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how tall is kokichi ouma

This is possibly intentional from his part, as Tenko is very quick to violence and has threatened him multiple times, which is something Kokichi often wishes to avoid. Apparently, his pants are made to look like a piece of punk fashion with bondage pelts, but they are actually just fake belts sewed to thicker part of the thighs. He also invites him to a tea party and suggests Shuichi could join his organization, so he doesn't have to die. One of the places that became unlocked was the eerie fourth floor. The next morning, Kokichi brought up the yesterday's argument, now acting saddened and asking if Kaede was okay and complaining how mean the others were towards the "poor girl". Kokichi's goal is to end the Killing Game at any cost, unlike Byakuya, who was largely driven by self interest; and Nagito, who only sought to . Kokichi is a young man with an innocent look and a rather refined face. In the last event, Kokichi cuts his hand by accident by playing the Knife Game, causing Shuichi to take care of the cut, clearly worried. Deceased More or less jokingly, he proclaimed that the rest of the students should have a war against the student council. Everyone sits down in their chairs, connects their headset to the computer, making sure to listen to Miu's instructions, and logs in. The character was made to be a liar to add to the story's main theme of truth and lies. She was quick to defend him, but Kokichi would continue to push constantly and ended up being one of the main students who believed that Shuichi had committed the crime. After revealing himself, Kaito also confessed that he had to ad-lib quite a bit. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . This motive baffled the students, Kokichi included. Accidental Pervert: In Chapter 1, it's implied he accidentally got a peek up Kaede's skirt when she was up a ladder in the library. 11.3K 550 8. ", "I'm more nervous around friends who share too much than strangers, really. During an event in the bonus mode, Kokichi claims that he truly respects police officers, who fight the bad guys yet get blamed by the public. During the investigation, Kokichi tells the others about the situation and how strange it was, with him appearing visibly disappointed. To further his own ends, Kokichi kept this truth hidden but continued plotting. Maki would supposedly try to kill Kokichi but was stopped by everyone else being there. He revealed everything to them, that the world was in ruins, and that they were secretly on a giant spaceship that acted as an ark for the last sixteen survivors of humanity, or rather last "seven" survivors of humanity. Birth Date Ah-hahahahahaha! He sometimes harshly calls out other characters and brings up their major issues, but also appears to push them forward and improve. He's created a persona that warns players he's untrustworthy right away. "Yup, of course. He has also implied that his main goal is to, of course, take over the world or just watch it burn. English Kokichi enjoys teasing K1-B0 due to K1-B0 being oblivious and a robot, thus making him an easy target. In chapter 2, Kokichi witnessed Miu wandering around in the dark, walking around in her underwear in the courtyard as a tactic to escape Gonta. He has multi-colored buttons running down the middle of his shirt, with a few usually hidden under his scarf, and he has military badges on his right. Later in Chapter 5, Kokichi gives his life as a part of his plan to defeat the mastermind. As a result, Shuichi ended up taking K1-B0's place, and he and Kokichi were in charge of lighting and extinguishing the candles. High school student (formerly). The next night, Miu gathered everyone in the computer room on the fourth floor of the academy, lying to them all about a way to escape the killing game. Furthermore, Tenko isn't very smart, which is a trait Kokichi isn't very interested in if he doesn't find it useful. Kokichi Ouma was a mystery; one that Tenko was determined to solve. Kokichi was baffled with the Ultimate Astronaut being so willing to believe in people based on nothing more than a "hunch", especially considering that everyone's lives were on the line. It contains various sprites, ripped from the game (s) in which the character appears. However, this ability is not supernatural, meaning that he can sometimes be spotted by other people. Two days after the motive is presented, Shuichi, Maki, and Tenko, try to reason with Angie one last time after failing the prior night. He then called Maki out as that liar, essentially claiming that she had been lying to everyone about her true identity this entire time. Kokichi later claims he doesn't want Rantaro to come back to life, because he'd rather have Shuichi's wish to have Kaede come back true, to make Shuichi happy. Despite Kokichi being the one who created the plan, he is not considered the culprit of the murder as he did not directly kill anyone. He frequently reminds the other students that the game is about suspecting others and that you cannot fully trust other people, especially in such situation, causing him to clash with Kaito's opposite way of thinking. As Kirumi prepared breakfast for everyone, Kokichi and Gonta both asked her to be their mom. Kokichi's claims of being the mastermind and then him kidnapping Kaito further worsened Maki's hatred for him, to the point where Shuichi commented that he could "feel" her murderous intent. During the bonus mode Love Across the Universe, Shuichi realizes that he cannot change Kokichi's lying which is a significant part of him and instead should try to understand him and his lies. I was just thinking about playing dodgeball with you. . I don't wanna die either, y'know! I've decided! Kokichi Oma was a normal talentless high school boy who participated in the 53rd Season of Danganronpa, a famous worldwide reality show made by Team Danganronpa. He has also more than once mentioned that he is "constantly thinking about" Shuichi, and claims that he is his favorite whom he loves the most. Is something wrong with your heads?! However, even though Kaito was roped into helping with Kokichi's plan, he later reveals that he was actually convinced when its purpose was to ruin the killing game, and admitted that he found the idea pretty awesome, and willingly went through with the plan to end the killing game with Kokichi. Kirumi Toujo - 84cm. This made Gonta panic and so he tossed the toilet paper somewhere nearby. Romaji Upon discovering her true talent as the Ultimate Assassin, Kokichi threatens to reveal her secret, causing Maki to literally attempt to strangle him in front of the other students. However, Kokichi pointed out to Gonta that she still truly attemped to murder him and her motives were just a poor excuse. The Monokuma Kubs were incredibly saddened at the sudden demise of their father, stating that he had no spare and that he was one of a kind. Much later, it's seen that Kokichi has the life-like statue of Rantaro made by Angie hanging upside down next to his bed, as a part of the evidence pieces he has hoarded. He only dodged her questions and much to his annoyance, she then started to lecture him about his general behavior and relationships. However, he has also described himself as a "pretty dickish dictator", claiming that is why his minions probably wouldn't want to save him from the killing game. Seeming to feel genuinely bad, Kokichi said he should be punished too, but Gonta disagreed and just told him to promise him that everyone will forgive each other and be friends. He can still lie, though through gestures rather than words. In the original Japanese release, Kokichi refers to everyone, including boys, with the suffix "-chan", although it is actually a tender suffix used for soft characters which are often female. He appears disgusted as he explains how much he hates the creator and the viewers of the killing game, who enjoy toying around with people's lives. In the end, he was given a uniform as white as possible that would be contrasted by the colors of his hair and scarf. Finally having enough with this absurdity, K1-B0 used his recording function in order to convince Gonta that Kokichi had tricked him so that this absurdity would end. Later during their second Free Time Event, after noticing how Kaede had fallen for many of his lies so far, he warned her that she'll be the first one to die if she continued to be such an easy mark. During the bonus mode Love Across the Universe's graduation event, his only dialogue is him crying about how much he loves everyone and is so glad that he met them. They believed that the meteorites were a punishment humanity brought upon itself, and having heard of The Gofer Project, tried to stop it. Kokichi then mutters to himself about being rejected by Shuichi, but he says he won't give up that easily. Also, both of their designs appear to be capes. There, Kaito and the others who didnt assist in the ritual discovered Tenkos corpse lying in the center of the now-ruined magic circle. Height Kaito doesn't seem to have this sort of appreciation for Kokichi, only finding his views extremely frustrating and always refusing to believe Kokichi's words despite his claims of believing in everyone, as he believes that Kokichi is never going to change his ways. During the trials, he often does not reveal Shuichi's lies even though he notices them. Nevertheless, Kokichi bids Gonta his farewell, claiming he isn't a gentleman like Gonta. However, his attitude changed very quickly, making it hard to tell which one of his reactions was truthful. Kokichi is pleased by this and tells Shuichi he won, confusing the detective who answers that he hasn't even played yet. Later, it is revealed that his organization is actually just a small group of pranksters who commit mild crimes for laughs and they are indeed strongly against killing, implying that Kokichi was honest during his last moments and possibly explaining his strong dislike for Maki's Ultimate talent. Appearance Kaito is a tall, young boy with gel-spiked purple hair that's grown out both at the top and bottom of his head, that Kodaka describes as a space jet coming out of a black hole and a short . She even put herself at odds with Shuichi, discouraging and insulting him during the trial despite him being one of her closest friends at the academy. ", "Trick the entire world, and it will become the truth. Kokichi became perplexed when Monodam ate the key, claiming that it was for everyone to "get along", but Angie said that it was fine since she only ever needed to lock her lab from inside. Kokichi claimed that he was faking his own tears and mocked Gonta post-mortem, calling him an idiot and saying that he died a meaningless death along with Miu. This caused Himiko to recall Tenko's last words to her, about how crying, laughing, and venting your anger out makes you feel better than bottling it all up, and she finally cries until she falls asleep. Kokichi cried and shouted that her words of encouragement weren't inspiring them, but strong-arming them. After the Chapter 3 trial, Kokichi brought up the subject again and prompted Himiko to cry by bluntly calling her out for lying to herself by running away from her own emotions and bottling up her true feelings. I don't like violence. You will find out here. Kaito once again became outraged with Kokichi and attempted to punch him yet again. Kokichi listened to her words seriously and later appeared to feel genuinely bad for her when he told the others about the conversation. Understand? It wouldn't be funny if you died, "I know I started this whole thing, but I'm bored nowso, sorry about that, guys. He appears to have little trust in anyone or anything, refusing to tell anything about himself besides his questionable supreme leader claims and generally questioning the truthfulness of different situations. Once everyone used the Flashback Light on themselves, they remembered the meteorites that impacted the Earth and that it was described as being very similar to the meteor impact that wiped out the dinosaurs millions of years ago. Gonta, feeling responsible, apologized thinking that it was his fault that everyone was so upset. Kaito asked Kokichi what had gotten into him, stating that the way he was acting now was a whole different level of weird. In his promotional art, he is shown with a dark flowing cloak and a leather peaked hat with a gold badge on top of it, giving him a more malicious look. ", "Hey, do robots have dicks? Kokichi was the one who carried the cage along with Shuichi, remarking on its weight, before placing it down atop the crouching Tenko. Notably, after Kokichi's death and hearing his last words from Kaito, K1-B0 is the one who seems to believe that his dying words may have been the honest truth and not a lie. Celouma the ship between Kokichi and . As shuichi saihara kinnie im done with the kokichi ouma. However, they do consider him suspicious for possessing such a title. Talent Kaito then murdered Kokichi, according to their plan, seemingly to protect Maki and because of blackmail. he is in a relationship with shuichi saihara, another protagonist of part v3, and is arguably the most important character in the entire series, along with shuichi saihara; Kokichi Ouma (Saiouma) a good boi Sex evil Species saiouma shippers Nationality danganronpa He has purple eyes and moderately long, wavy blackish purple hair, with the tips dyed a brighter purple. When asked what he was doing during Rantaro's murder, Kokichi jokingly replied that he was in the library smashing his head in, much to Kaede's irritation. Kokichi went along with whatever everyone decided, but secretly had ulterior motives and as a result, lied to Gonta about a promise they had made and met alone. HEIGHT. "Yeeeeah, I guess. Oumie is much like the original kokichi ouma with a few creative liberties taken. In reality, he loathed the idea of the killing game, especially one that was being put on for other people's pleasure, and he secretly vowed to end it by any means necessary. when Shuichi reminds him that Kirumi isn't his real mom. Before he could, Kokichi was stopped by Kirumi who seemed to almost defensively interrogate the Ultimate Supreme Leader, asking him just what he was doing. This shocked and angered the other participants greatly, claiming that there's no way someone like Gonta would commit murder let alone listen to Kokichi after what happened with the Insect Meet and Greet. Upon watching the video, it is revealed that Kokichi's supposed "evil secret society" was nothing more than a group of ten pranksters known as D.I.C.E. There are no depths I won't sink to. Contents 1 History 1.1 Early Life 1.1.1 The Gofer Project The remaining participants demanded that Kokichi explain the secret of the outside world if Gonta actually meant anything to him, but he refused. 's, corpse. Apparently, he wishes to hide his playful heart and true fashion sense in a place no one can see.[5]. "Nee-heehee You love to believe, don't you, "It's justI hate lies so much that I tend to suspect others a lot. Kokichi often tries to ask other people to join his organization, claiming it would have multiple benefits such as having all the food, sleep and sex you can wish for. Because, "The intensity of all the Ultimates' competitive natures lead to bloodshed! He similarly calls Himiko ugly during the Prologue, when Miu tells the Monokubs to kill the ugly ones first, and Kokichi then cheerfully tells Himiko to run. During Chapter 3's trial, Kokichi bluntly called Himiko out for being a hypocrite for being saddened over Tenko's murder, despite her cold attitude toward the girl beforehand. Kokichi said that that was meaningless and that he shouldn't do that, mainly because the killing game wouldn't end even if he did. He then claims he never had an intention to actually kill him. According to Gonta, he then foamed at the mouth and passed out, and was so exhausted the next morning that he only showed up after hearing the body discovery announcement. The participants were presented with the third motive, the Necronomicon, and were told that they would be able to bring back someone who had died already as a transfer student. The group includes both boys and girls. I am the king! His name, title, and clothing also have references to dictators. ", though he was just doing it to joke around. He likes the character quite a lot but states that Kokichi is not the kind of guy he would like to meet in real life.[5]. He didn't seem to be particularly offended by this claim and still guided everyone along during the trial as if he knew everything, even going so far as to admit that he worked together with Monokuma temporarily. While Shuichi and Korekiyo were talking in the latter's lab, Kokichi suddenly barged in, took the gold leaf katana out of its display case and examined it, revealing that it was a real blade. She instilled hers and Atua's authority into him by reassuring him that he's not alone and that Atua is like a gentle grandmother that always keeps him safe, effectively playing off of Gonta's desire for a motherly figure. ", "Humans are like weedstoo numerous to count. When they're alone, he tries to offer his support for Shuichi, saying he wants to use him to work together and be useful to Shuichi as well. He recognized that she was still holding back her feelings, and as a result, lying to herself. Kaede was confused by Kokichi's childish personality and his unusual Ultimate talent. There are also quite a few moments when Kokichi appears to give genuine advice and warns the other students about the patterns he has noticed in the students or Monokuma's behavior, though the others of course never take him seriously. In her relationship chart, Kokichi grins while calling her "an extremely ugly girl". "What good would it be if I lied? Once the Monokuma Kubs arrived and revealed themselves from within their Exisals, they gave the sixteen participants their Ultimate wardrobe and their first memory via the Flashback Light. Kokichi was rendered mute by this act, and everyone ate breakfast in awkward silence. Answer (1 of 5): Kodaka's in-character Kokichi birthday tweet for 2020 mentioned that Kokichi is 20, which implies that Kokichi is 17 during the game because that was released in 2017, according 2 dagonronpa. Being a skilled liar himself, Kokichi can tell whenever other people are lying, though he occasionally acts like he didn't notice or claims the other person is lying even though he knows they aren't. Kaito, however, protects Kokichi from the finishing arrow. In Chapter 5, Maki strangled Kokichi once again after the others became suspicious of his intentions, demanding him for the truth, only to be stopped by Kaito. While interrogated by her, he appeared quite confused and shocked though trying to keep a steady voice and his mastermind act together despite this and his wounds. Once everyone found out that Kirumi was the de facto prime minister of Japan, Kokichi didn't see it as that shocking for an Ultimate level talent to be that powerful. Though they could not remember the exact details and circumstances behind it, just that they had been on the run. So pleasecontinue to walk the path you believe in. Kokichi enjoys teasing and picking on Himiko due to her delayed reactions and personality, which make her an easy target since she often does not realize what Kokichi means and gets angry whenever she does. According to Kodaka, he was given the names "king horse" and "small luck" to reflect the duality of his character, with him having a grandiose, big-sounding and mastermind-ish family name but a very small-sounding first name.[5]. He tended to complain about situations he found boring and even during some bad situations he noted that it's fine because at least it's not boring. Kokichi enjoys his company, finding him one of the most interesting person in the group and praises him often. Kokichi would go to break into everyone's rooms using his lock picking capabilities and steal their motive videos. # 4. After Maki fled the scene, Kokichi used the electric bomb to disable the Nanokumas, security alarm, and safety mechanism of the press machine inside of the hangar. CONTAINS V3 SPOILERS!That's how you know they're totally Kokichi's unused voice lines!Uso da yo!#TUVL #KokichiOma #Danganronpa #V3 #LernJergi After the body discovery announcement played, Kokichi came to the gym along with Kaito and Miu, seeming distressed that Ryoma was the one who was killed after everyone had promised to end the killing game together, shouting at everyone to apologize to Ryoma. He appeared somewhat curious about Korekiyo's anthropology lessons and seances, though this could be in a more mocking fashion as he did not appear to actually believe in the topics Korekiyo often talked about. However, he has also claimed that nobody would care if he was gone, and it's been implied that he has no parents or family. After Shuichi showed up, everyone decided that K1-BO may not be fit for the seance due to his inhuman nature, much the Ultimate Robot's dismay. The two are seen insulting each other multiple times during the trials, with Kokichi winning these debates due to his stronger personality. He has a short stature, a thin build, and very pale skin. As it turns out, all three of the empty rooms were trapped, which would be a crucial fact that would assist the group in finding the killer. They also remembered that the ones behind The Gofer Project were Makoto Naegi, the headmaster of the rebuilt Hope's Peak Academy, and the Future Foundation. Later, when Kaede rushed to stop the fighting in the cafeteria, she could stop to talk to Kokichi and ask him why he wasn't there to stop it if he knew about it. She appears furious by this, calling him "the most detestable cretin [she] has ever met." Sign in to view all similar questions. During the trial itself, Kokichi was noted as acting and talking just like Monokuma by Gonta and Kaito. One such clip had Kokichi step out of his shoe in India, and before he could go back for it, a tall, male prankster held his foot and tickled him! The group became disheartened to see how many people they had lost up until now. Kokichi speaks to himself, stating that despite he was rejected, he wouldn't give up that easily. He took it from him and told him and the others to meet in the dining hall in order to inspect it. Upon learning this, Kokichi and everyone else's mood improved greatly, thinking the killing game to be over. However, Kokichi and the others exhausted themselves both physically and mentally as they found that escaping through the Death Road of Despair is next to impossible. He also appeared quite arrogant, clearly considering himself very important part of the class trials, looking down on some of the other students, often wishing to lead the debates and once claiming that the class trials won't be good if the others won't allow him to speak. Gonta pleaded to Shuchi that he wasn't the culprit, while Kaito became increasingly outraged at the Ultimate Detective for believing in Kokichi over Gonta. Kokichi looked down at him happily as he woke up in Gonta's lab, telling everyone about his plan in order to get everyone to watch their motive videos, much to the detained students' irritation and annoyance. Kokichi, wanting to make everyone watch each other's motive videos in order to make the killing game more interesting, thought up of a plan. However, it is unclear if this memory of him was a part of the fabrication made by Team Danganronpa or if it was genuine.

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