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how many ww2 bomber crews completed 25 missions

Its just a lot of booze gone to waste. Its basically like doing regular day-to-day tasks with your hands you need both. How many B17 crews actually managed to complete 25 missions during WW2? Your chances of completing all 25 missions, at least unscathed, were slim to none. , Retired university lecturer in German. The bomber crews were an elite group of warriors who were a microcosm of America white America, anyway. Hot Stuff later crashed in Iceland under the command of Captain Robert Shannon in May of the same year. The swastika marks a German aircraft destroyed, while the parachuter indicates Parker had to jump. On May 13, 1943, the 303rd BG B-17F Hell's Angels became the first heavy bomber to complete 25 combat missions over Europe, four days before the Memphis Belle's crew. My Dad flew 25 missions in a B-24 and B-29 with the 8th AF /466th bomb group. She and her crew were promptly sent home to the United States to join the War Bond selling tours. The crew of Hot Stuff didnt land at their scheduled stop on their way to Iceland, which if they had of stopped they would have found out about the incoming bad weather conditions, and may have waited until it passed and was safe to fly. Im hoping you can help. William Waldock is a professor at ERAU and he says that Hot Stuff flew her final and 25 th mission in February of 1943, which was over three months earlier than the Memphis Belle completed her 25 missions. 2 What happened to the real crew of the Memphis Belle? He said it was all politics. When Hollywood director William Wyler was doing a documentary for the U.S. government on the first Allied bomber crew to complete a 25-mission "tour" over Europe, he took some liberties. Upon impact, the aircraft disintegrated except for the tail gunners turret which remained relatively intact and 14 of the 15 aboard died except the tail-gunner who, though injured, survived the crash.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'warbirdsnews_com-box-4','ezslot_1',112,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-warbirdsnews_com-box-4-0'); Hot Stuff and her crew were soon forgotten. His discharge also stated he was to pay child support to one woman in England and one in France. Your email address will not be published. Heavy Losses Led to the Abandonment of Unescorted Bomber Raids Deep Into the Third Reich. Setting aside all the caveats for the moment, the research performed and documentation provided by Jim Lux seems to conclusively show that the 93rd Bombardment Group, 330th Bombardment Squadrons B-24 Liberator Hot Stuff and her crew flew their 25th mission on February 7, 1943 dropping bombs on Naples, Italy, and went on to fly five additional missions thereafter, before Hot Stuff and her crew were recalled to the United States, where they were scheduled to go on a War Bonds Tour, a home front publicity junket, where combat aircraft and crews of significant accomplishment were sometimes pulled from frontline service and flown back to the United States to serve as the stirring personification of the heroism of Americas military, helping move the paper and boosting public morale. How do people travel around the world with no job? , studied Self-Teaching & Curiosity at Lake Howell High (2016). It was an airplane named Hells Angels. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. She refused to pay for the oil change of the car I bought. Army Air Force planners decided that a tour of duty for bombers was to be 25 missions. Hollywood feature Film Entitled the "Memphis Belle" As a 24 yr old Capt and pilot,he said when you dropped all your bombs,you headed back or did splash missions with the P-51s. Memphis Belle is a well-known World War Two bomber, which was made famous by the Hollywood movie of the same name back in 1990. Andrews, an experienced, instrument-rated pilot, bumped the normal co-pilot off the plane and flew in his place. By . I am trying to find information on which B-24 crew he was a member of but I am not having much luck. how many ww2 bomber crews completed 25 missions. More than 50,000 Airmen lost their lives in the four years of WWII and the majority of those losses were on bomber missions over Nazi Germany in B-17s and B-24s. Further, this isnt really obvious if you take a cursory look at 8th AF operations, but the B-24 groups didnt start large scale operations until after the P-51B was available. How many B17 crews actually managed to complete 25 missions during WW2? For the survivors, there wasn't much time for contemplation of those lost. Martin Caidin wrote the definitive book on the plight of the bomber crews in Black Thursday, which chronicled in great detail the 2nd Schweinfurt bombing raid of October 14, 1943, where 60 bombers and their crews were lost. I am returning to your web site for more soon. What will happen to my Steam games when I die? More than 8,000 men were killed in training accidents or other non-operational flying during the Second . What Was Found At The Top Of The Grand Canyon. Second Lieutenant Charlie Brown flying a B-17F Flying Fortress was crippled and badly injured but Luftwaffe fighter pilot Lt. Franz Stigler spared him. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". However, after WWII and the lessons of the early years filtered in, the need for well trained aerial gunners became apparent, so the first specialized aerial gunnery school was opened in Las Vegas in mid 1941. Memphis Belle was the first B-17 to complete 25 missions and return to the United States. My dad, Charles R. Toner, was a B-17 pilot who completed his 35 missions in 1944. So on July 5, 1945 the 8th AF landed on Guam . how many ww2 bomber crews completed 25 missions. Beautiful Swiss German Words, That in mind, wed like to try set the record straight, though the waters in this case are especially muddy. Following his wife's death in an air crash while returning from a war bonds tour, a devastated Gable decided to enlist. So dangerous was flying heavy bomber combat missions, the USAAF had a policy that when an aircrew wrapped up 25 missions, it was deemed to have completed their tour of duty. The War Department would then bring the bomber and its crew home to conduct nationwide promotional tours to sell war bonds to help fund the war effort. (Photo is a jubilant Memphis Belle crew following their 25-mission). 8 How many B-17s were in the Pacific in 1942? WAS TOO YOUNG FOR THE BIG ONE, HOWEVER I MADE IT TO KOREA AND VIET NAM BEFORE RETIRING IN 1969. A total of 350,000 men served in the Mighty Eighth during World War II. IX bomber completed 213 missions but this aircraft was destroyed in a crash at Calgary Airport in Canada, two days after V-E Day, see . Robert A. Lewis. Your email address will not be published. However, it is generally agreed that between 50 and 70 Lancaster bombers were lost in World War 2. They only found out later. The Memphis Belle was supposed to be the first B-17 bomber to fly 25 bombing missions and return back to base safely each time. Does anyone know if the 330th Squadron of the 93rd Bomb Group has such a diary? Many considered the occupation to be a death sentence. Juni 2022. Overcoming the odds, the B-17F Memphis Belle became the first U.S. Army Air Forces heavy bomber to return to the United States after completing 25 missions in Europe, and was selected by the Army Air Forces to be the symbol of the heavy bomber crews and support personnel who helped win the war against Nazi Germany. Why? He said he didn't know of very many pilots who q. However, others stayed behind to complete 30 missions to avoid having to return from the states for a second tour of duty. B-17 Sally B was used in the movie Memphis Belle to look like the Famous B-17 and was usedfor scenes requiring pyrotechnics such as smoke and sparks indicating machine gun hits Via. 1 What was the first b17 to complete 25 missions? So much so that the odds of a B-17 crewman surviving the 25 missions required to complete a tour were only one in four.. Until the 1944 introduction of the P-51 . The first to complete 25 combat missions was the crew of B-24 Liberator named Hot Stuff dropping bombs on Naples, Italy on February 7, 1943 three-and-a-half months before Memphis Belle flew her 25th mission. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Is there Delhi quota in Lady Hardinge Medical College? World War II - Bombers; World War II - Pursuit . One reason it survived was the tail gunner had six confirmed kills and several more unconfirmed. Identified as B-26B-25 MA Bureau No. The aircraft was returned to the states on January 20, 1944, for its own publicity tour. The crewmen of the B-29 bomber Enola Gay was separated from other military groups and were trained (for the deployment of atomic bombs) in secret. 25 It flew in both the ETO and North Africa. Of the 15 aboard, 14 died. Discovering the historical discrepancy in 1999 through a friend and fellow Commemorative Air Force member, USAF Major Robert T. Jake Jacobson, who was one of the bumped crew members that fateful night, Jim Lux began seeking to correct what he sees as an injustice perpetrated by history and is working on not only getting Hot Stuff and her crew their place in the history books, but is also working to have a monument erected near the site of the crash, enlisting the US Ambassador to Iceland, Luis E. Arreaga as a liaison to the Republic of Iceland and has gained the support of a growing number of other Air Force retirees who after seeing the documentation, agree that the crew of Hot Stuff is getting short shrift. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. WHAT A GOOD FLYING, FORGIVING AIRCRAFT WITH PLENTY OF POWER WITH 4 R-4360 PRATT WHITNEY ENGINES.PLENTY OF FLYING EUROPE FROM HOT WEATHER IN SOUTHERN ITALY TO THE COLD OF ABOVE THE ARCTIC CIRCLE. Four members of the original crew died in combat as the plane was hit by cannon and machine-gun fire. Or even 16 aircraft, which would be 28 percent of the Air Force's current fleet of 58 B-52Hs. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The Air Force changed the 'pursuit' designation to 'fighter' after WW2 which is one reason you may have noticed P-51s being referred to as F-51s in . , Son of a US Military Historian, wargamer and professional strategist; US Army In How does a person bring a narcissist to their knees? Hells Angels was the first B-17/crew to complete 25 missions on May 13, 1943. Their 26th mission was to fly back to the United States for a heroes welcome, Bond Tours, etc.. 578th crew chief T/Sgt Lowell D. Hale paints bombs showing missions completed on #42-7624, Flying 8 Ball. How accurate was the movie Memphis Belle? Waldock also discovered that Lieutenant General Andrews was a VIP getting a return flight back to the US along with his close aides and staff, who took the place of the bombers original crew. The aircraft was one of the first B-17 United States Army Air Corps heavy bombers to complete 25 combat missions with her crew intact . Copyright 2017 - Warbirds News. The Consolidated B-24 Liberator is one of America's most prolific heavy bombers of WWII and the backbone of allied strategic bombing missions before the introduction of B-17 and B-29 WW2 bombers. Cisco Job Application Status Under Review, Many considered the occupation to be a death sentence. IT was their 24th, right? The B-25 was designed by North American Aviation, Inc., in response to a prewar requirement and was first flown in 1940. Now just imagine 60 B-52 bombers shot down in one day. I have more rights to her daughter than her husband anyways. 329th and 330th squadrons were under Ted Timberlake. Told you he was a wild man. The most authoritative source would seem to be the combat mission reports of the 322nd Bombardment Group (BG), Flak-Bait 's parent organization during its 21 months of combat operations. Col. James H. Doolittle led 16 B-25 bombers from the U.S. Navy aircraft carrier Hornet in a spectacular surprise attack that caused little damage but boosted Allied morale. The second bomber to have completed 25 missions is said to have been the Hell's Angels, but it wasn't widely promoted since its name wasn't aesthetically pleasing to the War Department. Activated on 1 Mar 1942. He flew 28 missions over Italy and Germany before his 20th birthday, and flew 48 missions by the time the war was over. Flak-Bait 's crew poses with the bomber after its 200th mission on April 17, 1945. How do you identify neurotypical disorders? You had to have gloves on, or else your hands would stick to just about anything metal. I have the Bombardier Bob Abbs flight log book.straight from his widows hand to mine twenty years agountouchedunmolestedand he recorded it in ink in his own hand. Did the Battle of Britain cripple the Luftwaffe? The 91st Bombardment Group, 324th Bombardment Squadrons B-17F Flying Fortress Memphis Belles crew flew their 25th combat mission on May 17, 1943, against the naval yard at Lorient, France. "Hi. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. At the end of their tour, the crew of Hells Angels signed on for a second tour and continued to fly, going on to fly 48 missions, without ever turning back from their assigned target. Now an academic from EmbryRiddle Aeronautical University (ERAU) in Daytona, Florida has revealed that it was the B-24 named Hot Stuff that was the first bomber to make 25 missions and return home, not the Memphis Belle. 31. Now an academic from EmbryRiddle Aeronautical University (ERAU) in Daytona, Florida has revealedthat it was the B-24 named Hot Stuff that was the first bomber to make 25 missions and return home, not the Memphis Belle. Famous American artists, including Norman Rockwell, created a series of illustrations that became the centerpiece of war bond advertising. The B-17 Hells Angels (41-24577) of the 303rd Bomb Group completed 25 combat missions on 13 May 1943, becoming the first to complete the feat, one week before the Memphis Belle. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. Damage to the "waist-gunner" area of the bomber accounted 21.6 percent of all the hits the plane took. The Germans really dialed in shooting bombers out of the sky with their sophisticated FLAK systems and method. The man at the back of the trailer is attaching the tail fin, which is secured by a ring collar screwed onto the threads on the bomb itself. 6 How many missions would it take to complete a WWII bomber mission? After the war the famous Andrews Air Force Base was named in his honor. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. What is the song 'Norwegian Wood' really about? completed her 25th mission on May 1,1943. sorry what we call pussy, they call lunch.. (LOL). So why did the U.S. Army Air Force promote the Memphis Belle as the first heavy bomber to fly 25 combat missions? According to my dad (deceased January 1, 1991 in an automobile accident), they would occasionally fly to Cuba, sell or trade whatever equipment they could, buy as much alcohol as they could and fly that back to Italy. He completed his initial training when he was 17, and was called up to active duty before he graduated from high school. Those who flew the Memphis Belle did seem to have particularly good luck though as none of her crew died or was significantly injured on her missions, despite being routinely riddled with bullets and damaged by flak, reportedly going through 9 engines, both wings, two tails, and both main landing gear assemblies over the course of her seven month combat career. I have some 7500 hours at the controls, never for an instant not valuing the knowledge and expertise in that sideways sitting position, behind me. For those members of the RAAF serving in RAF Bomber Command, more than one in three were killed; amounting to 20 per cent of all Australians combat losses in the Second World War. Many surviving examples are painted to represent actual planes that flew in combat. post. B-17F Hell's Angels, tail number 41-24577 and crew. The B-17 and B-24 were both great airplanes. I was able to find a B-24 named Red Headed Woman Liberator #645 (44-41645) that was part of that exact group and the time frame is correct, but I cannot find anything definitive. . Aero Trader performed. The Germans really dialed in shooting bombers out of the sky with their sophisticated FLAK systems and method. Today, 46 planes survive in complete form, 10 of which are airworthy, and 39 of which reside in the United States. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Those uncertainties aside, on May 19, the Memphis Belle flew its 25th combat mission on a strike against Kiel, Germany, though manned by a different crew. He had to get a waiver to receive his diploma in absence. However, others stayed behind to complete 30 missions to avoid having to return from the states for a second tour of duty. This email was sent by Quora (650 Castro Street #450, Mountain View, CA 94041). She and her crew were promptly sent home to the United States to join the War Bond selling tours. He was also involved in one of the Ploesti fields mission. Although Hanson and the rest of the crew survived unscathed to become early war heroes, they had several close calls. And during World War II, theres no shortage of incredible stories and interesting facts involving the aircraft and itscrew members. #14: The tradition of wearing the silk scarf started from pilots in World War I but its more than just for fashion purposes. In October 1943, 20-year-old SSgt. my friend Russell Erickson piloted 33 mission in the b24 L The first heavy bomber to complete 25 combat missions in the European Theater, May 13th, 1942. Attacking German cities In 1942 in an attempt to break German morale the RAF began attacking German towns and cities in earnest. If I recall correctly (at least in the 330th) the 25 mission count only included completed primary target missions. After flying 48 combat missions, it returned to the US for a war bond tour, but not until 1944. How often did bomber crews fly in ww2? He had to get a waiver to receive his diploma in absence. Sept. 1, 1998. The plane flew into zero visibility and it has been reported that the bombers radio was broken. To put this into sobering perspective - the 8th Air Force in Europe lost more men than the entire US Marine Corps did in World War Two - both horrible thoughts to consider. But Mighty Eighth War Diary shows no raid on 2/7/43. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. So that would be 17,280 airmen on such a mission, and they never managed any 1700 plane raids. (more) The crews were men from the United Kingdom, other Commonwealth countries, and occupied Europe, especially Poland, France, Czechoslovakia and Norway, as well as other foreign volunteers. Eyewitnesses and early documents tell a different story: Hot Stuff was the first B-24 crew and the first heavy bomber to complete 25 combat missions on February 7, 1943. What happened to the real crew of the Memphis Belle? completed a remarkable 201 combat missions, a feat that made it the highest mission scorer of any Allied medium or heavy bomber. It has since been renamed Joint Base Andrews. Miraculously the injured tail-gunner, Sgt. According to Warbird News, our government was anxious to report uplifting and inspiring stories of the war that would capture the American publics imagination. Example: Ploest was single credit. What movie plot hole bothers you the most? The successes of Bomber Command were purchased at terrible cost. It is mentioned that the units flying out of Africa and Italy had no such standard mission tour cap . 1-5 of 281. The 25-mission milestone becomes harder to pin down when considering changing crew members due to rotation, death, injury, illness, leave and equipment failures leading to spare planes pressed into service, errant wartime record-keeping, etc. Are any of the crew of the Memphis Belle still alive? A great resource for some of the 8th AF B-24 groups is TEDS TRAVELLING CIRCUS available at Amazon and elsewhere. Which b17 bomber completed the most combat missions? How do software engineers solve problems? 25 missions On May 17, 1943, the crew of the Memphis Belle, one of a group of American bombers based in Britain, becomes the first B-17 crew to complete 25 missions over Europe and return to the United States. Pilots need to take flash photographs after dropping the bombs otherwise, it might not be included in the required number of missions for a single tour. However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. #12: The co-pilot is tasked with contacting other crew members every 15 minutes once they enter enemy territory. Although crew members were required to fly a minimum of 25 combat missions before returning to the United States, some were called back to duty for another 25. More than 50,000 Airmen lost their lives in the four years of WWII and the majority of those losses were on bomber missions over Nazi Germany in B-17s and B-24s. My fathers had an additional 3 missions typed into the margin. In February 1943, the 93rd BG B-24 Hot Stuff became the first Eighth Air Force heavy bomber to complete 25 combat missions. Hot Stuff was in the 8th Air Force 2nd Air Division, 93rd Bombardment Group, 330th Bomb Squadron. THE GREATEST GENERATION OF AMERICANS!!! These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. I also have an anecdote, but Im not sure which bomber group he was in. I asked my 16 year old son what music he was liste Did the British ever fight Japanese soldiers durin What does Professor Oak do with the third Pokemon? How many Lancaster bombers lost in ww2? This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The B-17 Hell's Angels became the first to complete the feat one week before the Memphis Belle. Hells Angels completed its 25th mission on May 13, 1943 and the Memphis Belle on May 19, 1943. Lieutenant General Andrews is remembered however, Joint Base Andrews in Maryland is named in his honor. Read the complete story. So whatever Hot Stuff was doing it wasnt going on raids conducted by 8th BC. I was completely unaware that Hot Stuff had beaten Hells Angels and Memphis Belle to the 25 mission mark. He got a certificate for The Lucky Bastards Club for flying at least 30 missions and includes a list of all his missions. The crews were men from the United Kingdom, other Commonwealth countries, and occupied Europe, especially Poland, France, Czechoslovakia and Norway, as well as other foreign volunteers. Upon impact, the aircraft disintegrated except for the tail gunners turret, which remained relatively intact. They did get in a few 1000 . Aircraft commander. How many B17 crews actually managed to complete 25 missions during WW2? Jewish Organizations To Donate Furniture, This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Ellen: There was no time to waste. Can I increase my SIP amount in mutual funds Zerodha? In fact, it is believed that Memphis Belle was the third to complete 25 successful missions. WAS ALWAYS INTERESTED IN FLYING AND THE GREAT MACHINES.SO MUCH SO THAT I ENLISTED IN AIRFORCE AT 18 AND 1/2 YEARS OF AGE.FORTUNATELY WAS ABLE TO GO TO 3 TECH SCHOOLS PLUS FLIGHT ENGINEERING SCHOOL.JUST MISSED FLYING STATUS IN KOREA AS I WAS CLEARED FOR FLIGHT IN KOREA JUST AFTER I MADE THE LIST FOR ROTATION BACK TO US IN 3 MONTHSI BELEIVED IN LONGEVITY SO DEEPLY THAT I QUICKLY CHANGED OUR MINDS ABOUT FLYING STATUS IN THE WAR ZONE. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. I told him he was telling lies. Average age of air crew member is 19 or 20 years old. Robert Hanson, the last surviving member of the storied Memphis Belle B-17 bomber crew, which was the first to fly 25 bombing missions in Europe during World War II, has died. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. Behind every successful air mission are two things: powerful war birds and skilled crewmen. Vintage Aviation News is a company founded by a group of passionate aviation enthusiasts who love the history and technology Aviation and Flying Museums preserve for the public. Also aboard were Andrews staff and four clergymen. The limit was based on other factors, like degree of difficulty and the places they were operating from. They knew what they needed to know to successfully perform their duties but other than that, they had limited information. 25 missions On May 17, 1943, the crew of the Memphis Belle, one of a group of American bombers based in Britain, becomes the first B-17 crew to complete 25 missions over Europe and return to the United States. Only one out of the 15 man crew survived. The current total of surviving B-17 bombers located in the United States stands at 40: Nine (9) B-17 planes are airworthy, such as Texas Raiders, Sentimental Journey and Aluminum Overcast. Kneeling, ducking, trying to shoot down the bad guyscouldnt feel that comfortable! Before reaching that mark, 57 percent of them would be dead or missing. The Memphis Belle was one of the first heavy bombers to complete 25 combat missions with no crew fatalities. Almost one in five Australian airmen to serve in Britain did not survive the war. THEN TO JAPAN WHERE WE SUPPLIED ALL THE FAR EAST WITH CARGO GOING AS FAR EAST AS BANGKOK THAILAND, IN COUNTRY NAM, PHILLLIPINES, KOREA AND OTHER POINTS THERE IN. What happened to the bomber crews in World War II? It was sent to North Africa to support the 12th Air Force after its 10th mission in the ETO and returned to Hardwick, England in February 1943 after completing its 27th mission. My brother and I were having a disagreement over how many missions bomber crews had to fly (was this figured by individual? Americans, for better or worse are conditioned to respond to a happy ending, especially when it goes against all probability. Any help or direction would be greatly appreciated. I have amended the B-24s loss on the Wikipedia article List of accidents and incidents involving military aircraft (194044) to reflect this. We would love to see some images from that log book if you feel comfortable scanning and sending them along! We were having some drinks and I was listening to some of his war stories when he told me he had flown 137 missions. Martin Maryland. B-17F Hell's Angels, tail number 41-24577 and crew. #13: Bomber crewmen werent trained to jump out of airplanes with parachute. Parker's jacket, was the name of a B-17G bomber of the 568th Bomb Squadron. One of my relatives was in the 330th, Captain Hugh R. Roper, He piloted B-24D Exterminator, 41-23717. So you see, whether youre the pilot or tail gunner, surviving never meant being comfortable while at it. I have no idea). I live by HAFB museum and visit every Memorial Day. It does not store any personal data. 2LT Richard McNamara. Your email address will not be published. This one is easy! 07 June 1944 Crews - 9 Crewmen One of the two Waist Gunners removed from crews. In fact, it is believed that Memphis Belle was the third to complete 25 successful missions. This was almost a suicide mission to say the least. Double credit missions were more about long/latitude vs how hazardous the target was. I was told that 25 missions was the max and they never told you when your next mission was for worry that word would leak out. The Memphis Belle is a World War II-era bomber that completed 24 combat missions on 15 May 1943. Bomber crews needed to complete 25 missions before they were allowed to go home but that number was almost statistically impossible in Europe. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. What does the B stand for in B-17 and B-24 and the P in P-38 stand for? Just imagine how hard it is to complete tasks in uncomfortable clothing from the mask to the boots. And, although air and ground crews rarely mingled, there was a special bond between crew chief and pilot. These records show that Flak-Bait was assigned to fly on 216 missions. The 314th BW needed replacement crews and the 8th AF crews were to absorb experience, which they could later pass on to their fellow crews. Trained for combat with B-17's. Moved to England, Aug-Sep 1942, and assigned to Eighth AF Eighth Air Force in September 1942 Station . WWII POW Stalag Luft Camps in Germany Perhaps this only applies to the European theater of the war. Andrews and his entourage hitched a ride on Hot Stuff, and in doing so bumped five crew members from the flight. So, the answer is YES, if anyone ever asks you if the might 8th AF ever bombed Japan. According to decades of World War II aviation history, the crew of the " Memphis Belle " became the first B-17F Flying Fortress crew to complete 25 missions following a strike against Kiel, Germany. This website is about the 50 combat missions my father, Donald Wise, flew in 1944 in the B-17 bomber "PIG CHASER". Billy Burke Evangelist Wife, The Memphis Belle was not the first B17 to complete 25 missions. A dear friend of mine was the navigator/turret gunner of the lead plane on the 2nd successful Pelosti mission and I saw the commendation for that and for the 50 missions that B24 crew made.. On the night of 13/14 February 1945, 796 Lancasters took part in a. Poem About Jesus Death And Resurrection, Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features.

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