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Hampering natural life support systems inevitably does nothing but harm. Meta's third-party fact-checking programme Climate engineering is a tool of deception that has very successfully confused and divided populations., Populations have been very effectively programmed to respond in specific ways when they hear key terms. DaneWigington Does the sun feel scorching hot?, In the spring of 2014, the power structure and mainstream media tried to convince an ever more concerned population thatthere was no climate modification going on and as proof they cited the claim that the HAARP facility was going to be "bulldozed". Haiti isa country of immense struggle and crisis, much of it fueled and excacerbated by outside influences. In the image below (also May 13th, 2015), heavy aerosol spraying is most visible over Northern California where the dispersion lines still remain on the image. Radio frequency / microwave transmission installations have, DaneWigington The Western US has, at minimum, long since become a climate sacrifice zone for the geoengineers. Dane Wigington HAARP and all the rest of the ionosphere heaters located around the globe are weapons of mass destruction, period. To what degree can the seismic forces of nature be manipulated? warns people to get where they need to be before potential flash freeze". The degree of climate "forcing" being carried out by the global climate engineering cabal is absolutely astounding. Central Pennsylvania. on the atmosphere and cant affect the weather. As the West was finally allowed to cool off a bit, parts of the South and the East immediately went into record warm territory. DW, The extremely visible spraying in our skies is a very recognizable threat, but what about the immensely powerful radio frequency transmissions put out by ionosphere heater installations like HAARP? "Hermine" DID NOT end the major hurricane landfall drought in the US. Is mass distraction from US/NATO fueled Middle East and European mahem one of the objectives being provided by the climate engineers and hurricane "Matthew"? Corrections? You can also help identify false information on Facebook. By altering the density of electrons in a specific region, scientists using HAARP can study how the ionosphere reacts to changing conditions. What is the "science" community pushing now? The forecast map above shows the original projected path of Hurricane Matthew. The, DaneWigington "Dangerous Arctic Blast Ushering Coldest Air For 2023 Across Northern US",a new FOX newsharbinger headline of the coming winter weather warfare that is scheduled, DaneWigington Mexico has "banned" geoengineering, do they mean it? DaneWigington How is is possible for such a consistently anomalous cooling of such a, DaneWigington Global climate engineering operations are creating ever more extreme weather and temperature whiplash scenarios. The amount of high-frequency energy coming from amateur radio operators around the world almost certainly exceeds transmissions from HAARP., No evidence South African provincial minister Nomusa Dube made racial remark in 2011 statement about deadly KwaZulu-Natal lightning strikes, US president Biden abusing little girls on beach? Africa's physical geography, environment and resources, and human geography can be considered separately. The effects of frequencies on water is very challenging to our perceptions of reality as the next 2 minute video illustrates. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. A weapon with which entire populations can be brought, DaneWigington Chemically nucleated snow events are wreaking havoc on forests, ecosystems and human infrastructure. What agendas and objectives might Hurricane, DaneWigington What arent we being told? His tweet comes after heavy rains caused record floods in KwaZulu-Natal province, killing an estimated 306 people and causing significant infrastructure damage. HAARP is an existing programme that uses radio waves to study particles in the ionosphere. The single greatest blow we could strike against those in power is to expose the climate engineering crimes, this would galvanize and unite populations around the globe against the cabal of insanity that is running the planet. Or is there much more to the story? In order to understand HAARP as a weapon, either you have to understand or generally accept the explanation of the technology by others who do understand, that is, if you dont possess the intelligence to understand this technology. Alternate titles: High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program. All available data confirms that the last decade ofrecord, Duty To Warn Remembering the Christmas Truce of 1914: (And Questioning Christian Participation in Homicide) How Soldiers with Newly Attuned Consciences Almost Stopped a War By, Duty To Warn The Culprits at the CDC and FDA That Helped Create Americas Iatrogenic Over-Vaccination Monster By Gary G. Kohls, MD December 4, 2017 Over, Duty To Warn Changing the War No More Sentiment of Armistice Day to the War-Glorifying Propaganda of Veterans Day By Gary G. Kohls, MD 11-11-17 99, Source: Juan Matus The irreversible awaking of humanity on the fact that we are under attack by the psychopaths in power is exponentially ongoing. The visible RF influence in the noctilucent cloud image below indicates probableevidence of project "LUCY" and project "ALAMO" at work. Denying the effects of climate engineering helps to hide climate engineering, why are some in the activist community saying exactly what the power structure would want them to say? Only with a complete change of direction does the human race have any chance. This unimaginable, Blood Testing Protocol And Chelation For Heavy Metals, Chelation Therapy For Heavy Metal Detoxification. Some of us never bought into the smoke and mirrors about HAARP being torn down, and as we now see, it is still standing. The. "Matthew" has even transitioned through phases where there were actually 3 major zones of convection. Interview with dissident climatologist on South African website misleads on climate change, Shingles photo on monkeypox article evidence of conspiracy? The climate engineers will likely try to weaken the stormto create the largest expanse of aerosolized sun blocking cloud canopy possible (SRM operations), and, again, possiblyto keep the storm from actually making landfall on the US east coast. The islands are hilly and mountainous (all volcanic in origin), and encircled by . All, DaneWigington Geoengineering Watch will start to release as of yet unseen footage from the filming of The Dimming, this is the first installment. No, and now it seems HAARP has been funded through 2015, the lies never end when the government is involved. is an ionospheric research program jointly funded by the U.S. Air Force, the U.S. Navy, the University of Alaska, and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). This effect can be detected in the ionosphere, , from less than a second to 10 minutes. It is important to remember that the visible horizon to horizon sprayed trails are only a part of the spraying operations. Those same places are going to go back to snow by Wednesday. Watch on HAARP Related Videos New videos coming soon. There are likely many agendas being carried out with "Matthew"(including providing a timely distraction from the US push toward WWlll), but as already stated, cyclones provide cooling and ocean mixing for our rapidly warming planet. In addition to "solar radiation management",there are so many more layers to the climate engineeringatmospheric aerosol spraying. The IRI transmits at frequencies between 2.7 and 10 MHz with a power of 3.6 megawatts. The delusion of the technological fix isunfortunately ingrained in the human psyche. DaneWigington Global climate engineering operations have been pushed and propagated on the premise of cooling the planet by saturating Earth's skies with sun blocking aerosols. HAARP is an ionospheric heater, so called because the excitation of electrons increases their temperature, and it is the most powerful ionospheric heater in the world. The 2+ minute video below tracks the path of Hurricane Florence while clearly revealing the network of radio frequency / microwave transmission facilities that were used to manipulate and steer this storm. The current NOAA departure from normal high temperature "forecast", DaneWigington Imagine the whole of academia pretending the ongoing geoengineering operations we see in our skiesare not really there. The current NOAA departure from normal high temperature "forecast" map is below. As the photograph below clearly shows, powerful radio frequency transmissions have a profound effect on clouds that have been aerosolized by the jet aircraft spraying of toxic electrically conductive heavy metals. Africa has eight major physical regions: the Sahara, the Sahel, the Ethiopian Highlands, the savanna, the . (Shutterstock) Nine of the 10 warmest years on record have been . Learn how to create your own. But the science behind the program is complex, and has given rise to numerous far-fetched theories. Radio frequency / microwave transmission installations have been and are a core component of the ongoing global climate engineering operations. On the current trajectory we face near term global extinction, this is a mathematical certainty. All official sources are blaming, DaneWigington Record wildfires continue to sweep the globe, incinerating what yet remains of Earths formerly vast thriving forests. The HAARP site is an ideal location for deploying synergistic instrumentation for studying radio and space physics. It is calculated that, DaneWigington Fish are dying, wildlife is dying, the entire web of life is dying, but willful denial of verifiable realities continues to thrive. We all have been told to believe that these two states, DaneWigington To what degree can the seismic forces of nature be manipulated? Though many populations around the globe are already rapidly sinking into a daily fight for survival, the majority of citizens in heavily industrialized nations still have a choice (for the moment). The ongoing battle to expose and halt the climate engineering insanity (by reaching a critical mass of awareness on the issue) is now rapidly gaining traction. The High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) is the world's most capable high-power, high frequency (HF) transmitter for study of the ionosphere. They write new content and verify and edit content received from contributors. HAARP again open for business. The geoengineers decide where precipitation will falland where it won't, where there will be record drought and where there will be record flooding. They will do everything possible to hide the true magnitude of damage done to the biosphere until the last possible moment. Mainstream Media, CBS Australia, Covers Climate Engineering, Climate Engineering Disinformation, How To Respond To The Source, Peat, The Worlds Largest Terrestrial Carbon Store, Ignites Into Unprecedented Arctic Firestorms, Fleeing Climate Change The Real Environmental Disaster DW Documentary, Ten Times More Wildfires In Russian Arctic Than A Decade Ago As Ice Melts And Gives Way To Flame, Rising Ocean Waters From Global Warming Could Cost Trillions Of Dollars, An Iceberg The Size Of Lower Manhattan Just Broke Off Greenland, A Grand Solar Minimum Would Barely Make A Dent In Human-Caused Global Warming, Biological Annihilation And The Sixth Mass Extinction, tells the weather to the American Meteorological Service (AMS), Geoengineering, Methane Eruptions, And Imploding Arctic Ice. political party. This effect can be detected in the ionosphere for short periods, from less than a second to 10 minutes. Generally, the more atmospheric moisture there is in a particular region, the more active the transmitters are in that region. Why would the climate engineers carry out such scenarios? Why? We all know joy. Again, the record heat / record cool weather whiplash scenarios (that has now become the norm in the US and the world) is completely engineered, completely unnatural, and until the recent past, meteorologically unprecedented. The main instrument is the Ionospheric Research Instrument (IRI), an array of 180 radio antennas spread over an area of 0.13 square kilometer (33 acres). Please complete this form to receive the HTML sharing code. Arctic ice mass (volume) has dropped precipitously in recent decades and is now at dangerously low levels. But it is not a technology of mass destruction and cant be used to control the weather. The consequences of the climate engineering insanity are already unquantifiable and growing by the day. This buys time for those in power as they prepare for total collapse. For further questions, please email or call 907-474-1100. Hurricane Matthew has gone through very anomalous phases where it almost appears to be a twin cyclone on radar images as the core was divided. Click on our guide for the steps you should follow. The power structure and mainstream mediacontinue to try and pretendgeoengineering/ weather warfare has not already been going on for over 70 years (with catastrophic consequences). Is there a technology of mass destruction called HAARP, which allows them to control the weather? The gravity, DaneWigington Ongoing investigations and document releases continue to expose the endless flow of lies and deception emanating from the US government. Many people do not yet understand that the HAARP facility in Alaska is only one of perhaps 24 or more large ground based ionosphere heater installations. Read More Climate Engineering And Microwaved Skies November 1, 2016 170 Comments Dane Wigington In response, HAARP scientists noted that the ionosphere is far above the troposphere and stratosphere where Earths weather actually happens, and, as for any other effects, HAARP scientists stated that the amount of energy the IRI deposits in the ionosphere is far below that supplied naturally by the Sun and that any effects from the IRI quickly dissipate. DaneWigington Yet more forest land is being incinerated by raging, unprecedented, and completely out of control wildfires in the US West. The climate engineers are now appear to be attempting to use the very same intervention methods which caused the damage in the first place, to mitigate the harm alreadydone. These two photos (above and below) reveal extraordinary and completely unnatural variances of cloud canopy composition. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard. The site near Gakona was chosen because it was an area of flat ground that was in the North Polar region where auroras occur. Investigate and you will find the facts. Because the largest military in the world (the US military) is at the head of massive climate intervention programs that are nothing short of weather warfare. Every aspect of our weather is being altered and manipulated by geoengineering programs, including hurricanes / cyclones. What agendas and objectives might Hurricane Nicole have, DaneWigington Was the course and strength of Hurricane Ian just a random act of nature? Researchers then analyse how radio waves interact with electrons in the ionosphere, allowing them to study natural phenomena like the aurora borealis or northern lights.

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