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2006 0 2012 35,450 New Hope Charitable Foundation 2011 7,900 During that 2006 ADF briefing to The Gathering, Family Research Council head Tony Perkins gave a special presentation in which Perkins declared the LGBT rights movement to be the second most dire threat to America next to militant Islam. From the start, E&PPCs applicaton of Judeo Christian morality was highly selective. 2008 867,138 It not only addresses immediate physical needs but also helps build self-esteem and 2008 129,000 2002 5,000 2007 5,000 In 2012, Cass presented, as one of several irrefutable proofs that Barack Obama is NOT a Christian, Obamas support for gay rights. 2008-2010 0 2010 1,600 without recognizing the value of incentive, opportunity, creativity, and economic and 2007 127,000 In a dissenting opinion, Justice Souter wrote that this case would stand for the remarkable proposition that any public school opened for civic meetings must be opened for use as a church, synagogue, or mosque.. The late Howard Phillips, Doug Phillips father and founder of the Christian Reconstructionism-linked Taxpayers Party, later renamed the Constitution Party, served as a co-director of Vision Forum Ministries. 2008 1,000 2013 177,877 (South Tampa Fellowship). Alliance Defending Freedom lawyers have been the chief litigants for the Bronx Household of Faith in the case. In a 2011 op-ed, Dr. David Noebel (who stepped down from heading Summit Ministries that year) railed against Obama and his radical homosexual mafia plan to sodomize the world and make such perversion seem as wholesome as apple pie and vanilla ice cream. (see: 2004 15,000 Christian Anti-Communism Crusade 2008 284,700 ( 143K to AFA radio ) One of the most effective Christian movements in the late 60s and early 70s was the Christian World Liberation Front at the University of California, Berkeley. 2010 6,000 Some seemed transfixed; some spoke in tongues, The Rev. 2004 293,700 2011 55,000 2006 500 2005 20,750 Over the last decade ADF lawyers emerged in the forefront of legal efforts to block same-sex marriage in states across the nation. 2011 4,100 Of particular interest in terms of LGBT rights, this biblical worldview includes the vision of implementing some version of biblical (mosaic) law including laws against homosexuality. I would not say this in other cultural contexts, Eldridge explained, but the gay agenda has all the elements of that which is truly evil. In addition, many of the ADFs other substantial funders, including the Richard and Helen DeVos Foundation and the Edgar and Ellen Prince Foundation, are represented at The Gathering along with the National Christian Foundation. 2009 6,800 And its a great honor to serve them.. We consistently receive some of the highest ratings possible from charity In a 1993 speech, prominent Christian Reconstructionist Joseph Morecraft exclaimed that the role of civil government should be to terrorize evil doers to be an avenger! 2009 0 (see: ) ex-gay apologetics (see:, 2002 5,000 On one tape, the Rev. DNA co-founder Darrow Miller is on the Summit Ministries Worldview Academy faculty list. 2010 86,500 Based on research, the Love Won Out campaign appears to have been planned by a working group that included Herbert Schlossberg and Don Schmierer, who co-led a presentation at The Gathering 1997 on how to combat organized homosexuality. 2005 7,000 11% of Compassion International management is Hispanic or Latino. The ceremony was presided over by Ugandan First Lady Janet Museveni. 2004 2,700 2008 1,094,120 2007 47,494 Marriage and Family Foundation New Jersey Family Policy Council In the 2008 election, under the leadership of President John Stemberger, the Florida Family Policy Council helped organize the successful push for an anti-same sex marriage state constitutional amendment. 2008 9,000 One of the most prominent members of the Fellowship (according to the Billy Graham Archives at Wheaton College) was the late Nixon Administration lawyer and hatchet man Charles Colson. Kansas House Bill 2453 would have given private citizens, religious entities, and even government employees the legal right to discriminate against same-sex couples. 2006 0 2009 5,000 ( see: ), 2001 0 In the same year, Christian Unions Doxa Conference series featured Ugandan evangelist John Mulinde, who helped organize a May 2010 TheCall rally in Kampala, Uganda a rally which featured both Lou Engle and top Ugandan leaders in the forefront of Ugandas anti-gay crusade and the push to pass Ugandas Anti Homosexuality Bill. In the PK manifesto Seven Promises of a Promise Keeper evangelist Tony Evans urges PK men to, sit down with your wife and say something like this: Honey, Ive made a terrible mistake. Reese publicity for the book has included distributing a photo of Reese standing alongside former National Fellowship of Born Again Pentecostal Churches overseer Alex Mitala, who is holding Reese book. 2006 45,000 2007 11,500 Nazario had made Eldredges book required reading for La Familia Michoacana members and, according to a report from the Mexican Justice Department, had paid Mexican rural teachers to distribute Wild At Heart through the Michoacan countryside. 2008 1,120,500 2009 2,800 Over the past decade, Louis Palaus son Kevin Palau has taken his fathers ministry in a bold new direction, through a partnership with the secular, liberal city of Portland Oregon in which each year thousands of volunteers from hundreds of area churches volunteer in a civic improvement campaign. Truth In Action 2001 20,000 Summit Ministries 2011 319,879 As a June 30, 2015 AIC Kenya Facebook page post ( ) states, The US Supreme Court has ruled that same-sex marriage is a legal right across the United States. 2006 226,500 2011 8,600 In a May 27, 2010 AFA column (see: Fischer wrote, Homosexuality gave us Adolph Hitler, and homosexuals in the military gave us the Brown Shirts, the Nazi war machine and six million dead Jews. You should be very proud for all that you did. In an April 2014 CBN commentary bemoaning the impact of the Obama administration and their allies, Pat Robertson stated, Something has got to be done, we have to get free of these people because its like a mass of termites that is eating away at the structure of this great edifice we call the United States of America and theyre burrowing in and theyre getting paid to destroy us. (see:, Robertsons use of the term termites was not new. 2009 20,000 2004 22,000 This new research points all the way back to Genesis 3. On page 35 of the American Values 2012 990 tax form, the American Values Statement of Values declares, The liberal culture has targeted our kids. 2012 84,628 Other Pure Passion experts present same-sex attraction as resulting from brokenness or wounds sustained in childhood. 2008 166,366 A lock () or https:// ensures that you are connecting to the official website and that any information you provide is encrypted and transmitted securely. All three Janet Museveni, Joshua Lwere, and Alex Mitala have traveled to the Argentina nation transformation conferences of New Apostolic Reformation leader Ed Silvoso, who helped launch what is perhaps the NARs biggest apostolic association, the International Coalition of Apostles. In his book Angels of Light, Powers of Darkness: Thinking Biblically About Satan, Angels & Principalities (Intervarsity Press, 1998), Stephen F. Noll writes, on page 12, Pentecostal teaching gained a considerable boost among mainstream evangelicals when C. Peter Wagner of the U.S. Center For World Missions began to speak of a battle with territorial spirits as a necessary part of Christian mission. Noll concurs with Wagner: hedging out the demons is a particular responsibility of the church in its mission strategy and its inner discipline. (pp. Until its recent demise, with the statement from Exodus president Alan Chambers that ex-gay therapy does not work, Exodus was the leading reparative therapy organization. 2007 9,000 The Disciple Nations Alliance teaches Biblical worldview seminars to developing world leaders. 2004 1,742,865 Compassion tackles global poverty one child at a time, serving more than 2 million babies, children and young adults in 25 of the world's poorest countries. 2012 777,763 2008 146,300 Compassion International, Inc. is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. 2013 39,150, Institute in Basic Life Principles (EIN 36-6108515). Is Compassion a good organization? One of E&PPCs current fellows, Herbert Schlossberg, was the intellectual architect of a master plan to fight organized homosexuality, announced at The Gathering in 1997, that commenced in 1998 with the mammoth 1998 Truth in Love national advertising advertsing cmpaign that promoted ex-gay leaders such as John and Anne Paulk. Besides the National Christian Foundation, Food for the Hungry has also been funded by Howard Ahmansons unincorporated Fieldstead and Company and by USAID. Family Research Council 2007 212,500 [T]he endgame of homosexual activists is not simply to upend duly enacted laws defining marriage. The umbrella coalition known as the ADF plays a preeminent coordinating and funding role for legal organizations of the Christian and religious right. 2010 5,850 Bright co-authored the book with Coalition on Revival signatory Ron Jenson. 2009 456,877 2012 123,469 2012 114,610, Regeneration Ministries/Regeneration, Inc. (EIN 52-1244128). 2006 233,900 In 2009, during his visit to Uganda for an anti-homosexuality conference, Scott Lively gave a special presentation at the Watoto Church. In 2011, the IFPC, known for hosting Republican candidate debates, released a pledge on family values, The Marriage Vow A Declaration of Dependence upon Marriage and Family, which included support for the anti-same sex marriage Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), that was quickly signed by presidential hopefuls Rick Santorum and Michele Bachmann. This is where the Church of Satan was founded; where witches and warlocks have legal status; where homosexuals and lesbians heavily influence government; where selfisness rules. 2007 16,824 Franais | | Espaol. 2010 300 Warren also met with First Lady Janet Museveni and spoke at Uganda Christian University. 2007 1,574,257 March 9, 2017. 2008 1,028,150 2011 3,600 2013 60,050, California School Project (EIN 20-3226605). [8] This approach goes well beyond simply providing food and medical aid, involving education and training to prepare the individuals for contributing back to their communities. . 2009 0 2011 267,309 ( 50,850K to AFA radio ) 2004 74,100 2008 103,500 Schlossbergs ministry, the NCF-funded His Servants, sells a line of ex-gay reparative therapy books translated into multiple languages including Russian, Ukrainian, Chinese, and Hindi. 2012 1,017,175. exists to further the following objectives: From this day, I knew I had a chance at life and death was arrested and my life began. Besides his ongoing hostility to LGBT rights, Florida Family Council head Stemberger has been accused, by the National Black Justice Coalition, of making racist public comments for seeming to suggest, on a Florida talk radio show, that August 2014 riots in Ferguson, Missouri riots that followed the fatal police shooting of an unarmed African-American teenager were not really about the police shooting but were, rather, manifestations of a barbarian society caused by a decline in traditional marriage. 2001 21,000 2010 18,000 2007 24,500 IHOP head Mike Bickle has stated that homosexuality opens the door to the demonic realm and characterized the gay marriage agenda as rooted in the depths of hell (see: Bickle has repeatedly preached that, according to the Bible, in the coming end-times two-thirds of Jews will be forced into work camps, prison camps, and death camps. Upon his return to the United States, Everett established a program that allowed caring people to provide food, shelter, education, medical care and Christian training for Korean orphans. 2010 11,605 2002 3,125,85 When people were held in bondage to hunger and deprivation by unjust social 2003 500 Thus, the ADF is in effect a spinoff from the elite networks of conservative evangelicals associated with The Fellowship and its offspring The Gathering, a fact which provides strong corroborating evidence for journalist Jeff Sharlets case (as outlined in several chapters his 2009 book C Street: The Fundamentalist Threat To American Democracy [2009, HarperCollins] see: ) that The Fellowship has played a major role in inspiring Ugandan religious and political leaders to create and promote the infamous Uganda Anti Homosexuality Bill. The Heritage Foundation 2002 0 Our leader, Bishop Julius Oyet, with Lifeline Ministries I met him, a dear friend of Os Hillman, Marketplace Ministries, here in Atlanta when we were introduced it was just a divine appointment and he invited us to come to Uganda. The yearly season of service was pioneered by Luis Palaus son Kevin Palau, who has led an effort in which churches under Palaus aegis are partnering with Portland public schools, to mentor students in the Portland public school system. 2005 1,500 2010 1,414,525 Homelessness. On page 171 Reese writes, Most of the time when we know we have dealt with lies and are ready to cast out, we simply call the demon by the name of its apparent function within the person and command it to leave, all without incident of resistance. 2007 25,900 In early 2015, leading up the oral arguments before the U.S. Supreme Court concerning the constitutionality of same-sex marriage, the Liberty Counsel organized a Defend Marriage Pledge, who signatories wanted to warn the Court not to cross the redline of natural marriage (see: ), 2004 15,000 2009 512,200 Portland Fellowship Targeting, intimidation and coercion are the tactics of regimes our nation has fought time and again over its history. National Christian Foundation funding of NOM begins just as religious right efforts to prevent the legalization of same sex marriage were faltering in the United States.

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