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what was the blitzkrieg weegy

Launched in poor weather against a thinly-held Allied sector, it achieved surprise and initial success as Allied air-power was grounded due to cloud cover. User: 3/4 16/9 Weegy: 3/4 ? User: She worked really hard on the project. 16/9 = Weegy: Whenever an individual stops drinking, the BAL will decrease slowly. Germany proved unable to defeat the Soviet Union, which together with Great Britain and the United States seized the initiative from Germany. B. Spanish money funded the colonial settlement in England. [106], The Germans did not achieve surprise and were not able to outflank or break through into enemy rear-areas during the operation. [141], The vital industries and transportation centers that would be targeted for shutdown were valid military targets. During the Battle of Moscow (October 1941 to January 1942), the Red Army defeated the German Army Group Center and for the first time in the war seized the strategic initiative. German armies were destroyed at Falaise in France, the Scheldt in the Netherlands, and the Bulge in Belgium and on the Eastern Front at Cherkasy (in modern Ukraine), Memel (now Klaipda, Lithuania), and Halbe, Germany. = 2 5/20 [10] Some senior officers, including Kurt Student, Franz Halder and Johann Adolf von Kielmansegg, even disputed the idea that it was a military concept. By the language they speak C. By the way they travel D. By the religion they practice. Weegy: A basic position in American foreign policy has been that America must defend its foreign interests related to Weegy: 15 ? Hitler strongly supported this new strategy. Within the Inspectorate of Transport Troops, Guderian and colleagues performed theoretical and field exercise work. In fact, it simply doesnt exist, at least not in the way we usually think it does. Thus, "the image of the German 'Blitzkrieg' army is a figment of propaganda imagination". As an island nation, Britain was safe from land attacks and managed to withstand and resist Nazi air assaults. Later, Marshal Mikhail Tukhachevsky (1893-1937), Georgii Isserson[ru] (1898-1976) and other members of the Red Army developed a concept of deep battle from the experience of the PolishSoviet War of 19191920. Although production of Luftwaffe fighter aircraft continued, they would be unable to fly for lack of fuel. C. 80 square inches mobile homes for rent in rigby idaho. A method of war using motorized vehicles and aggressive movement C. A German term for "peace with honor" D. A method of war involving extensive fortifications and focusing on defense. TTY: 202.488.0406, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Washington, DC, Nazi Territorial Aggression: The Anschluss, Ministry of Propaganda and Public Enlightenment, Holocaust Survivors and Victims Resource Center. [citation needed], Blitzkrieg had been called a Revolution in Military Affairs (RMA) but many writers and historians have concluded that the Germans did not invent a new form of warfare but applied new technologies to traditional ideas of Bewegungskrieg (maneuver warfare) to achieve decisive victory. Among them, Guderian claimed, was Chief of the General Staff Ludwig Beck (193538), who he alleged was skeptical that armored forces could be decisive. An armored counter-attack organized by Colonel de Gaulle could not be sustained, and he had to retreat. Blitzkrieg means "lightning war". Weegy: A basic position in American foreign policy has been that America must defend its foreign interests related to Weegy: 15 ? 6 2/3 Hitler and the Wehrmacht's planning in the 1930s did not reflect a blitzkrieg method but the opposite. where in time is carmen sandiego characters. The German army was trained to support the Schwerpunkt, even when risks had to be taken elsewhere to support the point of main effort as well as attacking with overwhelming firepower. Those attacks combined with Maxime Weygand's Hedgehog tactic would become the major basis for responding to blitzkrieg attacks in the future: deployment in depth, permitting enemy or "shoulders" of a penetration was essential to channelling the enemy attack, and artillery, properly employed at the shoulders, could take a heavy toll of attackers. = 45/20 Germanys success with the tactic at the beginning of World War II hinged largely on the fact that it was the only country that had effectively linked its combined forces with radio communications. Fuller and Sir Basil Liddell Hart providing the tactics necessary to translate the theory into action. what was the blitzkrieg weegydiameter and circumference of a soda can in cm The following day the Allies made repeated attempts to destroy the German pontoon bridges, but German fighter aircraft, ground fire and Luftwaffe flak batteries with the panzer forces destroyed 56 percent of the attacking Allied aircraft while the bridges remained intact. The Weegy: A modal verb (also modal, modal auxiliary verb, modal auxiliary) is a type of auxiliary verb that is used to How did people bring religion west with them. [145], British theorists John Frederick Charles Fuller and Captain Basil Henry Liddell Hart have often been associated with the development of blitzkrieg, though this is a matter of controversy. = 15 ? On D-Day the Allies flew 14,500 sorties over the battlefield area alone, not including sorties flown over north-western Europe. 257-60, Oberleutnant D. Braun, 'Der strategische Uberfall', Militr-Wochenblatt XVIII (1938), pp. Blitzkrieg, or "lightning war," is a method of offensive warfare designed to strike a swift, focused blow at an enemy using highly mobile ground and air forces. WINDOWPANE is the live-streaming app for sharing your life as it happens, without filters, editing, or anything fake. Determined defense by US troops in places throughout the Ardennes, the lack of good roads and German supply shortages caused delays. Every unit in the army, from the company to the supreme command, decided on a Schwerpunkt through schwerpunktbildung, as did the support services, which meant that commanders always knew what was most important and why. [114], Frieser wrote that after the failure of the Schlieffen Plan in 1914, the German army concluded that decisive battles were no longer possible in the changed conditions of the twentieth century. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. [107] Several historians assert that Operation Citadel was planned and intended to be a blitzkrieg operation. It is also significant that Germany's position in the center of Europe to a large extent obviated the need to make a clear distinction between bombers suitable only for 'tactical' and those necessary for strategic purposes in the early stages of a likely future war. = 15 * 3/20 Once war had begun, Hitler urged his economic experts to abandon caution and expend all available resources on the war effort but the expansion plans only gradually gained momentum in 1941. The operational thinking of the German army had not changed significantly since the First World War or since the late 19th century. Question 16 options: A) A method of war using motorized vehicles and aggressive movement B) A German term describing racial unity C) A German term for "peace with honor" D . James Corum wrote: Guderian expressed a hearty contempt for General Ludwig Beck, chief of the General Staff from 1935 to 1938, whom he characterized as hostile to ideas of modern mechanised warfare: [Corum quoting Guderian] "He [Beck] was a paralysing element wherever he appeared.[S]ignificantly of his way of thought was his much-boosted method of fighting which he called delaying defence". Armor commitment consisted of Panzer Battalion 88, a force built around three companies of Panzer I tanks that functioned as a training cadre for Spain's Nationalists. Get a Britannica Premium subscription and gain access to exclusive content. [136], Living standards were not high in the late 1930s. B. Tank and vehicle production was a constant problem for Germany; indeed, late in the war many panzer "divisions" had no more than a few dozen tanks. You're watching the official music video for Ramones - "Blitzkrieg Bop" from the album 'Ramones' (1976). In May 1940, there was near parity in numbers of aircraft between the Luftwaffe and the Allies, but the Luftwaffe had been developed to support Germany's ground forces, had liaison officers with the mobile formations, and operated a higher number of sorties per aircraft. One main difference between the United States Constitution and state constitutions is that state constitutions States specific services to provide. [96][97] On the ground, four German panzer groups outflanked and encircled disorganized Red Army units, while the marching infantry completed the encirclements and defeated the trapped forces. Slave state legislators had more power and what part of Congress during the 1850s. By June 1944 the Western Allies had complete control of the air over the battlefield and their fighter-bomber aircraft were very effective at attacking ground forces. Blitzkrieg (/ b l t s k r i / BLITS-kreeg, German: [bltskik] (); from Blitz 'lightning' + Krieg 'war') is a word used to describe a surprise attack using a rapid, overwhelming force concentration that may consist of armored and motorized or mechanized infantry formations, together with close air support, that has the intent to break through the opponent's lines of defense . Under these conditions it was difficult for German commanders to employ the "armored idea", if at all. Addressing the faster rate at which defenders could reinforce an area than attackers could penetrate it during the First World War, Guderian wrote that "since reserve forces will now be motorized, the building up of new defensive fronts is easier than it used to be; the chances of an offensive based on the timetable of artillery and infantry co-operation are, as a result, even slighter today than they were in the last war." Poland, Norway, France, the Low Countries, the Balkans, North Africa, and the Soviet Union were quickly overwhelmed, and Germany's victories were incredibly fast and efficient. A blitzkrieg is also called a "lightning War" because of how fast the assault was. Tested by the Germans during the Spanish Civil War in 1938 and against Poland in 1939, the blitzkrieg proved to be a formidable combination of land and air action. The _______ Project was the top-secret project tasked with developing atomic weapons in the United States. [k] In 2000, Niklas Zetterling and Anders Frankson characterized only the southern pincer of the German offensive as a "classical blitzkrieg attack". However, the Luftwaffe also provided volunteers to Spain to test both tactics and aircraft in combat, including the first combat use of the Stuka. In fact, far from it being a specialist panzer spearhead arm, less than 15 percent of the Luftwaffe was intended for close support of the army in 1939. terebinth tree symbolism; hp pavilion 27xi won't turn on; the calypso resort and towers; scarlet spider identity; am i having a heart attack female quiz; upload music to radio stations; que significa dormir con las piernas flexionadas hacia arriba; Military planners and bureaucrats in the war economy appear rarely, if ever, to have employed the term blitzkrieg in official documents. Answer (1 of 14): The Blitzkrieg, a combined arms attack featuring well trained troops, tankers, artillery and dive bombers, throwing caution to the wind, and driving into a presumed weak spot in their opponent's defenses. Weegy: Blitzkrieg is a swift intensive military attack, using tanks supported by aircraft, designed to defeat the opposition quickly. The French, hard pressed to organize any sort of counter-attack, were continually ordered to form new defensive lines and found that German forces had already by-passed them and moved on. 20/3 While Allied Air Forces were tied to the support of the Army, the Luftwaffe deployed its resources in a more general, operational way. After those initial German successes, the Allies adopted this form of warfare with great success, beginning with Stalingrad and subsequently used by commanders such as U.S. Gen. George Patton in the European operations of 1944. In Operation Dynamo some 330,000 French and British troops escaped.[90]. = 2 1/4. Raymond Limbach is an independent historian who has an M.A. User: She worked really hard on the project. Another German theorist, Ernst Volckheim, wrote a huge amount on tank and combined arms tactics and was influential to German thinking on the use of armored formations but his work was not acknowledged in Guderian's writings.[159]. After the war Liddell Hart imposed his own perceptions, after the event, claiming that the mobile tank warfare practiced by the Wehrmacht was a result of his influence. With much of their own armor and heavy equipment lost in Northern France, they lacked the means to fight a mobile war. The concept of a blitzkrieg Luftwaffe was challenged by Richard Overy in the late 1970s and by Williamson Murray in the mid-1980s. On the Eastern Front, the war did not bog down into trench warfare; German and Russian armies fought a war of maneuver over thousands of miles, which gave the German leadership unique experience not available to the trench-bound western Allies. [22], In English and other languages, the term had been used since the 1920s. Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal. How did Ralph Waldo Emerson impact American society? [7] German maneuver operations were successful in the campaigns of 19391941 and by 1940 the term blitzkrieg was extensively used in Western media. If the army was destroyed, the commander would be considered a failure. [102] The Battle of Kursk ended with two Soviet counter-offensives and the revival of deep operations. Richard Overy pointed out some 23 percent of German output was military by 1939. Panzer IV in France 1940. Omissions? The German Army had a greater grasp of the effects of technology on the battlefield, and went on to develop a new form of warfare by which its rivals when it came to the test were hopelessly outclassed. Its goal - according to Fhrer Directive 21 (18 December 1940) - was "to destroy the Russian forces deployed in the West and to prevent their escape into the wide-open spaces of Russia". Blitzkrieg consisted of an avalanche of actions that were sorted out less by design and more by success. [27] In early January 1942, Hitler dismissed it as "Italian phraseology". [82], During the war, the Condor Legion undertook the 1937 bombing of Guernica, which had a tremendous psychological effect on the populations of Europe. [113][155] Rather the German concept of wars of movement and concentrated force were seen in wars of Prussia and the German wars of unification. What US foreign policy idea was expressed in a military manner with involvement in the Korean War? Challenge your tactical skills in historical campaigns and defeat powerful Neural Network AI in competitive matches. All employment of force should have an effective concentration in a single moment, with a single action, Clausewitz argued.

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