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forced diversity in advertising

5% dont practice any religion. Recently, I too have seen greater representation of Asians and Hispanics in commercials, while the over-representation of blacks has stayed about the same. This trend is NOT about money. Im waiting to see when the Sound of Music turns black and Maria Von Trapp evokes a black rapper. Advertisers are trying to focus more on diversity DEI roles increased 113% across industries from 2015 to 2020, but many DEI roles in advertising are functions of human resources. The irony is that at the same time the majority of commercials has switched to 90% black actors, depicting black families living in multi-million dollar mansions, spouses buying each other luxury sports cars for Christmas, climbing Mount Everest, and flying all over the world on European vacations, Hollywood, politicians and the media still continues to debate the issue of how black Americans cant seem to find their way into a DMV without white assistance to get an ID to vote and dont have the money to pay for the ID card, and how its racist to even suggest we have a voter ID card like they have in other countries. You are born with them and cannot change them no matter if one surgically destroys what they were born with, or hormones one takes. We expect this from brands (like PETA) whose missions are tied closely to such issues. Whats ironic is that blacks are 14% of the population and are they represent the majority on tv commercials. wowi mean, ZING! Below are industry tips on just a few of the steps that brands can take to make a positive . I think it is about destroying the indigenous populations of countries so Germans, English, Americans, etc. But it would be naive to think that many brands and advertisers arent also being driven by other factors, including a fear of being labeled racist and canceled. Stop this daily unfair portrayal of white males. Far from it. He names names, gives dates, gives quotes, and gives events, laying out an ironclad argument on why we are going through what were going through. Quite maddening, but not surprising since the vast majority of commercial advertising is mostly devoid of creativity. Does that represent the true numbers of passengers or the target for airline passengers? I cry for the state of America these days because as previously posted, I date back to much better days. However, they are 14% of the population and commit about 60% of all murders in the United States but that is somehow not talked about or depicted on tv. I think the dramatic shift in commercials is very odd, mostly because I cant quite figure out what corporate America is trying to do. Why is that the right decision for CBS, audience or sponsors? This is hard to explain as the Asian population is larger in UK. And getting worse by the day. Spot on Dave as a former MarComm professional I feel as you do. Makes no sense. Not everybody looks like the Marlboro Man especially women. Americans vote with their wallet. the clothes fairy one is just annoying. Either way, marketing was just generic white dude stuff. are there no non-black actors applying for a paying gig to be in Gain commercials? He didnt portray Anglo-Saxon heroes very often. Protest, boycott, call, write letters. Im a white male in my 60s, a demographic that is completely shunned. Never mind that I even backed up my argument with official Census numbers. In advertising, as in culture, the US still struggles with diversity I just think you dont like being manipulated. Though we havent seen much of this in the casting of the shows we watch, mostly because they are older shows, we do see this massively disproportionate diversity in commercials. I send emails every day to advertisers and tell them congratulations for being BLM loving SHEEP and just like all the other advertisers riding the black bandwagon just so they can be PC and shame on themselves for going out of the way to make white people look as stupid and frumpy as possible in comparison to the black actors! But the giveaways and removal of responsibilities took this motivation away from blacks, simply to secure their vote for the Marxist Democrats. This was a sheep in lions clothing for the blacks, the greatest giveaway and dumbing down in history. More than ever, be lions, not sheep!! Where are the Asians? I keep my business behind closed doors where it belongs!!! I also think its ridiculous to write Pregnant People. Isnt a pregnant person a WOMAN whether she is trans or not? Without a doubt, traditional (read: European, white, Christian) values are under attack and the war is now out in the open. Ill try it some night when I want to get rip-roaring drunk! . Embracing diversity in advertising means redefining it within the organization and perceiving it as an essential element of the organization's innovation strategy. Why is the white guy always the buffoon and the Hispanics (if they appear) always the low-level employee showing the rich black executive to her car? I had commented a while back, stating that it was something that weve noticed increasing over the past several years. oh yeah, ive noticed that. First African Americans suffer from a 74% illegitimacy rate where about three out of every four children grow up without the love, discipline, and example of a father. There are certain areas of Norwich which have pockets of concentrated areas of Eastern European people and pockets of concentrated Asian and Indian communities who mostly work for and live near an NHS hospital and some who drive taxies, so unless I need to see a doctor or hire a taxi I dont usually come into contact with anyone other than a regular white UK person. It explains how ever since the post WW2 era our society has been led down this destructive path. If you are paying attention, you will see that there is a growing faction of people, both white and nonwhite, who are actively cheering on the ethnic and cultural erasure of white people. Most every person shown now has black or brown skin. The Kellogg brothers were Seventh Day Aventists who preached that meat is evil, advocating a grain and veg based diet. No wonder black fatigue is becoming a thing. #HockeyIsForEveryone #NHLPride, Jack Posobiec (@JackPosobiec) November 22, 2022. John, you are absolutely right. Im not watching and Im not buying. Clearly, the activists behind this type of propaganda are not, and will never be, content to just live their lives and leave everyone else alone. Interracial couples are 10% of all new marriages, which is material. Others wield it as a club. As a White woman, Ive never had any interest in interracial. As a guy who runs a blog focused on advertising, I feel compelled to follow the social media accounts of industry trade publications such as Ad Age, Adweek, and Digiday. Individuals with negative motivational values are in fact dangerous regardless of their skin color! In fact, I believe that *most* people notice the out-of-whack representation in todays TV commercials. Imagine the reaction if a white actor portrayed MLK or Nelson Mandela in a film or play, or had the lead in The Lion King? I had that same thought- and Im a white woman! James Gilbert, CloudCherry, 13. What most on this blog are discussing is why for-profit companies believe they should misrepresent their target customers. The foreign-born population was only 5% in 1965 compared with 14% today. I am so sick of this bullshit diversity. 8. Say, did you see that someone blew up the Georgia Guidestones the other day? I think they must have passed a law, or something. However, that does not explain why they ignore the 80% of whites that are the current and future customer of these products. For me the clearest single point from your comment is that there is a very negative affect from all this woke & diversity advertising by alienating their main audience. Be careful when reading that research study. This is planned cultural change to foment divisionand it seems to be working well for them. Work Backward From Your Diverse Customer Base, Theres nothing better than an ad that feels authentically inclusive and nothing worse than one that feels like it was conceived by executives hoping to be on trend with diversity. I probably wont find it because, as you say, there are many forces at work here. GIVE YOUR HOME WHEN YOU DIE TO A BLACK PERSON, I read. May be should be renamed critical replacement theory. Im tired of having all the diversity being shoved down my throat. We respect you and are not part of this! If 60% of their sales go out the window theyll care, because we all know the only thing corporations care about is money (assuming all 60% of white Americans feel that way). Great post, Kallock! Television is a tool used to brainwash people to believe that certain races of people are superior to others. r/unpopularopinion on Reddit: Forced diversity is stupid. I cant help but notice the blatancy of this and it feels so forced and ingenuine. In fact, theres an article over at Redstate that proves your point exactly using the very same analogy. For more information about this processing of personal data, check our Privacy and Cookie Policy. African slavery existed well before the arrival of Europeans. I am sure that for the vast majority of the UK this is not the case. Sure, theres probably a small percentage of black and brown folks who live that way, but it seems a cheat, disingenuous and just plain lazy. Whats the difference between self-identifying as a feline instead of a different gender. I used to vote Democrat.but now, I would never vote for one again. People are realizing their clientele is much more diverse, and it helps their image to represent that in their advertising. So much for learning from one another through healthy dialogue and debate. The target demo is never the minority actors depicted in ads. How I would love to sit down with you and talk about all of this. So much for being a racist country.). Yes, being a blonde haired man, Ive noticed that too. Why Have 49 Agencies Dropped Their DEI Pledges? - Adweek Your comment reminds me of what I used to hear some 15-20 years ago, about how damaging negative stereotypes in media can be. Id love to hear an actual black persons take on the representation of black people in TV commercials. I was astounded at what had happened to tv since my last road trip. Its like the Southpark episode where the rebellious Goth kids say that If you want to be one of the non-conformists, all you have to do is dress just like us and listen to the same music we do. You are spot on, except I do have to disagree about the Hispanic and other people of color not being represented well in advertising. He replied, young lady, I have plenty of assets, I just dont have any money. But anyway, regardless, pray for your country. His presence was a sign, so the argument goes, that the movie's creators had clear left-liberal . Good for you, Brad. how wonderful, right? While Im sure that some of what we are seeing is driven by good intentions, Im also sure that a lot of it is driven by politics, fear of cancel culture, and cynical attempts by brands to hitch their wagons to the latest hot-button social issues. Of course, portraying people properly would require advertisers to have real respect for different races and cultures, and a genuine desire to give more than lip service to the prime directives of diversity and inclusivity. To your point, Roo91, I tried to find the latest stats for interracial marriages in the U.S. As far as I can tell, about 19 percent of newlyweds today are married to someone of a different race a number thats been ticking up year after year. Email Insider Summit April 19 - 22, 2023, Hilton Head Outfront Forum April 26, 2023, NYC Search and Performance Insider Summit May 7 - 10, 2023, Charleston Diversity and inclusion in advertising in the U.S. - Statista Interesting, on his website there are no blacks working at his firm. I think the problem for most people comes when they perceive that brands and advertisers are purposefully using their commercials to push social and political agendas. Even a black president did not expiate the sin. Ive never seen anyone other than a white male actor cast as a burglar in a home security commercial. At some point there will be a backlash for these companies who try to portray average Americans in a very disingenuous way. Dr E Michael Jones has written extensively about this group of people in his book The Jewish revolutionary spirit. But alot of us are tuning out from media like this. Likewise, movies and TV shows should be about stories, not propaganda, and the same goes there. Unfortunately, the progressive mindset behind a lot of this nonsense has a firm lock on many, if not most, companies today. Do you accept these cookies and the processing of personal data involved? for the winter. Oh, and dont forget critical race theory. Sorry, Carl, but theres only so much I can pack into one Cranky blog post. I find all this whining about representation laughable; Im half Mexican and Syrian and Filipino on the other side.where was my representation when I was a kid? The obsession with 'diversity' in advertising feels a little sinister. Thus, transforming it into whatever ad execs need to do the tick the box for corporate. This is, of course, assuming that advertisers bother to portray white men at all. Every other platform there are the same commercials and they make me sick. People have plenty of reasons to keep quiet. It used to be, marketers could say they targeted women because women hold the purse strings. If blm does not get their way, they burn down the cities. You have it made! This just divides the people. Youre not going to see a straight white male in a commercial unless its to play an idiot with a lampshade on his head or if they need one to play a home intruder in a SimpliSafe commercial. Apparently no one has ever wondered about this before. This is an expansion on the magic negro trope. For instance: the commercial for a deodorant applied to the butt-cheeks where the spokestool says Im not a mathematician but 5/10 is greater than 0/10. ~insipid. Its gotten to the point where you never see a smart white male in a television commercial. It is pathetic and I refuse to watch all of these commercials and online ads .. watching youtube just nowNavy Credit Union commercialno white males2 POC males and an Asian lady. I agree wholeheartedly. My question to you on this general subject is is all of this the result of advertising producers or at the directions of the advertisers? I dont trust American corporations any farther than I can throw them, but I dont trust a lot of advertising copywriters, either (present company definitely excluded, of course!!). I havent noticed, but Ill be sure to listen for it now. So much truth here, especially in the fact that so many political, social, and religious agendas and conventional wisdom are driven by big-money corporations (Pfizer, anyone?). I am a gay man and I am sick of the LGBTQ with their crap too! I think what irks me about it is the people making the choices. Its really something how Google tries to hide discussions like this, isnt it? I dare say it has produced more comments than any of your other blogs. Frankly I have NO idea what to do about this, EXCEPT ALERT THE MEDIA so those folk DONATING to these organizations WILL NOT HAVE MILLIONS of $$ and in some cases (BLM) 100s of MILLIONS. When the Open subjects each of Serenas opponents to a 5 minute video montage celebrating Serena as they stand there waiting to play her is going a little too far. Its really amazing how poorly these companies treat their customers and potential customers, especially compared to a brand like Chewy that works so hard to deliver positive experiences. Has this information crossed the desk of advertising people? It would be more realistic & more palatable if companies would use the actual or real percentages of interracial couples, races & genders instead of trying to make these things as absolutely above normal or actual numbers. I see nothing but brown skin and brown hair from blacks to Asians, to Hispanics. A person identified as white is a racist, by definition. A digital billboard in Times Square lights. They are a very loud and sometimes violent minority. Its called brainwashing. I dont own slaves and neither did any of my ancestors (poor immigrants). Even if they use a purple clown. And, guess what? Personally, I dont like being forced to accept anything by people that have an agenda to change society to their follies. Yeah, Im not seeing how follow the money works here. Use Brave browser instead of Google; get off Facebook; find an alternative to Twitter. It really doesnt matter to me what race a person is in a commercial. This is the greatest country on earth !! Tribalism isnt going anywhere ever. Dan, I think I botched my original reply to you, but all I really wanted to say was thanks. Its pure manipulation, and its done all the time with surveys and scientists (name your field) and poll numbers all for the express purpose of tricking us into throwing our weight behind whatever cause they The Powers That Be want pushed. You can use polls, surveys and other review processes to ensure that the groups you are representing relate to and approve of your messaging. The problem isnt racism, its woke-ism. Certainly, hockey is expensive. As a retired marketing executive with over 30-years experience at a Fortune 10 company, I cant understand what the ad industry is doing today. are flooded with open borders watering down the natives. I just turn the sound down and walk out of the room. Look at the article Whiteness is a Pandemic. Im also bothered by the fact that these advertisers are shoving gay & transgendered families down our throats! The Davos crowd is trying to destroy America because our Christianity and freedom-loving traditions stand in their way. But there are MANY surveys saying the advertising industry, including behind the scenes people, is mostly white. And in print ads, commercials, etc. I am happy with my life. Men, know that most women do not like this, especially Christian women. There was a shooting today in a predominantly black neighborhood where 13 people were shot by a young white male, the white male is claiming he was driven by the great replacement theory, of course I dont condone his violent act but it doesnt take much for The Fringe to react, these commercials that have erased the strong white male in our society will push many white males over the edge and into acts of violence against those they feel replaced by. I was brought up to love everyone, but enough of these commercials. The only good Lia has done is prove without a doubt that males are stronger than females. The other challenge is if you say anything negative about misrepresentation in advertising, you are accused of being a racist. As a marketer, I understand that maybe advertisers are trying to reach new customer groups. While theres no doubt that society is becoming more diverse, you have to admit that something feels off here. Thanks for sharing your comment and Im glad you liked the post. As a Delta frequent flyer, I cringe every time I walk down the jetway. The attack on boys and men is so easy to see. I am so sick and tired of seeing that one race on TV all day!! Being Ethical. Even worse than all these commercials nowadays putting black men in $1,000 shoes driving $100,000 cars living in million dollar homes and being depicted as superior to the overweight balding white guy who looks like a complete buffoon. And it is almost assumed at this point that every other couple is either interracial or gay. Males of all ages have been deemed toxic for years, and our education systems, particularly our public schools and universities, continue to work feverishly toward their as you say pussification. I wouldnt buy the product for a penny let alone what they are selling it for. Love it! I am disgusted by all of this. They earn the most per capita and have the highest education by race. I just watched a commercial for Lowes that refers to Christmas as Winterfest gifts. I believe it, Janet. BLM will NEVER BE SATISFIED. And it is not just advertising. In Europe they didnt have a problem with a blonde male lead who was strong-looking. Not only that, but I see very few women who look like me. I searched around and found this. Especially for the scumbags that are part of The Frankford School. I feel like someone is trying to brainwash America. Are Modern Ways Of Introducing Diversity Forced? When they come on, I mute them and wait until they are over. This seems like an attack on God and the Bible, and without gender dysphoria, the idea of choosing what gender I feel like being for fun seems childish, confusing, and narcissistic most of all. I would think that minorities, especially blacks, would and could argue that for decades they were grossly underrepresented in advertising and theyd be right.

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