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sun trine saturn synastry marriage

It made total sense, given the fact that Saturn was transiting my 7th house at the time. This is a great way to express yourself in a non-verbal way for a deeper connection. The Sun person can feel held back from shining as bright as theyd like to. Saturn in conjunction to another persons Saturn indicates the two of you are similar in your attitudes towards hard work, responsibility, and duty. Click here to read How to know if They are the One. Bring out your creativity and artistic side with fun activities such as painting or drawing together. The Neptune may end up promising more than they can deliver, which can eventually lead to disappointment on the part of the Sun person. Saturn is more about routine and stability, so the Saturn person will not be the one to initiate new adventures. The Sun person finds the Uranus person exciting and unique, yet at the same time unstable and non-committal. These contracts are generally karmic. It definitely increases the likelihood you will stay together, as long as other aspects agree. Together, they make a great team because they understand each other very well. This aspect can indicate delusion and deception. It can create a bond between two friends that is closer than a romantic relationship and even closer than family. So my natal Saturn aspects are set off by him, specifically Saturn square Venus and Saturn trine Mars. Even when problems arose which made either one of us feel angry, annoyed, jealous, or frustrated, we would not, and COULD not, voice our feelings to one another. This aspect can bring intense emotions, profound personal growth, and the potential for . Although the Sun conjunct Saturn synastry aspect often shows up in fated, long-term relationships, the couple may also split after the initial lesson is learned. There is a feeling that you can rely on one another. In a Sun Trine Saturn synastry, the Saturn person will be very committed and dedicated to the Sun person. But embracing them and allowing them to manifest in our life is essential. Still, the feeling of responsibility and duty to one another is present. This massive planet rules the fixed sign of Capricorn, and just like its natives, it brings diligent energy. They are completely opposite energies in some ways, so when combined in synastry, it produces a tense energy between the couple. The couple had a relationship in a past life that was beneficial but also had some issues. My first ex boyfriend and I had strong Saturn aspects in our synastry chart. The Mars persons energy is the sort that makes the Saturn person very uncomfortable. I never felt quite comfortable cuddling him, telling him I loved him, or making baby talk with him due to my fear that he would reject that kind of behavior. It may be hard for others to understand the strong bond between these two and mistake it for a secret romance. Saturn may tend to ignore, interrupt, or criticize Mercury when Mercury is speaking. Sun Square Saturn Synastry. Ever hear the phrase, opposites attract? The way it manifested in my relationship was through major emotional distancing. Or, perhaps they will be an absent or distant friend, which would reaffirm my desire to keep my social circle very small. With high-quality horoscope interpretations by the world's leading astrologers Liz Greene, Robert Hand and other authors, many free horoscopes and extensive information on astrology for beginners and professionals, is the first address for astrology on the web. Venus and Mars say something of the physical relationship and attraction between a couple. They find it hard to support one another, because there is a basic misunderstanding over what each person needs. This can lead to a very inadequate life that doesnt reflect our true nature. This aspect could be as promising as the happy ever after we find in fairy tales. Negative Aspects of Sun Quincunx Saturn Synastry. With this aspect, there comes a tendency to criticize each others viewpoints. You desire to make each other happy, and this will last throughout your relationship. They share the same love language and have the same values. One important aspect of synastry is the Sun square or semi-square Mercury aspect. Hello, I have interesting experiences. The Sun person is likely to see the Neptune person as a soul mate, but this idea may not be based on reality. The soft aspects, such as trine and sextile, between Venus and Saturn are ideal in a relationship. Jupiter-Uranus Aspects. Instead, it points out the actions we need to take to get there. This is one of the luckiest aspects to have. The Venus person may feel the Sun person doesnt appreciate her efforts to please him, and the Sun person may find the Venus person superficial. On the positive side, this relationship is particular was my longest. It's best to first look at the natal charts, separately, to avoid any confusion. This is an electrifying, though unstable aspect. Nevertheless, this is a great aspect for friendship, as well as for a romantic relationship. The Saturn trine Sun synastry aspect is a celestial alignment that occurs when Saturn and the Sun are approximately 120 degrees apart. There is loyalty and respect between these two people who admire each other's strength and confidence. At the same time, Saturn protects and nourishes this cozy home and ensures both partners grow together as a couple and at an individual level. Themes of control and power struggles are present in this relationship. natal makes "sense" almost a cornerstone of my mental makeup. This is a very positive aspect to find in synastry. Attraction to one another is present, but it is not without tension and competitiveness. Saturn represents blockages and restrictions, which can manifest in many forms. They can view the word responsible in entirely different lights, and when they act different, this creates friction. Someones Saturn in harsh aspect to your Saturn increases each persons negative feelings about their own Saturn. . The Sun creates the home Saturn needs to express its energy and a safe place for the relationship to grow. They feel mutually supported and appreciated in this relationship. This is an intriguing aspect. This aspect indicates lively mental exchanges and interesting conversations. Mercury synastry aspects are undervalued in astrology, in my opinion. Sun trine Saturn natal makes you serious and reserved. For example, if my Saturn is in my 3rd house, I am very self-conscious about communicating with others, and tend to not speak up due to this insecurity. Each one of them brought out many of my insecurities. They will be motivated to take on the responsibilities and challenges of this relationship through thick and thin. Someone with Saturn square my Saturn would make me more self-conscious, and may talk over me and interrupt me often. And when we are not in such favorable circumstances, we feel uncomfortable and even bothered. With any Chiron aspect to the other person's Juno, there was a wound created through marriage in a past . The Jupiter fosters the Sun persons self-confidence. With a little patience and understanding, you can learn a lot from one another. This is a very helpful aspect in synastry. Moon conjunct Ketu: Moon is the mother. In one of my previous relationships, my Mercury squared his Saturn. The Sun represents our inner adult, while Saturn can represent our inner parent. Through Saturn, Mercury learns how to communicate in a more mature and level-headed way. This is a very difficult aspect to find in synastry, yet it is commonly found in the synastry charts of married couples! The Astrology of Sex, Love and Relationships. It brings a lot of difficulties into a relationship but also gives immense potential for growth. Saturn conjunct / opposite Moon aspect in a relationship feels serious and powerful right from the beginning. The Saturn principle of duty and responsibility is clearly present in the legally binding ceremony of marriage - a ceremony which is designed to bond two people together for life. The Sun person can teach the Saturn person to let go of fear, but these lessons may be painful. The top 4 most "OFTEN" aspected planets in our Female File were: Neptune, Sun, Jupiter and Saturn. The challenges that a couple with the Sun trine Saturn might face can be avoided and won if the two partners are willing to grow as a couple and learn from each other. The feeling of being blocked by one another is strong with this aspect. Here, the Saturn person helps the Neptune person come down to earth, while the Neptune person encourages Saturn to dream bigger. Neptune wants Saturn to dream a little, while Saturn wants Neptune to be more realistic. It reminds me of the saying, an unstoppable force meets an immovable object. Saturn might shut down the ideas and opinions of the Mercury person through criticism and belittling, which can have a negative effect on the Mercury persons self-confidence. This is an indicator of a love-hate relationship. On the other hand, if we put in the effort and hard work towards achieving our goals, Saturn rewards us. They would love to shower Lilith with love, attention, and affection. On the other hand, the Saturn person can be very stubborn, which will not make disagreements any easier. Sun and Saturn conjunct in the synastry chart. The trine is a sign of ease in this relationship, with the only turbulence being a lack of communication within their union if things start getting too comfortable. Trust me- I tried. Pluto is the planet of no Bullshit, so there is nothing superficial about this union! However they choose to approach their intimate life, they will find a mutual attraction and all the satisfaction and peace they need in each others arms. These celestial bodies can make their presence known regardless of their position on the chart or synastry. For example, my Saturn is in my 11th house, which indicates I am not fond of large groups and keep my social circle tight. This relationship is bound to be spontaneous, but the ability to truly count on one another is tarnished with this aspect. I recently came out of a relationship that had a Moon-Saturn opposition double-whammy. Uranus represents rebellion, Saturn represents Authority. Sometimes this communication can come off as too easy and may even lead to both of them taking the other person for granted, which is why its important that they make an effort to communicate their needs in a healthy way over time. Try hosting tea parties, dinner parties, or movie nights at home together. Even if the Saturn person and the Sun person might express their emotions differently, the validity of their emotions is always intact. This will make them feel smothered and may cause tension between both of them as a result, so its essential for the Sun person not to be too controlling in order to maintain this relationship successfully. The Sun person may love the Neptune person for who he thinks she is, rather than who she actually is. Venus and Mars. Saturn in sextile or trine to another persons Neptune is a good thing to see in a synastry chart. Oct 20, 2009. My most recent ex had his Sun in Aquarius square my Saturn in Scorpio. The sign that your sun is in will give you insight into how others see you, as well as show what type of energy and personality traits youre most closely associated with throughout life. In this case, the Uranus person might feel stifled and repressed by pessimistic and cynical Saturn, while Saturn feels Uranus is unstable, unreliable and impractical. If someones Saturn is in my 3rd house, they might interrupt me or talk over me a lot, which makes me shut up even more. This will lead to a continually evolving relationship that is full of learning. With this aspect, a mutual attraction is present. Sun Trine Saturn Synastry can create a very stable and reliable love connection between two people who have similar personalities and temperaments. The Sun person might tend to react dramatically, but they will be brought back to reality by their Saturn partner. This aspect can help one develop a sense of discipline and responsibility while allowing them to pursue their personal goals and desires easily and gracefully. Lilith person would enjoy this affection for sure. Avoid Sun or Moon square to Saturn. They support each other and help each other grow in their professional lives. Electricity and spontaneity characterize this relationship, but not in an upsetting way like in the case of the conjunction, opposition, or square. The Sun person might be the one that brings excitement in the bedroom and even new fantasies. They will understand each other on a very deep level. However, the Sun sextile Saturn synastry aspect does require a bit of work. The Saturn person gives structure to the Mercury persons ideas. Sun conjunct South Node (Ketu): Sun is the power.The person was in authority over you. The nature of the planet is to bring limitations and restrictions to keep us on the right path. And I was amused recently when I developed an instantaneous obsession on a rock star, and found that his Saturn was exactly conjunct my Sun. 4. In this relationship, the two work together instead of getting in each others way. How does this aspect play out between two people, you may ask? The conjunction is the strongest aspect; both trine and sextile can result in mutual attraction. This aspect wont have too many weaknesses, but theres a potential for communication challenges if things grow stagnant over time, as they might not know how to express their needs properly without practice. The Saturn person in the relationship. Mercury looks up to Saturn, and Saturn enjoys helping the Mercury person. These two are supportive partners in a Sun-Saturn relationship. Molly Hall. The Saturn person in the relationship. Another way in which this manifested was through a withdrawal of affection. A shitty Composite chart, does not mean the . This aspect is more problematic than the opposition. This is an unstable aspect, and is not conducive to long-term relationships. If the Saturn person is willing to be open to new ideas, then they can evolve and change from the influence of the Sun. Every obstacle they face will make their bond grow more substantial and intense. The Sun doesnt represent our dreams but our gifts and purposes. This couple may engage in many lively debates, and can learn a lot from each other. It can be of great assistance enabling the couple to feel well-grounded with each other. The Venus finds the Sun person attractive, and the Sun person feels loved and adored around the Venus person. Both planets can overcome any obstacle in their relationship as long as they're together. In order to maintain a healthy relationship, both parties should make sure to communicate their needs to each other. Check the houses and house rulership of Saturn and Uranus in their charts. The Saturn person may come to dislike all of the fun, happy qualities they first enjoyed in the Sun person. This is an aspect often found in the synastry charts of sexless marriages. It gives us the strength, diligence, ambition, and motivation to succeed, even if it will not always be easy. Check the houses and house rulership of Saturn and Pluto in their charts. Uranus represents freedom, Saturn represents duty and responsibility. The Sun will almost always be the dominant energy in this relationship, but they should try to consider their Saturn partners needs as well if they want the relationship to last for years into the future. These synastry [], In a romantic relationship, Venus in the 5th house synastry is one of the best aspects to find in a synastry overlay. More specifically, my Saturn was conjunct his Sun in Scorpio. Saturn in square or opposition to another persons Uranus acts similarly to the conjunction, but with more friction. The Sun person's conscious will (male energy) unites with, and is supported by, the Moon person's emotions (female energy). Theyll make an excellent parent or mentor for them, always wanting the best life possible for themselves and their partners. Over time, the Saturn person can confront their feels and discover who they truly are. Pluto conjunct Sun synastry indicates a powerful and transformative relationship. The Sun person may feel sensitive to Mercurys criticism, and Mercury may find the Sun person defensive. The Sun person will be a very nurturing and supportive influence on their Saturn partner. When Saturn forms a trine aspect with the sun, it gives you a commanding presence that is able to effectively manage your own personal work, as well as the work of others. Although you probably knew each other in a past life, your relationship wasnt necessarily romantic. When one person's Sun is aligned with the other's Saturn, there's often a sense of weight to the relationship. I think Chiron is extremely important in any synastry chart because it speaks to the deepest wounds created between two people. In this case, Saturns practical and realistic nature gels well with Uranus uniqueness and individuality. The Sun person is likely to be mesmerized and fascinated to the Pluto. If these contacts do not show up in synastry, Venus-Venus contacts can be substituted. At the same time, the Sun person needs to learn how to incorporate someone else into their plans and see that not everyone enjoys the same level of socialization and humor that they do. They may feel like the Saturn partner criticizes them too much and never sees them as the person they want to be. The Saturn trine Sun aspect can bring stability, focus, and success to individuals who experience it. It is not surprising that so many good relationships have positive Venus- Saturn aspects. This could spell big trouble for your relationship, as the Neptune person might bring a confusion or deception to the relationship. The Sun conjunct Saturn synastry aspect is a karmic placement. Venus conjunct Ketu: Venus is the wife or lover. Both people may start to ignore all of the wonderful things they saw in their partner initially because these issues become so heavy. No matter how healthy and productive a routine is, couples need to relax and have their excitement now and then. Click here to read Saturn conjunct North Node in Synastry, Click here to read Saturn conjunct South Node in Synastry. Why? While this aspect indicates a strong spiritual connection, it can also lead to deception and dishonesty. The Sun sextile Saturn synastry enhances stability, patience, and endurance in a relationship. However with Venus square Neptune almost to the degree alongside this Sun . In the case of the trine or sextile, a good physical compatibility is indicated. The Sun and Moon. This aspect often produces conflict, and even violence, but is an indicator of attraction at the same time. I felt he belittled my opinions and ideas to the point of condescension. At the same time, there is a fundamental difference in your temperaments, which can lead to conflict. This aspect injects your relationship with enthusiasm, optimism, and trust. 7. Sun conjunct Neptune in synastry is a mystical connection of spiritual intensity. . This star also brings us a sense of dignity, pride, and the determination to pursue our purpose in life and fulfill our mission. Reading a Composite chart is the same as a birthchart except that it's about two people instead of one. Saturn moves relatively slowly, so there would be an age difference of about 7 years for the square aspect, and 14 years for the opposition aspect (approximately). The Venus person instinctively knows how to love the Sun person. Saturn already represents duty, responsibility, maturity, as well as pessimism. Once we understand what the Sun tells us, we can use Saturnian energy to fulfill its plan for our life. The Sun person needs to remember that there is no boss in a relationship, and both partners work together to achieve their common goals. They rely on each other and trust each other at the deepest level. It loves to put us in the spotlight. Its likely that you rub each other the wrong way, and know how to get under each others skin. As one of the largest astrology portals WWW.ASTRO.COM offers a lot of free features on the subject. Meanwhile, the Saturn person can learn how to be more creative and how to loosen up from the Sun person. The fact that they can rely on each other brings an excellent support system into their lives and more confidence in everything they do. The trine can also indicate that both of these individuals have a natural ability to communicate with each other, which is essential for having an easy-going relationship. What kind of relationship can you have, if you cant even talk to one anothe? Say Saturn rules your 7th house, and your partners Neptune makes a square aspect to your Saturn. Having such optimistic outlook on life and being a generally good person with being generous and supportive of others, some people though will feel like these aspect owners are even too generous. It will bring people together and keep them together. They may feel that the Saturn person is always trying to teach or parent them and that their light is being snuffed out. Mercury is known as the "messenger of the gods" in astrology because it governs the day-to-day expression between people. They are effectively able to organize and plan for their future together. However, the Moon person may find the Sun person insensitive and overbearing, while the Sun person may find the Moon person overly dependent and overly sensitive. You dont have to explain yourselves to one another; you just get each other. It has been referred to as the "inner marriage" between a person's male and female energy the union of their external purpose and internal needs. Saturn-Uranus Aspects. However, over time, the Uranus person is likely to feel stifled or trapped by the Sun person, and the Sun person is likely to find the Uranus person unpredictable and unstable. The mutual trust between the Saturn person and the Sun person is a critical aspect of the development of the relationship. It is important that you are clear with one another about what you expect out of the relationship. It is up to us to embrace this mutual understanding and excellent common ground and help it grow into a beautiful and healthy romantic relationship.

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