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prayer against retaliation

By God's grace, no demon dares approach while you are near, so we beg of you, always be near to us! Genesis 4:15 Verse Concepts So the Lord said to him, "Therefore whoever kills Cain, vengeance will be taken on him sevenfold." I renounce the cable tow noose around the neck, the fear of choking and also every spirit causing asthma, hay fever, emphysema or any other breathing difficulty. (Can be done by a priest or lay faithful.). Lord, forgive us our sins. Accept this prayer from my impure lips, and, with the power of Your Maternity, beg Your Son, my Lord and my God, to open for me the depths of His loving kindness, forgive my countless sins, convert me to true repentance, and make me faithful to His commands. Bless the object with Holy Water, saying: In the name of the+Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. They should not address demons directly, such as asking them their names. Lord have mercy. ), +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++, POTENTIAL DELIVERANCE PRAYERS FOR THE AFFLICTED PERSON TO RECITE (see section IV), I bind in the Most Precious Blood of Jesus any and all evil curses, pacts, spells, seals, hexes, vexes, triggers, trances, vows, demonic blessings, voodoo, or any other demonic bondages sent againstme, or any of our loved ones or any of our possessions; I bind them all and break them in the Name of the Father and of the Son+and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. All. (Thrice) Amen. In the name of the+Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. I renounce the insecurity, the love of position and power, the love of money, avarice or greed, and the pride which would have led my ancestors into Masonry. Amen. Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael, St. Joseph, St. Nicholas, St. Dominic, andNN. Carry our prayers up to Gods throne, that the mercy of the Lord may quickly come and lay hold of the beast, the serpent of old, Satan and his demons, casting him in chains into the abyss, so that he can no longer seduce the nations. And I (we) stop all communication of the enemy about my (our) intercession, in Jesus mighty name. O Lord, rebuke the devil! The following is from a priest friend of St. Michael Center. (Thrice), I ask Jesus to bind any evil spirits associated with any and all evil curses, pacts, spells, seals, hexes, vexes, triggers, trances, vows, demonic blessings, or any other demonic bondages sent againstN.or myself, or any of our loved ones or any of our possessions, and I ask Thee to bind all evil spirits separately and individually and break all seals. In the Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ, through the merits of the Most Holy Virgin Mary, through the intercession of Saint Michael the Archangel, the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul and all the saints, I ask Thee, God the Father, to break every occult tie of black magic (sorcery, curse, etc.) Prayer is not only needed to bring God's plan into your life but to maintain it because you have an enemy that fights God's plan for your life. PROTECTION PRAYER AGAINST RETALIATION OF EVIL SPIRITS - YouTube Father, I beseech you to send a spirit of unity and peace to my family. I take to myself the whole armor of God in accordance with Ephesians Chapter Six, and rejoice in its protection as Jesus surrounds me and fills me with His Holy Spirit. and by all my senses: sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch; and all other sins, spiritual and bodily, through which I have angered You, My God and Creator, and caused injustice to my neighbours. You who said to the sea, be silent, be still and instantly it was calmed at Your command. Let this blood penetrate the very marrow of our bones to cleanse us from any entanglement from whatever evil spirits we have come in contact with during the course of our intercession. Travel with those who travel by land and air. And I command all spirits associated with these unholy ties, links, bondages to go immediately and directly to the foot of the cross of the Lord Jesus. I ask to be delivered of every spirit of sickness, infirmity, curse, affliction, addiction, disease or allergy associated with these sins I have confessed and renounced. Breaking the Spirit of Death, Offer a prayer such as this: Any spirits of death or anything connected with death, anything associated with the abortion, miscarriage, contraceptive use, etc., you and all of your companion spirits, I bind you separately and individually in the Blood of Christ and break all seals, in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Have mercy on us. +O Lord, rebuke Satan! I bind and completely and utterly reject, with the full force of my will any sin or spiritual defect of mine as well as any temptation, allurements or power that any generational spirit may have over me as a result of my sin or the sin of any other person. For us men and for our salvation he came down from heaven: by the power of the Holy Spirit he was born of the Virgin Mary, and became man. An act of Consecration to the Blessed Virgin Mary can also be made. Amen. He who fell from heaven and together with him all evil spirits: every evil spirit of lust, the spirit of evil, a day and nocturnal spirit, a noonday and evening spirit, a midnight spirit, an imaginative spirit, an encountering spirit, whether of the dry land or of the water, or one in a forest, or among the reeds, or in trenches, or in a road or a crossroad, in lakes, or streams, in houses, or one sprinkling in the baths and chambers, or one altering the mind of man. (Person and/or places)]by Your might from every influence of the accursed spirits, from their every evil snare and deception, and to keep us from all harm; through Christ Our Lord. Sorrowing for this, but determined to repent, I stand guilty before You, my God. Dear Lord Jesus, would you please send a special assignment of defending angelic powers to remove all trafficking witches from me. I cover the whole air, the whole land and the whole sea with the Blood of Jesus Christ. (3x), With the sword of our Lady: Ecce ancilla Domini. I (we) also ask that You be with the person who gave me (us) these materials and free them from any bondage. Prayer to Reverse Decisions: To be said by the person: Lord Jesus Christ, in Thy Name, and by the power of Thy Precious Blood, by the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary and by the intercession of St. Michael the Archangel, I retake the authority which was given to me by Thee in giving me freewill over the choices which I have made in the past as presented to me by Satan and his minions. Amen. And deliver me, O Lord, from vain and frivolous thoughts and from evil desires which defile me. 5. The most dangerous type of warfare is binding and loosing but this script is imperative for all sessions. He came to give me life abundantly and eternally, and I believe His promises. Its value comes from the inspired Word of God that composes it. Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael, of the Blessed Apostles Peter and Paul, St. Nicholas, and St. Dominic,NN. Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. It is very apparent that one of the biggest mistakes intercessors have made is to not bind backlash with every prayer or intercession. **Optional deliverance prayer may be used: "Minor Exorcism of St. John Chrysostom" adapted for deacons. I renounce all agreements that I have made with Satan . Binding and Loosing Prayer - Audrey Dickey Ministries If any of us has been subjected to any curses, hexes, or spells, I beg Thee to declare these curses, hexes or spells null and void. I ask you to bring these people before your throne and bless them with the revelation of who you are and your love and plans of salvation for them. In doing this, you will discover that the Little Psalter is a prayer of adoration and reparation, and it is for this that I have given it to you and ask you to make it known I give you this prayer for My own glory, so outraged and spurned by souls grown cold in sin, but I also give it to you for your own consolation after so much bitter suffering, and for the consolation of a great number of souls with whom I share My Passion, those who make up for what is lacking in My sufferings, in their own flesh, for the sake of My Body, the Church., The Little Psalter of the Most Holy Face of Jesus, + Hear, O Lord Jesus, the prayers of Thy servant. Remember, O Lord our parents and relatives who have fallen asleep, and grant them repose where the light of Your countenance shines. Rise not in anger against us, remember not our transgressions, but in the depth of Your mercy look upon us even now and save us from our enemies; for You are our God and we are Your people, we are all the work of Your hands and we constantly call upon Your name. Saint Joseph, Terror of Demons, cast your solemn gaze upon the devil and all his minions, and protect us with your mighty staff. By your protection, may I be able to rest in tranquility and prepare devoutly to serve you tomorrow and every day. +O Lord, rebuke the Devil, You who dried all tears from every face by the spitting upon Your precious expressed image. I will not fear evil because You are with me, my God, my strength, my powerful Lord, Lord of peace, Father of all ages. Jesus, free me! In the Name of Jesus, begone. Lord, have mercy on us, for we have put our trust in You. I break any unholy bonds that allowed such curses to come upon me. I renounce the three infamous assassins of their grand master, law, property and religion, and the greed and witchcraft involved in the attempt to manipulate and control the rest of mankind. If any evil spirits have attached themselves to us or oppress us in any way, spirits of earth, air, fire, or water, of the netherworld or of nature, and all spirits not of the Holy Spirit, we pray that these evil spirits would depart now and go straight to Jesus Christ, for Him to deal with as He wills. Amen. In the name of Jesus Christ and by the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, I renounce HIRAM ABIFF, the false savior of Freemasons revealed in this degree. Strengthen, O Lord, the hedge of protection around me (each of us) and my (our) family. (Thrice, if necessary. O Angel of Christ, my holy guardian and protector of my soul and body, forgive me all my sins today. Mary, surround me with thy mantle, blocking any retaliating spirits from having any authority over me. He/She cries out to You seeking Your Mercy, Healing, and Protection. Satan hates it whenever you pray the slightest prayer, never wanting you to communicate with God since he wants to be god himself. Bring the session to a close with a gentle prayer such as the Rosary or Our Father. All-Holy Trinity, have mercy on us. For You are the guardian of our souls and bodies, and to You we render glory,+Father, Son and Holy Spirit. All. I now close that Third Eye and all occult ability to see into the spiritual realm, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and put my trust in the Holy Spirit sent by Jesus Christ and in the Holy Roman Catholic Church for all I need to know on spiritual matters. St. I pray all these things in the precious name of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. If opportune, to be done with a profound bow or by kneeling. In the name of the Father, the Son+and the Holy Spirit. Lord, deliver us. (3x, if opportune at the foot of the bed.). Standing against Demonic Retaliation-Spiritual Attacks Heavenly Father, in the Name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, by the power of the Holy Spirit, we pray that the cleansing power of the precious blood of Your Son come upon us right now. I am a leader of a prayer group for few months now. Fr. (Ripperger, Minor Exorcisms, Appendix III, pp. I honor my earthly father and mother and all of my ancestors of flesh and blood, and of the spirit by adoption, and godparents, but I utterly turn away from and renounce all their sins. This prayer is very effective, depending upon ones faith and sincerity, in removing the psychic vulnerability of persons to the preternatural world of the unclean spirits whether this vulnerability was attained by occult practices and/or having spirits of the occult come down from ancestors who delved in sorcery and witchcraft.

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