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example of bible study: observation, interpretation application

If there is a command to be obeyed, we obey it. Also we become more responsible to God. But when the report came of His birth, did they go to check it out? 0000060059 00000 n The best way to define application is to first determine what it is not. Its what everything else is built upon. You should desire to know Gods Word better so it can change you. Job Inductive Bible study is a practical, relevant, and time-tested approach to interpreting Scripture. Leave not off reading the Bible till you find your hearts warmed. (1Ti 4:8+, 1Ti 4:9, 10+). truly, such a, promise is as a cluster of Eshcol, but it is in Eshcols valley and I cannot reach it there; but the promise applied is the cluster brought to me just where I am, and I can receive it, and delight myself in its luscious sweetness. You may study it your whole life, and you will never be able to absorb all that it has to teach. This is a dishonest way to interpret the text. Considering these things we receive the word with that trembling of heart which God so much respects. Jude Once you decide how much time you want to commit to studying, put it on your calendar. 1 Corinthians So even though you might be familiar with the word Messiah, you might want to focus on Mark and his original audience. Don't be deceived -- Every time we hear the Word of God, we are either a little closer to heaven or a little further away. The worldlings Bible is the Christian. How to Do an Inductive Bible Study - Logos Bible Software Our Goal in Interpreting . See what precepts are binding upon thyself, and then, as a child of God, be thy feet swift to run in the way of his commandments. You cannot expect to approach the Bible with the same level of investment that youd give your favorite novel. We dont study the Bible just to gain knowledge. Strip the passage of all the jewels you can find on your own, and then come back through with a commentary. Inductive Bible Study: A Step-by-Step Guide - Bible Study Tips Inductive Bible Study: Application | Precept Austin Here are a few questions you can ask: There are a few essential rules to remember when attempting to interpret a passage: Make sure you spend a good chunk of time with this phase. Inductive Bible study is one reliable way. Together, these observations help you think about the biblical authors purpose and what they are trying to communicate. The real question is do I always want to hear God's voice? So how do we apply any of it, let alone enjoy it. However, interpretation can also involve separate actions or steps beyond merely observing the immediate text. Read and practice; but we shall only be able to do this, as God the Holy Spirit shall help us. Explore answers to life's biggest questions. 0000004118 00000 n Both reflect what is really there. If the Bible seems dry and unexciting, check your attitude (Ed: Also do some personal inventory with 1 Pe 2:1+and then you'll be able to move on to 1 Pe 2:2+!). If you want to study Scripture, youll need to carve out intentional time for it. Is Your Interpretation Supernaturalistic, Naturalistic, Existentialistic, Dogmatic? We may find something in every passage which comes before us both to pray over and to thank God over. The questions you raise in the interpretation phase might even push you back into the observation phase. He alone is in a posture to learn from God, who sincerely gives up (surrenders, yields) his mind, conscience, and affections to the power and rule of what is revealed unto him. Some sections make much more sense if you read them within the context of the surrounding chapters, like Matthew 23-25 or 1 Corinthians 12-14. P Is there a Prayer to pray or a Priority to change? Jonah Read Online Inductive Bible Study Observation Interpretation And David Shepherd rightly exhorts us to leave out not "step" in study of God's Word but to be diligent to Read it to get the facts, study it to get the meaning, meditate on it to get the benefit. BGEA is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Somewhere ages and ages hence: Micah Bible Study Principles Again, our METHOD of reading, searching, and study must involve very precise OBSERVATION, which is absolutely necessary to accurate INTERPRETATION! If you feel the wrath to come now, you may never have to feel it in the next world. When Dr. Houghton became pastor of the Baptist Tabernacle in Atlanta, a man in that city hired a private detective to follow Dr. Houghton and report on his conduct. For example, in a court of law, jurors are asked to reach a verdict based on the evidence presented to them. Ask yourself the five Ws and H: Its critical at this stage not to add anything to the text or take anything away. Take the time to dive into the application step. Ruth Erroneous interpretation can lead to aberrant application. 3:7f+, He 4:2+), (3) Response of obedience: Genuine faith will obey. Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed than the fat of rams." Be sure to visit the Precept Ministries International Web site to go deeper into inductive Bible study. 3. Observation Tips What are some tips to help with observation? Jesus warned that Bible study as the end in itself, can be deceptively dangerous declaring to the Jewish leaders You search the Scriptures, because you think that in them you have eternal life; and it is these that bear witness of Me and you are unwilling to come to Me, that you may have life. In a very real sense we are giving our brain a bath; we are washing it in the purifying solution of Gods Word. And what thou readest well, thou canst not too well understand; Here, you want to go back over the passage and your observations and ask as many questions as you can. It's better to live one verse of the Bible than to recite an entire chapter. When youre first getting started with studying the Bible, its important to set some realistic goals for yourself. Their righteousness was external, based on facts and devoid of personal response. You want to be able to trace the authors argument all the way through. (MacDonald, W & Farstad, A. Believer's Bible Commentary: Thomas Nelson). This is likewise one of the factors by obtaining the soft documents of this Inductive Bible Study Observation Interpretation And Application Through The Lenses Of History . Enter by the narrow gate; for the gate is wide, and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and many are those who enter by it. And the botanist had a big notebook under his arm and a great big magnifying glass. 2. Theres an inherent danger in inductive Bible study -- it can degenerate into a process thats intellectually fascinating but spiritually frustrating. Reportedly, Crowfoot put the pass in a leather pouch and wore it around his neck for the rest of his lifebut he never once availed himself of the rights and privileges it spelled out. Avoid basing important doctrines on obscure passages. Inductive Bible Study. So when Mark tells you hes starting at the beginning, its safe to say hes talking about the beginning of Christs ministry. Don't be like the man who boasted "I go through the entire Bible once every year".Application instead confronts us face to face with the question "How many times has the Bible gone through you?" When we walk with the Lord in the light of His Word, They were the local authorities. 63 12 Observe whats there, and document it. Colossians But meditation is a matter of habit, and we can all be trained into it. We will not fully comprehend the extent of the "return on our investment" until we enter Paradise and stand before our Lord at His bema (judgment) seat. His Word from day to day, Privacy The goal is that we live holy, in conformity to God's will in thought, purpose and action and that in so doing we are made adequate and equipped for every good ("God") work, which represents only those works He initiates and empowers. By If you skip this step, you will never enjoy your Bible study and the Bible will never change your life. Resources Bible Study Inductive Bible Study. The third rule for our guide should be Read And Apply. You can find the Inductive Bible Study Workflow (with five other Workflows and many other Bible Study tools) inLogos Starter. Christian author Jerry Bridges reminds us that. Memorization is the first step to meditation. These divisions are tools that help us read Scripture; theyre not an actual part of it. This is always the most challengingportion of Bible study, which most people give only cursory attention to (unfortunately).The key to doing Bible study is . In Gods mind, knowledge without obedience is sin. Practice it to be holy, Or as Skip Heitzig advises "A good perspective to adopt when reading the Bible is that of an obedient servant waiting for instruction from the master. The Word is both a glass to show us the spots of our soul and a laver to wash them away. Identify chapter themes Why OIA (Observation, Interpretation, Application) is the Best Bible It is God's will that we should read Ask God not to let thy Bible be another mans Bible, but thine own Bible, Gods own mouth speaking to thy soul of the things which make for thy peace. Answers to questions on donations, financial policies, Crus annual report and more. ), A T Pierson said that "While other books inform, and some few reform, this one book transforms. 0000000925 00000 n And to do this, you need to look at the context (Logos Bible Software can be a great help with this). These three parts are observation, interpretation, and application. J A Bengel wisely admonished "Apply yourself to the whole text, and apply the whole text to yourself.". If this were the only passage of the Bible you had access to, what would you learn from it about Gods character and actions? What Is Application? The precious promises lie in front of you. What is the clearest meaning of this text? Even those who have invested a lifetime into studying it will tell you their commitment has continued to pay off with new insights, understanding and spiritual growth. Maybe youre reading Matthew 5:13: You are the salt of the earth. When it comes to reading the Bible, these boundaries can hinder your ability to observe what biblical authors are saying. For more on studying the Bible on your own or with others check out our Bible Studies resources. In the third chapter, Matthew tells us about Jesus baptism by John. 1. The inductive study process involves three steps: observation, interpretation and application. Ask yourself all of the important questions above, and answer them as honestly as you are able. How? 1 Timothy He now teaches two courses: "Bible Study" and "Advanced Bible Study." "All of my courses are built on the basic pattern of observation, interpretation, application and correlation (or . For the gate is small, and the way is narrow that leads to life, and few are those who find it. Stout old Martin Luther used to say, All vital religion is in the personal and possessive pronouns. Is it not so? Follow it by personally doing what it bids thee. Honest application of the text requires these kinds of questions and the wrestling of ideas when truth causes conflict. Many of us struggle to wade through the dense lists of commands, genealogies and prophecies in the Old Testament. For instance, the New International Version a popular modern translation of the Bible breaks sections in Philippians 1 down like this: Pauls Chains Advance the Gospel (vv. Philippians An Example of Interpretation Revelation 13:1-10. When Gods Word points out something in us that needs correction, we need to respond. Not only do the books come from unfamiliar cultures, but theyre also thousands of years old. (Galatians 4:1, New International Version). He pastored Calvary Baptist Church in New York City and later served as president of Chicagos Moody Bible Institute till his death in 1946. And how does it show God redeeming that brokenness? When you take a book like Romans one piece at a time, you can miss the forest for the trees. Imagine trying to find a specific place in Scripture during a sermon without them. It is more needful for you to hear God's words than that God should hear yours, though the one will always lead to the other. This method makes observations on a passage of Scripture and then draws conclusions based on those observations. Pray God to help you to feel the solemnity even of the threatening, for if you feel deeply the threatening now, you may be delivered from the tragic fulfilment of it by-and-by. If we continually learn what we ought to do, but do not do it, we become frustrated and callous. Are we truly born of God and spiritually alive or are we deceiving ourselves and spiritually dead, no matter how orthodox our profession of faith might appear? OF INDUCTIVE BIBLE STUDY. A sorry, sorry heart is that which so uses Gods Word as to make it an aggravation of its sin. As the devotional writer Matthew Henry prayerfully put it"O that we may love our Bibles more, and keep closer to them than ever! which then results in being and doing. ", James warned that "to one who knows the right thing to do, and does not do it, to him it is sin." What is the cultural and/or historical context of this passage? 8. Interpretation, Illumination and Application | How is our desire for, time with, and practice of God's living Word growing? Thats the kind of serious-minded response to truth application calls for. How foolish to look in the mirror of God's word, see spiritual "dirt" and yet fail to respond). A lot of people have all sorts of news. Application is where the proverbial "rubber meets the road", where our walk either does or does not back up our talk and where head knowledge becomes heart knowledge. 2 Corinthians Lifting verses out of their immediate context is a sure way to find yourself in heresy land. Three vital responses in application are (1) Response of confession: The Word of God is like a sword (it penetrates), like a mirror (it reveals), and like a critic of the heart (it judges and reproves or exposes our attitudes and actions). It is still as true today as when Martin Luther first said it that The world does not need a definition of religion as much as it needs a demonstration.. Grasp these sweet promises. Trust and obey, for theres no other way Can abide while we trust and obey. One of the best things about studying Gods Word is that you can come back to a book youve already studied in the past and discover all-new insights. Only in this way can believers grow spiritually. About Gods redemptive plan? 119:160). It is more focused on the immediate application of the passage to your life. THE THREE COMPONENTS Apply yourself to the whole text, and apply the whole text to yourself. Deuteronomy Step 2: InterpretationWhat does the passage mean? But the bee would light on a flower and it would sink down deep into the flower and it would extract all the nectar and pollen that it could carry. Inductive Bible Study Observation Interpretation And Application Through The Lenses Of History Literature And Theology is additionally useful. Inductive Bible Study: Observation, Interpretation, and Application through the Lenses of History, Literature, and Theology (9781433684142) by Richard Alan Fuhr Jr., Andreas J. Kostenberger It went in empty every time and came out full (A. Naismith, 1200 Notes, Quotes and Anecdotes [Chicago: Moody, 1962], p. to my own life and destiny and relation to God? (Josh 1:8-note). Although the Bible tells one cohesive story, it does so through the work of many authors who wrote during times hundreds of years apart. (Lk 11:28+, cp Jn 13:17), D. L. Moody quipped that "Our great problem is the problem of trafficking in unlived truth. In view of this truth, what specific changes should I make in my life? Reading the entire book in one or two sittings is part of the observation process. 1 Chronicles Bibles today divide up the individual books within them with chapters and verses, but Bibles havent always done this. Eventually, if not immediately, these practices will reveal the meaning of the text (interpretation) and how to apply it (life application). Inductive Bible study is a practical, relevant, and time-tested approach to interpreting Scripture. YWAM Bible Schools: A Guide to Inductive Bible Study 2023 Fourthly and this is very hard work Read And Practise. As we search the Scriptures, we must allow them to search us, to sit in judgement upon our character and conduct. Again, we feel God's promises to be too high for us, we know He is perfect, and we are vile. Its about observing exactly what the text is saying. In Psalm 119:18, David said, "Open my eyes so I can truly see the marvelous things in your . Janet Chismar In observation, you were asking the question, What did I see? In interpretation, you ask, What does it mean? If you have not done a thorough job in the exploration phase, the interpretation phase can be difficult. Inductive Bible study draws its conclusions from the text, not our assumptions. Sow a habit, reap a character. And with all who will trust and obey. In the 13th century, Stephen Langton added chapters to Scripture, and in the late 16th century, Robert Stephanus added verses. Study the New Testament at your own pace in workable units of material that follow the inductive method of study. For the favor He shows, for the joy He bestows, H\j0z : an American History (Eric Foner) Civilization and its Discontents (Sigmund Freud) The Methodology of the Social Sciences (Max Weber) Interpersonal Communication (Kory Floyd) Chemistry: The Central Science (Theodore E. Brown; H. Eugene H LeMay; Bruce E. Bursten; Catherine Murphy; Patrick Woodward) Application of God's Word will not always be "pain free", but it will always be profitable. Will Graham Devotion: A Sacrifice That Costs Nothing Is Worth Nothing. You have remained in right site to start getting this info. Based on what youve learned, what does this passage mean for you? The Bible is a unique collection of sixty-six books written by men under the direction and influence of the Holy Spirit (2 Pet. What is awe? Which road will you travel? It is a means to an end, not an end in itself. Observation answers the question: What do I see? endstream endobj 71 0 obj <>stream We must meditate upon it. We must mix faith with what we read and hear. How we seek to journey together with everyone towards a relationship with Jesus. A person may study some branch of sciencesay electricityfor the enjoyment the knowledge gives him, without the least intention of applying it practically. Its good to set aside time for both devotional reading and studying. Bible study consists of Observation, Interpretation and Application. 1 Your Teacher, the Holy Spirit, can give you insights at any point in your study, so that you need to be sensitive to His leading. Instead, we need to be Bible "bees", using inductive study to go deep into the Scriptures obtaining its divine nectar and then allowing God's "nectar" to change us. Malachi Have some fun taking various quizzes and assessments to learn about yourself and others. Some of them can only be answered by examining the text again or even by looking at other parts of the Bible. As for the doctrines, recollect that a doctrine killeth except as it is personally grasped and as you feel your interest in it. Once you do that, you can start shining a light on smaller sections of Scripture. In many ways, observation is the base of the Bible study pyramid. The Bible helps you understand God and His relationship with humanity. We must never forget that the ultimate goal of Bible study, whether inductive or otherwise, is to know God and His Son so that we might have life in Him. This becomes extremely important when youre studying a book with a single prolonged argument, like the Book of Romans. Bible Study Observation Interpretation And Application Through The Lenses Of History Literature And Theology is universally compatible following any devices to read. The inductive Bible study method is a time-tested way for the layperson to approach studying Scripture. Search the Scriptures Chapter Analysis FormatBible study consists of Observation, Interpretation and Application.1.Observation is discovering what the author is saying looking specifically at Who, What, When, Where, Cause & Effect. eg'1{(yzJ*| John Calvin commenting on proper application wrote thatWe must observe that the knowledge of God which we are invited to cultivate is not that which, resting satisfied with empty speculation, only flutters in the brain; but a knowledge which will prove substantial and fruitful whenever it is duly perceived and rooted in the heart.. ), Christian author Jerry Bridges writes that "As we search the Scriptures, we must allow them to search us, to sit in judgment upon our character and conduct. Often, the headings in modern Bible translations identify pericopes. ", D. L. Moody - "I never saw a useful Christian who was not a student of the Bible.". To which he responded "Yes, she translated the Bible into her life, and was the most powerful translation I've ever seen!" The religionists of Jesus' day had all of the data. The tireless runner is a picture of what Application should look like in each of our livessobrethren, beloved of God, chosen in Christ before the foundation of the world for so great a salvation, filled with His Spirit and controlled by the love of Christ "let us also lay aside every encumbrance, and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us fixing our eyes on Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of faith" (He 12:1-note, He 12:2-note) pressing "on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus" (Php 3:14-note) disciplining ourselves "for the purpose of godliness for bodily discipline is only of little profit, but godliness is profitable for all things, since it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come." Not a shadow can rise, not a cloud in the skies, Fourthly, we seek to stir up our soul to notes of praise and thanksgiving, delighting ourselves in God's Word, rejoicing in the prospect it presents, yielding ourselves in joyful submission to its precepts, and at the same time searching ourselves in the light of its cautions, humbling ourselves over our past coldness or doubtsfor most of our failures come from doubting God. What we believe about the gospel and our call to serve every nation. When thou passest through the river I will be with thee, the floods shall not overflow thee! Oh! The writer of Psalm 119+ (virtually every verse of which deals with some aspect of God's holy Word) speaks to the importance of one's attitude that should undergird and stimulate right and ready application of truth gleaned Princes persecute me without cause, but (what's being contrasted?) Precept Ministries International was founded by internationally-known Bible teacher Kay Arthur, along with her husband, Jack, with the vision to establish people in Gods Word. He would take notes and later study them with great care. Inductive Bible Study: Observation, Interpretation, and Application Through the Lenses of History, Literature, and Theology by Richard Alan Fuhr This book walks through each of the three steps of the inductive method paying particular attention to historical, literary, and theological elements that come into play at each stage. Not a doubt or a fear, not a sigh or a tear, Explore resources to help you live out your life and relationships in a way that honors God. The first verse of Mark youve been studying does not have immediate actionable teachings, but you still need to be open to the Holy Spirit moving as you study. If youre not careful, theyll do all the work of observation and interpretation for you. Avoid the temptation to try to make the text mean anything just yet. Every promise must be grasped and realized as true : every precept must be registered in the heart, and acted out in the life, in the strength of God. You might discover that salt was not only used to flavor food, but it helped keep it from spoiling. Keeping some form of journal will allow you to go back and review what God has been teaching you. Numbers How about Son of God"? Goes the way, Who may go up to his holy dwelling place?" ( Ps 24:1-3 ). These four steps help you to orient yourself to a passage, wrestle with what its trying to communicate and examine your life in light of Gods Word. 8. Find resources for personal or group Bible study. 0000008074 00000 n -EO{0iB d("o? at the perfect law, the law of liberty, and abides by it, not having become a forgetful hearer but an effectual doer, this man shall be blessed in what he does." But one who looks intently (a picture of the man who meditates -- puritan Richard Baxter said "There must be inward practice by meditation and outward practice in true obedience.") How do we apply what we just learned to everyday life? Once we know what a passage means we are responsible to live it out. and how much we really believe what we have observed. It is not enough just to study the Bible. Refrain. When you become a Christian, you enter into an exciting, lifelong relationship with the Bible. Goldsmiths keep bottles of acid by which they test everything that is offered them for sale, whether it is gold or merely tinsel, and the Christian should keep Gods word near at hand and treasured in the soul, to test thereby all that he hears. S Is there a Sin to avoid, forsake or confess? Go back to your questions from the beginning and ask them again in light of what youve learned, and apply it to our context today. Practice it to be holy. Its worth it. This volume incorporates insights from contemporary evangelical hermeneutics into an approachable, step-by-step process moving from observation through interpretation and on to the application of God's Word. What a glory He sheds on our way! Hebrews But as helpful as these tools are, theyre not always ideal for personal study. Interpretation is not necessarily a separate step from observation, for often, as you carefully observe the text, you begin to see what it means at that very moment. the good hand of his God was upon him (which should prompt a "Why?" First, I saw a butterfly. We must get into the Word of God for ourselves. and then You may start with reading a specific book of the Bible for five to 10 minutes every day and setting aside one day a week for a more intentional time of studying Scripture. What Do We Lose When We Forget the Importance of Prayer? Comment: Don't be like the butterfly flitting from one Bible study [preacher, devotional, commentary, etc] to another, but failing to personally apply what you learn. This is always a powerful application of Scripture. Yes, the Scripture (through your Teacher the Spirit) will bestow spiritual blessings, not by knowing but by doing! (Ep 1:3-note). What is the key to applying the Bible to my life? Learn to develop your skills, desire and ability to join others on their spiritual journeys and take them closer to Jesus. And what thou readest, thou canst not read too well; One practical approach to Bible study is a four-part process of observation, interpretation, connection, and application. Think of it as an appointment that you do not want to miss. Some are always looking out for other peoples duty, and are great judges and critics for what others ought to do. If you want to discover what these authors have to tell you, youll have to do some work. No, even though the town of Bethlehem was only only five miles down the road from Jerusalem. Mark it down -- You can measure the eternal effectiveness of your inductive Bible study by the temporal effect it has on your behavior and attitudes. Part of this work is supernatural: As you study the Bible, the Holy Spirit reveals truth from the text that applies to your life. The Bible is the best prayer-book in the world, as it has been called the best story-book in the world. This typically involves reading a shorter Bible passage and doing less in-depth investigation of the text. Start with the obvious. We ought to obey God rather than men, and to make sure of God's favour, though we throw ourselves under the frowns of all the world, Lk 12:4, 5. Click To Tweet Inductive Bible Study Solicitation Disclosure Statement So if youre studying Mark, start by reading the entire book. The third thing I noticed was a bee, just a little bee. The only Bible the world reads is the one bound in shoe leather: you and me! The Bible is divine in origin. This is where secondary resources become really helpful. 0000001036 00000 n Jesus emphasized this important truth again in John 17 declaring. Notice how Jesus observes the Old Testament text in verse 42, interprets it in verse 44, and applies it in verse 43 (implying that his listeners should believe the truth and make some changes in their lives).

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