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hoi4 change ideology command kaiserreich

Slightly rebalanced Russias starting infrastructure, industry and resources. Fixed Japans Busan Negotiations event chain. Fixed the Shanxi Neutrality national spirit, as it is now removed upon entering faction or war. If you dont care about models you can enjoy the extra space, while if you do youll need to subscribe to the new submods (and get many new models in the process). Fixed puppet KMT Hunan aligning itself with the Chinese Federalists. Added Arsenije Jovanovi as a general for socialist Serbia, removing him as an advisor for Montenegro. GEA will now lose the Vietcong ideas when peacing out with INC. Jerusalem's province is no longer a desert, Fixed Nasir Shah not keeping his original trait when returning to Kumul, Fixed a MEX idea swap not giving any new modifiers, Fixed the United Front leader's faction not reforming properly if it was not the original leader of the faction, Fixed the duplicate decisions for leaving the United Front, Fixed FOP not being properly released by The Revolution Successful, Added a bunch of backup countries to Wilhelm's death event, so it finally fires correctly. All White Ruthenian paths can now get 4 research slots. Fixed a couple of issues with Bulgaria's unit name lists. Attacking Bulgaria and retaking them after the end of the chain allows Serbia to establish cores via decision on Bulgarian core lands, Added alternate effects for RUS Okhrannoye Otdeleniye ideas so they are more useful to non-La Resistance owner, Siam finally gets its own balancing adjustment (read: "nerfed hard across the board"), Redone localisation for a majority of Mongolias early events, Zhang Xueliangs demands to Japan will now be delivered immediately, Reformgruppe African puppets are now puppets of Germany, not Mittelafrika. Fevzi Pashas Ottoman Empire now gets the same annexation missions as other centralists. Fixed puppet Italian Republic or Socialist Italy not having claims on the rest of Italy. Hearts of Iron 4's Kaiserreich mod is the best historical strategy Updated the AI so that countries with smaller amounts of factories are not going to try to build tanks. Added some events regarding the Romanian annexation of Alfld. Here you can find the changelogs for all Beta releases of KR4. Fix for the British Aid idea not canceling upon the UoB no longer existing. Jabal Shammar is now released as an Ottoman Emirate if puppeted by the Ottomans. Adjusted the probabilities so that it is now less rare for Burma to become socialist. Added new decisions for Rhodesia as part of the updated national focus tree. Player-controlled Ottomans can now join the Reichspakt without being in a defensive war, or Germany already beating Russia. Decreased the amount of 10-width divisions that majors use, so that the AI should try and train better infantry divisions. Both National France and the United Kingdom have separate events dealing with colonial territories when/if they reclaim their homelands anyhow. Fixed Romania having to re-core certain states after being released. Removed a duplicate Morteza Yazdanpanah portrait. Fixed GBR not keeping Ulster when releasing a free Ireland, improved the code a bit, and converted a couple of descs into scripted loc. Fixed puppet Norway having inappropriate national spirits. Various performance tweaks and quality of life changes for Centroamerica. Added new icons for Brazil, Greece, Iceland, Ottoman Empire, Serbia, Siam, Ukraine and the Spanish Civil War countries. Increased the level of army experience and political power given in the Kingdom of Two Sicilies national foci. Fixed the Treaty of Budapest firing even if Germany is already dead. set_ruling_party [ideology group] This command sets the specified ideology group as the ruling party. Japan now actually loses SocCon popularity if the Seiyukai loses its majority. The Ivory Coast can be integrated into the French Union. Updated and expanded the options of countries formed when Germany is annexed. Estonia: Artur Kapps Symphony N 2; Videvik; Koit; Don Carlos; Eesti Lipp; Kodumaa; Mu Isamaa, Mu nn Ja Rm, Hungary: Fehervari Indulo; Ungarischer Sturmmarsch, Latvia: Krauklits Sez Ozola; Riga Dimd; Ak, Latvija; Dievs, svt Latviju; Latvju Tautas Mars; Lgo, Laiva, Uz dea; Mirdzot piem Zeltsaules Staros; Zem Msu Kjm, Poland: Cikie Czasy Legionera; Marsz Triumfalny Jana III Sobieskiego. Fixed Gabons election victors not increasing their party popularity after being elected. Germany can now start WK2 itself after solving Black Monday. Updated the Spanish states to more closely follow vanilla HoI4. Ottoman AI will no longer get volunteers from Somalia, Azerbaijan, Mittelafrika and Afghanistan, Egyptian AI now receives volunteers and material support from the Internationale when fighting against the Turks, Afghanistan can no longer be called in against Iran during the Levantine war, Conquered Cyrenaica will now only respawn during the Levantine war if resistance is high enough in its states instead of always, The effects of National Frances purge ideas have been slightly tweaked. Having a cap on the total number of units (particularly the number of units that smaller countries can field) is the biggest way we can help with this. Russia gets Ukrainian generals, admirals and the navy when annexing Ukraine in the Treaty of Pereyeslav, Converted most of the Polish foreign policy into decisions, Transamur can get their voting rights on the Legation Council restored, Added events to show what the decisions to prosecute the criminals actually mean, Colombia can now only choose Crusade Against Syndicalism if led by Pinilla (the decisions only worked for him anyway), Shortened the time between the USA's trial focus and the trial events, Luxembourg can now be granted to an allied France or Germany, Other Italian states are now more likely to agree to peaceful annexation, Italian faction-joining and war declaration decisions are now instant, Italian AI will now wait 30 days after peace before joining a faction, Belgrade Pact members will now never refuse to join, Afghanistan will now lose claims on Indian territory after losing to Delhi, Removed events allowing France to event-annex Belgium mid-war, Acting against Black Monday is no longer costlier than doing nothing, Changed the layout of the Chinese faction alignment chart, Perezs Venezuela can now join any faction the US is part of, Japan can no longer build a reactor in 1940, Transamur isnt a Japanese puppet at game start anymore, Russia can now seize Greater Armenia when the Ottomans collapse, A socialist coup in the Netherlands will now disband the BeNeSam, The Carlists dont sack the royal palace in the news event if they take Madrid, Added annexation missions for Estonia and Latvia, Brazil can choose to join the Entente in exchange for East Guyana, Egypt now releases puppets in former Ottoman lands if they chose to do so in the conference, If Fengtian rebels, Japan now installs Tang Shaoyi as leader of the Reorganized Government of the Republic of China instead of annexing China, The CSA can now join the Internationale if at war with an Entente PSA, Canada will no longer intervene in the ACW if the Deal with the Devil is active, SocDem Brazil can now support the CSA in the ACW, Puppet Hannover has been renamed to the North German Federation, Serbia can no longer drag Russia into a war with Austria before the WK2, Fixed Canadian MarkLib government not being switched to SocLib when Mackenzie King dies, Reshuffled Irish generals roster, swapped some focus icons and removed Sean Murray, Betty Sinclair, Padraic OMaille, Jonathan King, and numerous unused portraits. You can no longer get the Iraqi neutrality buff if you join a faction. Russia now starts the game in the middle of producing 1934 tanks, not WWI tanks. Fixed the Empire of Brazil joining the Reichspakt without being first denied by the Entente. All content for dealing with the Legation Cities, the concessions, Mongolia, Xinjiang and Tibet is now unified, and gated behind proclaiming the Republic of China. Fixed Serbian events giving empty airframes. Sichuan will now always become a puppet of Yunnan if it accepts their ultimatum. Fixed Otvio Mangabeira returning as leader if provisional revolts against socialist Brazil are successful. Added a leader description to Switzerlands Jakob Herzog. Renamed the Gumbinnen state to Memel and tweaked its area. Socialist Poland now starts with a Totalist/RadSoc/Syndicalist coalition, until Dzierzynski dies. We hope you enjoy the changes and have fun playing Kaiserreich! Fixed socialist puppet Bolivia keeping claim on Patagonian territory. Reviewed the stats of Patagonian generals. Added Oh, the Red Viburnum in the Meadow, Prayer for Ukraine, Ukraine is not yet lost and We were born in a great hour for Ukraine. The Mutasarrifate of Jerusalem can no longer be called into the Ottoman Empires wars. Fixed the pathing for Wilhelmina's portrait so it works for Dutch East Indies. Updated the German Siemens national focus icon. OOB changes for Greece, Socialist Italy, Tibet, Finland, Alash Orda, Transamur, Switzerland, Norway, Sweden, Romania, Chile, Ethiopia and Somalia. CNT-FAI is now led by Buenaventura Durruti. Nerfed Patagonias postwar stability gained from focuses. The Absorbing the Guiyidao national focus for Shandong now also grants NatPop popularity. Fixed Sardinia being unable to core Piedmont, if they join the Italian Confederation. Fixed Tibet declaring war inappropriately on the Bharatiya Commune. Fixed the Fate of Sarawak giving the lands to Malaya instead of Insulindia. Fixed France not getting claims on Wallonia if they annex all of Belgium, Fixed the Dutch Revolution news event using the wrong description, MAF can no longer release its constituents while at war, The CSA Constitutional Congress popularity gains now reflect the actual politics, Fixed a Yunnan focus bypassing incorrectly and added extra AI factors to their war foci, Post-ACW emergency mobilization is no longer locked, Fixed and improved the Hunan faction joining decisions, Fixed the post-Great Game trees' availables. Countries can no longer gain autonomy levels unless their overlord is at peace, or they're in the same wars. Fixed missing ship names for the Commune of France. For Jabal Shammar, the Iraqi Camel Corps is now actually composed of camels. Increased the compliance that Poland has when obtaining Krakw, Pozna and Upper Silesia. Terms of use for Paradox Account Austria will now send its volunteers in the Spanish Civil War to the Kingdom of Spain, instead of the Carlists. Fixed an Ottoman event removing parliament votes, when the Ottomans aren't decentralist. Legation Cities idea representing Qing influence should be removed in the right cases. Otherwise, he will go to either the Fengtian Government, Hunan, Liangguang or Sichuan, preferring one controlled by a player. The result is a more competitive naval build-up over the game, the AI spending less resources buying fuel for an oversized navy in the early game, and a slight performance increase. Fixed the Commune of Frances tank division national focus deleting player templates. Fixed Tver's terrain art appearing in the wrong province. For the Mutasarrifate of Jerusalem, countries that turn socialist now refute the Port Said Convention. Added a description tooltip to Japans East Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere. The unrest caused by losing the Bush War is now limited to the Zambesi Basin, rather than being a global modifier. Added a unique description for when the two RKMT governments join the Southern Nationalist Group. France no longer annexes Flanders-Wallonia mid-war. Added a check for killing the Portuguese king. Reduced the failure rate of the Russian Zemstvo system, and removed the extra penalties (losing time and PP is already enough of a penalty.). Fixed Legation Cities not being able to join with Fengtian, and a missing trigger tooltip. Bulgaria can no longer attack Greece immediately after accepting peace with them. Fixed the Tibet-Sichuan peace treaty firing even if either tag was annexed. Fixed China getting claims on Mongolia/Tibet/Xinjiang before annexing them. Fixed Japan not inviting its allies to its economic sphere, if the allies own any Japanese claims. Added Aleksi Shiukashvili as an air-related Military High Command member for Georgia. Restored the 50% value of equipment transfer upon capitulation (this is now the same as vanilla HoI4). ws [amount . Fixed a Qing national focus availability. New Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, Dahomey, Greece, Mexico, Montenegro, Netherlands, Fengtian, France, Lombardy, Ottoman, Portugal, Serbia, Sweden, Wallonia icons. Fixed Fengtian attempting to appoint a fourth advisor. Stopped the Mexican AI from declaring war on Central American countries they dont border. - The KR4 Team: Alpinia, Arvidus, Augenis, Blackfalcon501, DSFDarker, Carmain, Dr. Njitram, Drozdovite, Edouard Saladier, lose, Eragaxshim, Fbruchmueller, Flamefang, Fort, Gideones, JazzyHugh, Jeankedezeehond, Jonjon428, Jonny BL, Krco, Liegnitz, Maltesefalcon, Matoro, NukeGaming, OperationsManagementDecisions, PPsyrius, Pietrus, Rei VL, Rylock, SPQR, Starguard, Telcontar101, The Alpha Dog, Thomahawk2k, Vidyaorszg, WordZero, Yard1, Zankoas and Zimbabwe Salt Co. Hello everyone! Angola no longer takes control of a state in Spain when released. Fixed Persia declaring war on too many people when declaring on the Ottomans. The United Baltic Duchy now loses cores on Estonian / Latvian lands temporarily, instead of forcing resistance. Fixed countries remaining in Mitteleuropa while at war with Germany. Fixed an Anqing event firing multiple times. Fixed Siam being able to build factories in non-controlled states. It means that there are no longer hundreds of decisions being evaluated every game day to see if those missions are valid (for many users, resulting in a slight pause at the end of each game day as the game evaluates all those triggers). The Transylvanian Resistance is now removed if Romania or Transylvania are annexed. AutDemTurkey now will not join the Reichspakt if the Weltkrieg is already over by the time they have the possibility to join. CSAs militia commanders now have a unique trait. Fixed Boris not correctly leaving Bulgaria. Bhutans AI will now actually use its decisions. Argentina can no longer release Paraguay while at war with FOP (to avoid puppeting shenanigans if it's defeated). Independent Belgium (foreign policy branch), French Republic (if Germany has fallen before they return to the Mtropole). Fixed two remaining zero-weight national foci for Brazil, added increase weights during a war. This includes updating the railroad and supply hub locations, changes to army, air and naval experience generation and doctrine research, and implementing the new scripting features for modders that Paradox have added to the game. Qing can now only purchase ships from the Kingdom of Two Sicilies, if the former are not at war. South Africa can now integrate Namibia in the annexation event. Removed the at peace requirement for Yunnans Promote Tourism national focus. Adapted New Englands Congress effects to account for conservative democrats being in power. Rebalanced Polands Austrian-aligned economy national spirits. Fixed Greek tooltip in the Megali War, saying faction leader supported them, Ukraine decision to join the Third Internationale now cancels if war with Germany (or anyone else the TI isnt at war with) starts before the decision expires. Fixed Armenia remaining a vilayet after the defeat of the Ottomans. Merged Akanland state into the Ivory Coast. Carles` regime political idea in Argentina now depends on player actions and bloodthirstiness, and instead of flat political power bonus now carries both buffs and debuffs which are increased depending on player choices during initial event chain. Removed the Sichuan/Yunnan peace deal for performance reasons. Fixed Austria releasing Croatia in Dalmatia. Added Duluth, Minnesota as a victory point in the USA. Expanded Russia AI ambitions for Eastern Germany now actually include all of Eastern Germany. Fixed Canada being re-added to the Legation Council if out of the Entente. Rebalanced many Dutch national focus durations. Germanys Black Monday national spirit now has different modifiers. Increased the Netherlands starting stability. Nicaragua no longer starts without a core on Matagalpa - instead, it has a modifier blocking conscription in the state. Poland now is denied access into the Moscow Accord, if Russia is Expansionist. All of Tyrol can now be given to German splinter countries. Fixed Scotlands Willie Gallacher using Tom Manns portrait. The Social Liberal and Social Democrat parties in Chens Liangguang are now in a coalition if Chen keeps power. Added "Hej, Strzelcy Wraz! Tweaked fall of Gibraltar event to only fire when it happens outside the SCW. Fixed a Shanxi response event not firing for Qing. Fixed an Armenian flavour event firing twice. Added two new generals (Yu Zhishan and Xing Shilian) to the Fengtian Government. Fixed Qing commissioning ships from Two Sicilies, if Two Sicilies no longer exists. Fixed Bechara El Khoury being appointed as an advisor in Syria while being in Lebanon. Removed the 5% for Netherlands to choose not to join the Reichspakt, if attacked by the Commune of France. Streamlined the mechanics of the Mittelafrikan collapse. The Belgian king and prince no longer become generals for an Entente country releasing a united Belgium. Fixed Ottoman unrest effects being triggered on non-core states. Fixed Assyria's Frontline of Imperialism referring to Canada instead of the Entente leader. Fixed Isuzu being available for Legation Cities, even if Japan is kicked out. These warnings will be received sooner if a decryption advantage is possessed over the aggressor tag, or if decryption progress has been started against them (with LaR). The Ottoman Renaissance idea now applies to all possible revolters. Updated the effect of the Emergency Powers trait for presidents of New England. The Left Kuomintang now always changes its capital to Nanjing after winning the League War. Fixed Paraguay's victory event against Argentina not firing. Fixed Russia spawning emergency units without a template. Changes to Mittelafrika bush war victory- instead of making demands on their own and having them be carried out automatically, now Mittelafrika will ask Germany to make demands, which the portuguese will receive.Player led Mittelafrika can still make demands of their own, though this will cost them stability. Added the possibility of Vietnam existing to the war focus and the peace events. Mittelafrikas starting leader is now referred to as the Governor, instead of Statthalter, and will later attempt to assume the title Statthalter, instead of Vizeknig. Decreased the duration of some Turkish national focuses. The severity of the United States and New England Great Depression modifier is now based on whether the Garner-Wagner bill passed or failed. Fixed the system for the French Republic joining Mitteleuropa. Ottomans can no longer demand Thrace if they've decided to support Bulgaria. Fixed Albania not being part of the Balkan War peace deal if they attacked independently. Fixed Carlist Spain declaring war on the French Republic over them seizing Rif during the Spanish Civil War. Fixed Emiliano Chamorro not being the SocCon leader in the Nicaraguan elections. Fixed Georgia being referred to as a Kingdom, when puppeted by Russia. Swedens Industrial Sabotage national spirit it receives from Norway is now timed. Added parties and leaders to Algeria, Tunisia and Senegal. Fixed the character promotion in Ecuadors 1951 elections event. An ACW event for Minnesota now lets the player know the fate of Iowa has also been decided. Germanys decision to potentially seize Spanish Morocco during the Spanish Civil War is now more obvious. Now, if Germany still exists, Austria can appeal to them for intervention at the outset of the chain. Fixed Legation Cities losing its core on Tianjin. Enjoy! Made the terrain for Mutasarrifate of Jerusalem more accurate. The United States of Yugoslavia now have a unique flag. Fixed Robert Menzies not correctly becoming the leader of South Africa. Removed Italian cores on Dalmatia and Kotor. Mittelafrika can now get licenses from Germany for free. The Netherlands should now turn syndicalist a little less. Fixed the Leaving Mitteleuropa event showing up in the war declaration UI. Fixed an Assyrian focus title that was too long. Multiple changes to Ethiopia - Swapped some focuses around to make more sense narratively, bumped up the debt debuffs but made the AI smarter, removed some starting techs, some idea balancing, reduced some focus times, tweaked some companies. Removed a couple of US ship names based on OTL WW1 leaders. This will likely be our only hotfix so stay tuned for our next big update! Fixed the inability to progress the naval focus tree as West Indies Federation. Added a leader description for Finlands Vin I. All American tags will now refrain from justifying on each other. Added a war check to the Centroamrica faction joining decision. Fixed the Fall of Yekaterinburg requiring control of Kazan's victory point. Annexation missions (the decisions you see which pop up after you gain territory, which allow for the release of puppets) have been reworked so they are now triggered. Fixed Jorge ONeills portrait not appearing for Ireland. Added Nov Zmky as a victory point to the Danubian Lowlands state. The Kingdom of Two Sicilies now starts with two more dockyards. Remove stability by using a negative number. Slightly adjusted the starting values for Polands influence groups. Fixed Cubas Ramn Grau San Martin not being promoted during March on Havana. Rebalanced the Combined Syndicates To the Bitter End national spirit. Russia - requesting Bessarabia from the puppet of a faction member, Ukraine - claiming states in Kuban, if at war with their owner, Improved National Spirit icons for the American Civil War participants, Removed a non-existent mountain range in Cyrenaica, Fixed several incorrect Victory Point locations. Assyria can now receive one extra volunteer from any Entente country that aids them. Removed Japanese Home Island oil. Fixed a negative opinion modifier for the Papal States after they disassociate from Two Sicilies, accidentally target New England. Tweaked the timing of MacArthur's Yorktown events. Uruguay now gets its 4th research slot later. Added an event where Quentin Roosevelt may now be restored if MacArthur is arrested, and Olson was previously the President. Raised AI priority for South Africas industrial decisions. Fixed Tang going federalist after betraying Chen in Shantou. Fixed Qings Northwest focus not bypassing, if it would have no effect. While the exact definition of light cruiser is tied to washington naval treaty, the term was used already before it and also this name feels more natural then forced Escort Cruiser. Fixed a victorious Finland not getting a non-aggression pact with a defeated Russia. If the Left Kuomintang are a puppet then they will only be able to take Army/Navy/Air national foci to prevent your puppet from doing major changes to their government (1st congress etc) without your knowing. Fixed Egypt instantly getting rid of illiteracy. Batam is no longer connected to Singapore making Sumatra, Java, and the Lesser Sunda Islands actual islands and not part of mainland Asia. Increased the completion time for some German economic national focuses. Fixed Yunnan being able to join the Zhilis faction. Japan now loses ambition areas on China upon peacing with them. Fixed the Left Kuomintangs dockyard decisions removing the industrialisation decisions. New ministers for Wales, Scotland, England, and puppet Great Britain. Fixed puppet Cuba having inappropriate national focuses and spirits. AI countries will no longer build above their unit limits when losing. Added the former Timur Beg stand-in leader picture as a generic. Fixed Li Zongren being able to core Korea and all other puppets. - The KR4 Team: Adrianator2, Alpinia, Arvidus, Asratius, Augenis, Blackfalcon501, Carmain, Chazem, Conor, DSFDarker, El Daddy, Flamefang, Gideones, Ido, Igor050301, JazzyHugh, Jeankedezeehond, Jonjon428, Jonny BL, KFateweaver, Kennedy, kergely, Krco, Luwofe, Matoro, McOmghall, ~mw~, Nijato, NukeGaming, OperationsManagementDecisions, Owenomaly, PPsyrius, Pelmen, RagnoStrangeros, Rei VL, Retrocognition, Shiroe, Starguard, Story, Suzuha, The Alpha Dog, The Irredentista, The Italian Jojo, Vidyaorszg, Zankoas and Zimbabwe Salt Co. - The KR4 Team: Adrianator2, Alpinia, Arvidus, Asratius, Augenis, Blackfalcon501, Carmain, Chazem, Conor, DSFDarker, El Daddy, Flamefang, Gideones, Ido, Igor050301, JazzyHugh, Jonjon428, Jonny BL, KFateweaver, Kennedy, kergely, Krco, Luwofe, Matoro, McOmghall, ~mw~, Nijato, NukeGaming, OperationsManagementDecisions, Owenomaly, PPsyrius, Pelmen, RagnoStrangeros, Rei VL, Retrocognition, Rylock, Shiroe, Starguard, Story, Suzuha, Telcontar101, The Alpha Dog, The Irredentista, The Italian Jojo, Vidyaorszg, Zankoas and Zimbabwe Salt Co. - The KR4 Team: Adrianator2, Alpinia, Arvidus, Asratius, Augenis, Blackfalcon501, Carmain, Chazem, Conor, DSFDarker, El Daddy, Flamefang, Gideones, Hildagrim, Ido, Igor050301, JazzyHugh, Jonjon428, Jonny BL, Kennedy, Krco, Luwofe, Matoro, McOmghall, ~mw~, Nijato, NukeGaming, OperationsManagementDecisions, Owenomaly, PPsyrius, Pelmen, RagnoStrangeros, Rei VL, Retrocognition, Rylock, Shiroe, Starguard, Suzuha, Telcontar101, The Alpha Dog, The Irredentista, The Italian Jojo, Vidyaorszg, Zankoas and Zimbabwe Salt Co. Hey all, a quick hotfix today. Fixed Canada never attacking a puppet Great Britain. Adjusted the Chief of Army trait for the Commune of Frances Georges Catroux. Fixed HUN not being counted as an Austrian puppet during its civil war. Fixed the NatPop coup being too common for the Ma Clique. Fixed America not changing its flag to take account of new states. Fixed Karl staying as leader of puppet Austria. Fixed Romania getting stuck at war with Albania. Added victory points for Maribor and Bregenz in Austria. Lithuanias Bundists are now led by Shlomo Kleit, from Vilnius, as opposed to Victor Alter, who was from Warsaw.

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