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initiative progressive era quizlet

A. state government agencies, such as the Bureau of Land Management. The following graph shows how the judicial check on initiatives kept pace with the growth of the initiative process in the strongest initiative states through the 1990s. 53. It has now been adopted in various forms by 24 states and numerous local governments. BradfordCompanyIncomeStatementsForYearsEndedDecember31, 20122011Feesearned$825,000$700,000Operatingexpenses684,750602,000Operatingincome$140,250$98,000\begin{array}{lcc} B. Theodore Roosevelt. He insisted that education should be child centered and that schools should build character, teach good citizenship, and be instruments of social reform. 216 times. E. All these answers are correct. In 1904, Ida Tarbell published a highly critical study on, 5. 10/4/2021 Chapter 9 - The Progressive Era Flashcards | Quizlet 3/4 Pure Food and Drug Act Draw a line under the compound subject of each sentence. C. few true reforms of industry were made. Utah followed in 1900. During the early twentieth century, the Industrial Workers of the World B. Congress eventually made the process of legislative referendum mandatory for all states entering the union after 1857. 5. Save. In the 21st century, a movement that identifies as progressive is a social or political movement that aims to represent the interests of ordinary people through political change and the support of government actions. A. the political parties. C. conservative Republicans turn against President Taft. 48. CREON. 3 recognition of human brotherhood. B. decided to inflate the currency. A. the urban middle class. A. represented a political setback for President Wilson. An organization founded in 1909 to promote full racial equality. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. A. limited competition. A constitutional convention passed a very limited initiative process in 1970, and it was approved by voters. D. few states allowed divorce. TR believed that strong corporations were good for America, but he also believed that corporate behavior must be watched to ensure . That is true. ; The referendum process allows citizens to refer a law that passed the legislature to the ballot for voters to decide whether to uphold or repeal the law. but it is worse C. was opposed by progressives and conservatives. Published by at February 16, 2022. Congress. initiative progressive era quizlet 16 .. - the 17thAmendment provided for the direct election of Senators For example, in a playlist consisting of 2 songs by The White Stripes, 2 by Adele, and 1 by Maroon Five, two possible random orderings of the songs are: A=A=A= Adele 1, Adele 2, White Stripes 1, White Stripes 2, Maroon Five) E. would help to defeat the growing movement for temperance. initiative progressive era quizlet. It should be noted that the record of initiative litigation is not fixed, especially for the most recent period, because there is an inevitable delay between voter approval of initiatives and resolution of post-election challenges. John Lund, Paul S. Vickery, P. Scott Corbett, Todd Pfannestiel, Volker Janssen, Eric Hinderaker, James A. Henretta, Rebecca Edwards, Robert O. Self, By the People: A History of the United States, AP Edition. B. added extensive areas of land to the national forest system. CHORAGos. D. Alfred E. Smith. The banning of alcoholic beverages. E. the federal bureaucracy. became President in 1912. A. was, at one time, the largest women's organization in American history. D. Richard Ballinger. What was one effect of the political reforms of initiative, referendum, and recall? The theory of the initiative process was that the individual was capable of enhancing the representative government. Fill in the blank spot in the following sentence. In the 1902 strike by the United Mine Workers, President Theodore Roosevelt D. he was denied the nomination of his party. Citizens have used the initiative process to address a wide range of issues that fall within the scope of state authority. The issues have tended to cluster within several subject areas. Immigration reform. 52. The Women's Christian Temperance Union 33. - these reforms became known as the Wisconsin Idea, Annualleasepaymentdueatthebeginningofeachyear,beginning, Bargainpurchaseoptionpriceatendofleaseterm. C. divorce rates declined. Idea that government should play as small a role as possible in economic affairs. In automobiles? 61. A. defined the standard for "unfair trade practices." B. called for an end to saloons, not for a full prohibition on alcoholic beverages. A. created a new type of paper currency. Have you read the article about him signing a contract with the Phillies? Democrat picked him as their candidate, he was a progressive. Phone: (909) 621-8159. B. concluded he could not achieve meaningful reform of the economy. The most recent state to add the initiative process to its constitution was. In the United States, an automobile can be produced by 6 workers in one day, and a washing machine by 2 workers in one day. The temperance crusade C. renamed itself the Progressive Party. Other early adopters of the referendum process were Connecticut (1818), Maine (1819), New York (1820) and Rhode Island (1824).[1]. a period of social activism and political reform in the United States that flourished from the 1890s to the 1920s. top 100 richest rappers in the world 2021; orlando airport to universal studios shuttle; navy bcnr results; lost mc vest fivem; michele mcphee wedding Prior to the adoption of the secret ballot, voter ballots were printed and distributed by What is the markup rate based on the selling price? Compensation for death, injury, or accident suffered by a worker in the course of his or her employment and paid to him or her or to his or her dependents. A. The initiative process was first introduced in the United States during the Progressive Era. As American politics became more democratic in the 19th and 20th centuries, initiatives and referendums became increasingly common tools used by citizens in exercising their political voice. E. information about contraceptives. 64. The main themes ended during American involvement in World War I (1917-1918) while the waste and efficiency elements continued into the 1920s. In 1913, to offset the loss of revenues from other legislation, Congress C. tenant agriculture. 17th Amendment How did the reforms listed above impact America? The database categorizes them as follows: The database details these patterns by categorizing voter-approved initiatives by state, year, and subject matter. E. should exist only if they recognized labor's right to organize. At the turn of the twentieth century, progressive activists, 4. Which country has an absolute advantage in the production of automobiles? a. Compute the amount of the lease receivable at commencement of the lease. \text{\$65,000.00}&\\ B. The Progressive Era is defined as a historical era because the time period is characterized by the . Between 1996 and 2000, the number of initiatives on the ballots was constant. By the fall of 1914, President Woodrow Wilson -1.) D. "women's professions," unlike other professions, did not attempt to exclude anyone. It saw the spread of disfranchisement and segregation of African Americans in the South and even in the federal government. A law that was intended to prevent the creation of monopolies by making it illegal to establish trusts that interfered with free trade. One year after legislative referendum was proposed to Virginia delegates, Georgias delegates gathered in Savannah to draft a new state constitution. an early 20th century reform movement seeking to correct injustices in American life. C. housing industry. At a city and state level, progressives helped changed the monopolies of railroads and trusts. C. In 1908, by a wide margin, San Francisco voters approved building a dam at Hetch Hetchy. B. A. advocated a single union for all workers. Oregon voters approved the initiative and referendum amendment by an 11-to-1 margin in 1902. The Sierra Club was founded by b. poll tax. A. the federal government. A. greater activism by the federal government. D. National Reclamation Act. Reversing entries are not used by Mooney. took 10 years and 40,000 Americans at a cost of $400M and it linked ocean to ocean. Popular Government League, Direct Legislation by the Citizenship Through the Initiative and Referendum A. But I In the early twentieth century, eugenics Celine issues a ninety-day negotiable promissory note payable to the order of Hayden. most prominent organizer in the women's labor movement; irish descendant who came to the US as a child`. Jefferson was unable to advocate for the process because he was at the Continental Congress.[1]. initiative progressive era definition. \text{Commencement date}& A. require city council members to run by district rather than at-large. A. differed sharply from white women's clubs in their structure. Progressivism is a political philosophy in support of social reform. a year ago. B. he made the breaking-up of business combinations his highest priority. 54. B. would ensure fair elections. Legislative referendum was proposed by Thomas Jefferson in 1775, for Virginia's state constitution. President William H. Taft fire Pinchot for insubordination. C. state governors. Historian Alonzo Hamby describes American progressivism as a political movement that addresses ideas, impulses, and issues stemming from modernization of American society. A. grew weaker. B. were attacked by progressive reformers. E. All these answers are correct. Oh quickly! She organized the League of Women Voters in 1919, the year before the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was ratified. - this began the Niagara Movement called for: The initiative process increased in 1978, after the passage of Californias Proposition 13. 27. A distinctive characteristic of women in professional work during the progressive era was that A comprehensive list of laws passed by state legislatures is unavailable. class="algoSlug_icon" data-priority="2">Web. The formal instructions that government issues for implementing laws. 57. in the 1912 presidential campaign, Democratic nominee Woodrow Wilson argued for a contending that the government could best serve the public interest and provide social justice by breaking up the trusts and restoring competition to the economy. Delaware is also the only state that does not require voters to approve of all of the changes to the state constitution. Tax C. in 1904 he had promised not to run again. D. both different types of progressivism and the "New Freedom" and "New Nationalism." founded the Tuskegee Institute to equip African Americans with teaching diplomas and useful skills in the trades and agriculture. In Italy, an automobile can be produced by 8 workers in one day and a washing machine by 3 workers in one day. In the 1880s Jane Addams traveled to Europe. It sells them for$1.29 a dozen. Which long-awaited goal of the women's rights movement was achieved during the Progressive Era? C. a repeal of the income tax. This era also saw the enactment of reforms, such as at-large voting, that lessened the political influence of immigrant groups at a time when city budgets were . New York's Tammany Hall. But initiative use has expanded in other states, as well. After a flurry of activity in the early twentieth century, initiative use declined at mid-century, then experienced a dramatic resurgence beginning in the 1970s. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like 1. Interns wanted: Get paid to help ensure that every voter has unbiased election information. 17. In washing machines? \hspace{10pt}\text{8\\\%}&\\ 34. Hayden, without authority, fills in the note in the amount of $5,000\$ 5,000$5,000 and thirty days later sells the note to First National Bank of Oklahoma for $4,850\$ 4,850$4,850. A. C. increased business regulatory fees. Answer each question that follows. Without it, activists believed that many of the reforms they wanted (which were being blocked by state legislatures) would not be realized. A chapter in the book discusses marketing strategies based on information search patterns and makes recommendations of preferable strategies based on decision-making patterns and the position of a brand (whether it is in the evoked set). Criminal procedure and punishment C. deserved the vote because of their unique traits as women. Would the stranger qualify as a holder in due course? The database categorizes them as follows: \hline \hline In 1998, 61 statewide initiatives were on the ballots, the lowest in a decade. shrinking of the Us.S. Categorizing 1. initiative progressive era quizlet Sign in ashley for the arts 2020 lineup. Structure: Time Management, individual, group, whole class. D. the Midwest. The amendment was defeated because the state constitution requires an approval by a majority of all those voting in the election, and not just a majority of those voting on the amendment. D. state legislatures. C. John Muir. E. All these answers are correct. C. the Triangle Shirtwaist Company. D. resulted in the unanimous passage by states of the Eighteenth Amendment. 0. B. was the youngest American ever to hold the office. Then, explain how the meaning of the underlined word influences your answer. D. had a public image very much like that of Theodore Roosevelt. D. state governments. 67. A. passed a graduated income tax. E. the direct primary, initiative, and referendum. E. gained the support of most Catholic immigrants. C. was intended to weaken the power of business trusts. Spotify is a music streaming service that offers both free and subscription options. Regarding organizing the professions during the Progressive Era. Which strategy should one of the top four brands listed in the Farm Equipment survey use when attempting to gain new customers from its competitors? E. Interstate Commerce Act. Some images used in this set are licensed under the Creative Commons through to see the original works with their full license. -Showed the need for safer work conditions. In an essay, "Federalist No. D. displayed support for using federal authority to create social change. 19. The database provides comprehensive information on initiative litigation in the five strongest initiative states (CA, OR, WA, CO, and AZ). E. created sixteen regional banks. B. was opposed by most conservative Christians. Four different kinds of cryptocurrencies you should know. D. progressives come to oppose Pinchot. 2. E. recent immigrants. C. had little faith in the power of public opinion. E. former supporters of Roosevelt rally behind Taft. gave Congress the power to pass an income tax, Prohibited the manufacture, sale, and distribution of alcoholic beverages. 24. First National Bank has no knowledge that the instrument was incomplete when issued or that Hayden had no authority to complete the instrument in the amount of $5,000\$5,000$5,000. The main objectives of the Progressive movement were addressing problems caused by industrialization, urbanization, immigration, and . B. was one of Wilson's closest advisors. Voters, rather than politicians, would choose candidates for public office, created a Civil Service Commission that gave exams and selected government employees based on merit. The recall and the direct primary were progressive-era political reforms designed to weaken 32. At the turn of the twentieth century, the leaders of the settlement house movement, 7. C. private contractors. B. helped to reduce loans to private banks. C. emphasized education for the working class. Initiatives steadily declined from a peak of 293 from 1911-1920 to a low of 87 from 1961-1970. "[The College for All Act] would provide $47\$ 47$47 billion per year to states to eliminate undergraduate tuition and fees at public colleges and universities. The following facts pertain to a non-cancelable lease agreement between Mooney Leasing Company and Rode Company, a lessee. Regarding women and the professions during the Progressive Era. Progressivism. -protects consumers from business fraud. Which country has a comparative advantage in the production of washing machines? D. both was the youngest American ever to hold the office and had no previous political experience. D. tried to ignore overtly racial issues such as segregation. B. many states gave full voting rights to women. Montana voters approved an initiative and popular referendum amendment proposed by the state legislature in 1906. E. ordered in federal troops to break the strike. It sought to use the government to improve human welfare, and they fought monopolies, corruption, inefficiency, and social injustice. B. was inefficient. A. was hand-picked by Theodore Roosevelt to succeed him. C. gradually became less powerful as time went on. D. saloon owners. -employed the academic staff of the University of Wisconsin to draft bills and administer the laws that he introduced B. because the Socialist Party supported Germany. In the 1912 presidential election results, 1. industrial economy. In 1897, Nebraska became the first state to allow cities to place initiative and referendum in their charters. -Democrat Holder in Due Course. Get a constitutional Amendment to allow women to vote. The use of the initiative and referendum (I&R) process has ebbed and flowed throughout U.S. history. During the progressive era, clubs for African American women C. Florence Kelley. Come with me to the tomb. D. were unlikely ever to vote for a woman running for national office. World War I hurt the socialist movement in the United States Social Darwinism could create social order and stability. answer choices A system of separate schools for new immigrants They gave citizens a greater voice in the democratic process of government More sources of revenue and taxes in state governments. Explain. A. Hetch Hetchy was a spectacular high-walled valley within Yosemite National Park. 21. 15. President William H. Taft fire Ballinger, due to a conflict of interest. c. easing voter registration requirements in order to increase voter turnout. [1] Today, legislative referendum is exercised in every state. 6. B. narrowly defeated his opponent, William Jennings Bryan. Prepare all necessary journal entries for the company in 2020.

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