define the company's guiding values, and most often it involves shared accountability. Dont make ethics an afterthought in your company culture. True or false: Many investors believe that by choosing to put their money into companies whose goods and services benefit society, they can improve society's financial health as well as their own. Nike suffered criticism due to its __________ _____________ violations in their overseas manufacturing facilities. social audit. C. writing their representatives in Congress. With regard to socially responsible behavior, American businesses are actual ethics. Top officials in countries like Japan, South Korea, and China have faced legal charges of influence peddling and __________ charges, which serve as examples of the unethical behavior that U.S. companies face in overseas markets. D. fail to earn sufficient profits for their owners. The amount of pollutants a firm unleashes into the environment would serve as an example of a negative activity that would be included in the social audit measurements. Other times, they may feel as though they are caught between what their higher-ups want them to do and what the law requires. D. to please customers, employees, and society. [C] The U.S. government will use military force to enforce labor laws.. C. Operational initiatives D. Integrity watchdog. Business ethics inform a company's values and goals, as well as how it runs its day-to-day operations. \end{array} Sean Peek has written more than 100 B2B-focused articles on various subjects including business technology, marketing and business finance. providing safety equipment and training for their workers, increasing the diversity of their workforce Sarbanes-Oxley Ruling E. filing complaints with the company. Tejas Vemparala also contributed to this article. The second major meaning behind the term is . Ethical issues are limited to for-profit organizations. C. Increased penalties for code violators. Periodically asking every employee to evaluate the company's ethics performance. Uploaded By Coleton99; Pages 108 Ratings 100% (5) 5 out of 5 people found this document helpful; Multiple Choice They should display behavior that is honest and fair in their relationships with co-workers and their clients. This, then, creates greater stability within the company.. unethical Multiple choice question. likely to perform worse financially, Many companies believe they have a role in promoting ______ ______ that goes way beyond simply "giving back." True false question. insider trading. penalizing wrong-doers, increasing control Write dialogue for an imaginary conversation between the speaker of When We Two Parted" and the person he addresses. B. disgruntled workers manipulating budgets and expenses. whistleblowers School McMaster University; Course Title COMMERCE 1E03; Type. 'Business' can also mean an entity that offers goods and services for exchange, i.e., that sells things. Insider trading refers to the discussion or leak of private, proprietary information about a firm that is not yet made public. Which of the following facts best exemplifies the statement that "ethical problems are not unique to the United States"? Corporate social responsibility is a business's concern for: Those who oppose corporate social responsibility believe that D. operating ethically, honestly and lawfully E. being environmentally responsible, Chapter 2 - Business Ethics and Social Respon, lesson1. reaches broad and diverse groups C. It is the law in the U.S. D. Employees. The corporate scandals can hurt the reputation of firms, the interests of investors and stakeholders, welfare of employees, the life damage or property losses of customers and the damage of environment. To understand why ethical behavior is important, it might be helpful to know how unethical behavior affects a company. A number of ethical scandals in the past decade have raised awareness of ethical issues in business. B. opportunity. Often, business ethics involve a system of practices and procedures that help build trust with the. retain better employees the federal government reducing most costs (C) benevolence is the highest virtue Which of the following is NOT a part of an integrity-based ethics code? (D) it reduces laws and regulations, Many corporate executives reported that they use social media to communicate their socially responsible activities to customers because it: \text{Total production cost} & \text{\$ 9.20}\\ Business ethics concerns ethical dilemmas or controversial issues faced by a company. reducing regulations about labeling it reduces laws and regulations acquisition stalking. D. management is insensitive to ethical issues. Ethics may seem like an intangible, but there is a clear connection to overall performance. Resource procurement and consumption practices B. profitable charities [B] share all information with managers when requested Full-time co-workers capitalism Corporate social responsibility is based on a Personal projects An organization's managers instill corporate values and _____________ in employees by the examples they set. About one out of four adults in the U.S. chooses to take responsibility for the communities they live in through _________________work. He also believed anything other than that would be considered: TV ads When there is a standard of accountability at an organization, its people hold themselves and their peers to a standard of responsibility. B. Is it acceptable if everyone else is doing it? draw more customers, Many investors believe Multiple Choice Vanessa recognizes this as a(n) ________-based code of ethics. 360-review. an individual's ethics Corporate responsibility An environmentally friendly business: operates in a sustainable manner, causing minimal damage to the environment and using renewable resources where possible considers where its supplies come from and how they are madeit will work with environmentally responsible suppliers and source materials locally to reduce its carbon footprint 1. Putting Ethical Design into Practice. The first day on the job waiting tables at a popular restaurant, Amber noticed that when one member of the waitstaff was serving a very large party, the other waiters would help carry food to the tables and even check to make sure water glasses were filled. Deceptive advertising of medicines and toys (A) have fewer loyal customers but attract more of them A high ethical standard extends to customers as well. Explanation Ethical standards are different from country to country. Though there are many ethical opinions that most people share, ethics will differ from person to person. Compliance-based ethics codes, In order to have trust and cooperation between workers and managers there needs to be Multiple Choice Business ethics is the system of moral and ethical beliefs that directs the behaviors and operations of an organization and its personnel. An integrity-based ethics code defines the organization's guiding values, creates an environment that supports ethically sound behavior, and stresses shared accountability. The dimension of social responsibility known as _______________ responsibility includes everything from hiring minority workers to making safe products, minimizing pollution, using energy wisely, and providing a safe work environment. Demanding Ethical and Socially Res, Donald E. Kieso, Jerry J. Weygandt, Terry D. Warfield, Fundamentals of Financial Management, Concise Edition, Natuurwetenschappen eerste jaar examen trimes. E. Consumer safety information, Which of the following is NOT one of the "Financial Resource Management" responsibilities? Multiple choice question. [D] requiring all bankers to sign ethical codes. Although these actions were not part of the mandatory waitstaff training, Amber perceived that waitstaff members who were not helping out were not viewed as team players by the majority of employees. Businesses should be managed ethically because it is the right thing to do, it is legal and keeps the government from writing new laws, it is good for employee turnover, maintains a good reputation, keeps customers and attracts new ones, pleases employees and society Compliance based ethics code Trustworthiness. only with their responsibility to their shareholders What kind of person do you think Paulsen is? A. the breakdown of traditional religious institutions. D. Philanthropy E. Altruistic, Which of the following is NOT one of the "Market Assessment and Strategy Development" responsibilities? The first area is productivity. There are a number of reasons why businesses should act ethically: to protect its own interest; to protect the interests of the business community as a whole so that the public will have trust in it; to keep its commitment to society to act ethically; to meet stakeholder expectations; to prevent . [A] making the charges public before the investigation Demanding Ethical and Socially Res, Intro-Into-Business: Ch. corporate social initiative Which of the following would least likely involve ethical concerns? A. This is due to the fact that our ethics are shaped by our moral code. What does the research into business ethics say? A. Although definitions and means of measuring a carbon footprint aren't yet clear, many companies try to become more __________________by claiming to reduce it. There is significant pressure on U.S. companies to separate themselves from suppliers who violate human rights and environmentally progressive guidelines. Recently, top management asked company departments to list and evaluate the kinds of socially responsible efforts conducted internally and externally in the business and to list negative occurrences that supervisors observed. Which of the following is not one of the approaches associated with corporate social responsibility? Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is the concern businesses have for the welfare and betterment of society. Honorees on this year's list of the World's Most Ethical Companies outperformed the Large Cap Index by 10.5 percent over three years. How to Write a Self-Assessment: 5 Tips to Improve Do Not Sell/Share My Personal Information, Limit the Use of My Sensitive Personal Information. U.S. companies tend to overlook and forget human rights abuses abroad. [B] reaches broad and diverse groups Some common workplace ethics include trustworthiness, accountability, respect, transparency, and integrity. When the lines of communication are open and employees are willing to have conversations with one another, misunderstandings can be avoided. Which of the following statements reflects the difficulty companies face when requiring international suppliers to follow environmental and human rights standards set by U.S. firms? C. Education and training Here are two examples of strategies for engaging it: First, make more of your decisions by comparing options rather than assessing each. decreased financial donations but encouraged their employees to volunteer their time to corporate social initiatives and projects. Explanation E. A criminal lawsuit. To manage these risks and the ethical obligations they imply, CDOs should work on developing institutional practices for continual learning and interaction with external experts. D. buying the company's products. Government and business leaders are being held to that only society's health is improved when they invest in companies whose goods and services benefit the community True Due to a reduction in output, the company has idle capacity that could be used to produce the starters. A company that has socially responsible human resources management is The dimension of social responsibility known as _________________responsibility includes everything from hiring minority workers to making safe products, minimizing pollution, using energy wisely, and providing a safe work environment. compliance-based ethics J. M. D'Aquila, D. F. Bean, and E. G. Procario- Foley (2004) reported that 97% of business leaders perceive American businesses as ethical, versus 24.5% of students. The many small choices we make daily about working or goofing off, using company phones and computers responsibly, and following safety rules, make it clear that __________ decisions start with each individual. Shared accountability among employees. Ethics is a notoriously difficult subject because everyone has subjective judgments about what is "right" and what is "wrong.". higher ethical standards than in the past. A set of formalized rules and standards that describe what a company expects of its employees is called a(n) Amber was observing an example of the ___________ followed at this organization. corporate raiders. The ethical lapses of global companies, such as Enron, Arthur Andersen, and WorldCom, over the span of a few years caused much devastation. Team and business confidence. help store confidence in corporate america and canada, Which of the following have been cited as incidents of unethical business activity recently? According to recent U.S. Census Bureau research volunteerism is at an all time high, but, 3 out of 4 citizens do not give any time to the communities in which they live. They define crimes more narrowly than do ethics protect from fraud, theft, and violence, while are used to decide how we treat others responsibly to society's views of right and wrong Ethically Behaving often requires more than obeying the law. E. Employee benefit programs. Scandals. What Does Ethical Decision Making Mean? Certain studies have revealed some of the reasons why the companies on Ethispheres ethics index may have outperformed other less-ethically-focused businesses. Although this can be a lot of work, it can also positively impact the bottom line, protect a companys brand and result in higher customer satisfaction. False. Example 1. (C) 4 out 5 citizens volunteer an hour each week This approach to ethics assumes a society comprising individuals whose own good is inextricably linked to the good of the community. B. Horn blower Ethical marketing is less of a marketing strategy and more of a philosophy that informs all marketing efforts. Consumers vote against firms they view as socially irresponsible by not A. boycotting the company's products. Business ethics are applicable not only to the manner the business relates to a customer but also to the society at large. At a college, a code of ethics could include being honest and unbiased when grading and being a catalyst for diverse perspectives in the classroom. ethical standards that are often unreasonable and cannot be met by most leaders. [B] Bribery Full-time co-workers 3. Multiple choice question. Distributors. In fact they contribute to it: 1. When an F5 (category 5) tornado hit a town in southern Missouri, the people that lived there needed the basics: food, water, and shelter. Unethical behavior by financial and real estate businesses has led to Managing Business Ethics takes the view that ethical and unethical conduct are primarily the product of how systems align within an organization to promote certain kinds of behavior. \text{Direct labor} & \text{2.70}\\ Read 'Storm' by Gary Paulsen, that you can find on the internet and answer the following question. an individuals behavior is influenced by the behavior of others. social media. The concern businesses have for the welfare of society, not just for their owners is: In a business setting, ethical behavior applies to any employee, team lead or supervisor. decreased financial donations and eliminated support in almost every way. In the long run, they believe It does not subtract from the bottom line; it adds to it. A business should be managed ethically for many. C. Research practices Business should be managed ethically because Businesses with good reputations attract customers It reduces employee turnover It reduces the likelihood of lawsuits by employees or customers True or false: individuals have social responsibilities regarding their ethical behavior in the business world. asking suppliers to lower their standards to be in compliance with Business ethics isnt always exalted in every workplace, but its critically important when it comes to providing customers with quality service, adhering to regulatory compliance standards, and avoiding steep fines and lawsuits. pro-current procurement. Both economics and culture enter into the discussion of fairness concerning international suppliers who do business with U.S. firms. Though discrimination and harassment laws have been put in place and continue to be updated . Explanation Backend and front-end engineers, data scientists) as well as designers and UX researchers to bring products to life that make our users' problems and pain-points go away!<br><br>As a product manager I have to wear different hats every day and I excel at . C. Research practices It also builds customer loyalty over time, creating a customer base that is likely to refer your business to others. A failure of leadership to establish ethical standards, Which of the following terms describes someone who reports illegal or unethical behaviour? \text{Service Revenue} & 80,000 & \text{Accounts Payable} & 4,300 \\ (C) attract and retain better employees Compliance-based ethics codes focus on: Financial transparency statement by Milton Friedman that maximizing shareholder profits is businesses' only responsibility DirectmaterialsDirectlaborSupervisionDepreciationVariablemanufacturingoverheadRentTotalproductioncostPerUnit$3.102.701.501.000.600.30$9.20Total$60.000$40.000$12.000. There are several ways to encourage an ethical workplace culture, including establishing a companywide code of ethics.

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