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homestuck class personalities

The name Karkat is a reference to "Karkata" the name of Cancer in the Hindu zodiac. Most accurate and intricate is probably thinking it out for yourself. The largest, most active Homestuck community in 2021. What kind of video game do you decide to make? Heirs generally have to do very little work to become key players- fate guides them naturally to where they are supposed to go and what they are supposed to do. This was how I initially grouped each class with a type and wing. Alright, so with all of the Classes done, its time for the Aspects. Homestuck Theory Synthesis Classpect Title Test It shares this quality with the Heir, Rogue and Maid outfits, although it's currently unclear whether the other classes have similarly equipped outfits. They've announced they're about to go to sleep and put the first part of their plan into action. Simplistically, active means self-serving, passive means group oriented, where active classes employ or affect their aspect directly and for their own gain, and passive classes are affected by their aspect, and work to benefit their team. List of every character with a known aspect and role : homestuck - Reddit Vriska is cerulean-blooded and takes the role of an antihero in Homestuck. Q12: You and your teammate both have different plots for how to deal with the Dersian royalty. [HS 5] English's surname comes from the villain Lord English. And WTF Is Homestuck? One night, before entering Sgrub, an incident occurs which kills her lusus (caretaker); eventually it is revealed that this also killed Aradia, turning her into a ghost and causing her to lose interest in everything she enjoyed prior, including archaeology, and focus instead on acquiring and playing Sgrub. Three male-exclusive classes were stated (Bard, Prince and Lord), as was one female-exclusive class (Muse). The character is notable for having a short-lived crisis regarding their gender identity, due to the differing genders of the sprite's two constituent characters. As you can see the wing terms are eerily similar to certain classes of homestuck. Dahni The Doom Aspect and its God Tiers/Classpect Roles You're curious and sleep-deprived enough to download the file without thinking too much about the potential consequences. It is not clear whether this is Caliborn's original default Lord of Time outfit or a modified version like Meenah's outfit in Ministrife, but modifications very likely took place. However she later states I Am On Record As Once Having Facetiously Likened It To A Magical Witch, casting that into doubt. Seated at a desk in front of you is a white horse with no facial features and a green bow tie. Jack Noir, along with Jade Harley, was unable to pick up the source of his scent, as if the Breeze was protecting him. ARADIA: he is a powerful warrior class which exploits the flow of time as a weapon. This also ties in with the Muse being the most passive class, as to fulfil her role Calliope only needed to die at her brother's hands. Heirs generally have to do very little work to become key players- fate guides them naturally to where they are supposed to go and what they are supposed to do. Karkat becomes KK, Terezi becomes TZ, etc. If one goes out on a limb, one may also speculate that it is the counterpart to heir, being one who causes others to be affected by [aspect], as Sollux does with his virus, causing others to be affected by doom, or Meulin could do or could have done with shipping, causing others to be affected by heart. Andrew Hussie also inserted himself into Homestuck's story as a character, where he offers detailed summaries and ends up in "bizarre in-world encounters. The exact powers of a Knight are unknown, but it has been described by Aradia as warriors that exploit their aspect as a weapon. [16] Her classpect is Seer of Mind. The queen of Derse, as well as Jack Noir's nemesis, Archagent who handles Derse's tedious paperwork, as well as the leader of the Midnight Crew, Serves as the Archagent in place of Jack, as cool as a cucumber, The most physically strong among the four, This page was last edited on 5 February 2023, at 05:29. Calliope has stated that Caliborn "prevails throUgh the simple inertia of inevitability that has always been on his side, as a lord of time." Feferi was able to establish an afterlife through dream bubbles, therefore breaking the rules of Life. Submit fanart, cosplay and discussions of all kinds! Hussie invented an alien species, called trolls, that have a unique culture. He also claims that he is destined to go blind before dying,[HS 15] a claim which later proves to be partially true. At least 2 of the remaining classes would therefore have to be female-exclusive, in order to balance the number of known male-exclusive classes (presumably Witch and Maid, given the feminine connotations). Homestuck Classpect Quiz & Which Homestuck Class Are You? Dave puts on the "aloof coolkid" mask, complete with shades that hide his emotions. MS Paint Adventures Wiki is a FANDOM Comics Community. The Heir is a passive (+) class[1], whose exact definition is not yet known. Equius is presented as an indigo-blooded robotics expert with an unnatural amount of strength. But I am sort of leaning torwards leaving them out for the same reason I left the different consort species out; they aren't really individual characters. His classpect is Prince of Hope. You see, in every hero of hope there dwells a gr8 hidden power, unrivaled 8y that of any other aspect and for a page, the journey to reach his full potential is longer than it is for any other class. I'm finally giving my fan trolls and kids god tiers and I'm not too sure how their aspects play into their characters I understand life is tied to [15] His classpect is Page of Breath. The name Terezi is a reference to the Albanian word Terezi, meaning "Justice." [6] She often uses a hunting rifle (specibus Riflekind) in battle. [6] He is often high on Sopor Slime or possessed by other forces such as Lord English or his classpect. Kanaya is a jade-blood. The Heir outfit has a front pocket akin to a typical hoodie. Submit fanart, cosplay and discussions of all kinds! Page may also refer to the middle age term for a young knight in training. The relationship between the player and the reader of the story fluctuates from page to page, and the player character may switch from avatar to avatar. However, "Page" could also be taken as "a blank sheet of paper," which would point to the potential they have and possibly make the Page as actually something to do with exploiting potential rather than that just being a side effect of their powers. Mages could also be speculated as one who receives knowledge from [aspect] as opposed to the Seer's one who gains knowledge through [aspect]. Sollux's creation of Sgrub, as well as the creation of the virus, could also be seen as evidence that Mages are in fact ones who create [aspect], although whether this makes the class active or passive is debatable. There are 14 known classes, consisting of 12 "normal" classes and two "master" classes. The fact that Latula, the Knight of Mind, lost her sense of smell calls the pairing into question. Ginger Nettle Slippery Elm, bitches. Alternately, a Mage could be one who uses [aspect] to the benefit of others, but to the detriment of themselves. Terezi was the first of three Homestuck characters to be introduced in Namco Bandai's dating simulator Namco High, of which Andrew Hussie was the creative director. His ancestor is Orphaner Dualscar, who he named his Flarp character after. Q9: Congratulations, you're in! It is assumed that their active (-) counterpart is the Witch, as both John and Jade can seemingly change (with) their aspects, John by initially using the Windy Thing unintentionally and by the will of his aspect, and Jade by changing the form of objects by shrinking/enlarging them. A powerful psychic with an ability to speak with the dead, Aradia is responsible for recovering the code for Sgrub, the troll version of Sburb, from some ruins. Here's some detail: sources should be added to more statements, speculative statements should be cleaned up and made more objective, and subjectivity should be avoided. A heavy heart. Witch could also be a pun. List of Homestuck characters - Wikipedia A Dersite dedicated to the ideals of justice and law enforcement. Homestuck Classes and Personalities: Heir: Heir's personalities are very diverse- their personality is more ruled by their aspect than their class. It argues it's the cleanest, most streamline one, cutting all unnecessary variables. I write a lot about Homestuck's SBURB, God Tier and Land Quest (aka "Classpect") system, and I have tags for different things such as: Aspect, Class, Derse or Prospit, Class Active/Passive Spectrum, Inversion/Overembracing, Denizens, Land Quests and finally just SBURB, under which falls all of the above plus the other less important parts of SBURB like . Q4: You're bored of browsing the internet constantly, and in a fit of inspiration decide to make a video game instead, learning how to code, make art, and compose music along the way, if necessary. Homestuck Class Quiz - Personality Quiz - Similar to Jade Harley, Jake English lives alone on an island. Early pages of Homestuck were experiments in "fan-sourced storytelling", where Hussie allowed readers of Homestuck to name its characters and make story suggestions. [HS 10][HS 11] Her classpect is Maid of Time. Therefore, a Mage may "forfeit [aspect] to gain knowledge pertaining [aspect]". A forum page to discuss theories regarding class can be found, Andrew Hussie has jokingly stated that that, The Mage class is the only one that hasn't been seen in. It may also be a reference to the Hindi word meaning waste, a reference to his blood color. This is a unconfirmed unisex class. Other characters featured in Homestuck include the nearly-all-powerful antagonist Lord English,[18] and a pair of "diametrically opposed twins living inside the same body" named Calliope and Caliborn. Now that you've made a new universe and achieved godhood, you're kinda bored, and decide to mess around a bit. He is a violet-blood, making him part of the two castes that make up the sea-dwellers, a sub-race of trolls "distinct from the commoners by mutation and habitat", as it is put during his introduction. He copied this behavior from his older brother (also his biological father through ectobiology and his only guardian), who collects puppets and katanas on what Dave assumes is an ironic level. The bodies and biology of Heirs seem to be connected to their Aspects, which fits how familial heirs are blood-related to whoever they inherit a position from. Another definition is that a Mage is one who creates [aspect]. [HS 7] At Vriska's suggestion, Equius creates a robot body for Aradia which she inhabits for a large part of the comic. She is also able to materialize objects out of thin air by stealing the essence of nothingness from an idea. A subreddit for Homestuck and the works of Andrew Hussie. There is also a possible example of this later in the comic when Aradia says that she'd slow down Jack while Rose, Dave and the other trolls went ahead to the new session; she might have used her time powers to do so. Known Knights are Dave Strider, the Knight of Time; Karkat Vantas, the Knight of Blood; and Latula Pyrope, the Knight of Mind. Even though sloppy is fine, it might be a bit of a good idea to arrange this particular page because, to be quite frank, as it is right now, it is just absolute garbage. You only have enough time to save one of them. During his stay on the meteor, his uncanny ability to inspire Rage in Terezi results in him becoming her kismesis, which proves to be a very negative (or self-destructive, as it were) relationship for her. (note: this question only determines which classes you can get). As you comprehend the gravity of the situation, it laughs a very evil, horsey laugh. "[6] Jokingly described by blogger Subdee as a "shoujo [sic] heroine", John's character is notably fond of bad films and has a seemingly irrational revulsion to the Betty Crocker brand. The Prince, as the active, is literally simplified to destroyer of [aspect] or one who destroys via [aspect]. Sollux is a gold-blood, a caste known for great psychic power. There are 14 known classes, consisting of 12 "normal" classes and two "master" classes. This was how I initially grouped each class with a type and wing. Q15: You beat your Denizen and stopped the Reckoning! They eventually defined themself as non-binary. A heart of stone. Where burgundy-blooded trolls are common and fall at the bottom of the social hierarchy, fuchsia blood is exceptionally rare, and its carriers sit at the top of the hierarchy. Maids may also be the active (-) counterpart to the Sylph class, being healers or repairers, as Sylph appears to be a healer class. The Knight could be defined as one who serves [aspect] or one who serves through [aspect] for the betterment of others. Alternatively, it could be presumed that the lord holds the combined roles of the active (-) classes, while the muse holds the roles of the passive (+). Later on he allows his Rage to be destroyed by Karkat and sets a trap for Terezi that, by inspiring Rage against Vriska, invites her to commit destruction. [HS 2] She wields a weapon similar to a pitchfork that vacillates between a pronged or spoon-like head depending on the Betty Crocker branding at the time (strife specibus Forkkind or Spoonkind). [HS 5] He is a fan of action movies and speaks in an antiquated fashion. Knights are not necessarily the ones who help the space player breed the Genesis Frog. Homestuck - Andrew Hussie Knight+Time Knight belongs to the exploiting class of the game. Aside from her interest in the occult, the character also enjoys knitting and uses her knitting needles as her go-to weapons (strife specibus Needlekind). His astrological sign is Taurus. Discover the MBTI personality type of 147 popular Homestuck (Web Comics) characters and find out which ones you are most like! He has been seen in god tier clothing while in possession of Aradia's music box time machines. Known Bards are Gamzee Makara, the Bard of Rage; and Cronus Ampora, the Bard of Hope. The connection between Aspects and character personalities? I write a lot about Homestuck's SBURB, God Tier and Land Quest (aka "Classpect") system, and I have tags for different things such as: Aspect, Class, Derse or Prospit, Class Active/Passive Spectrum, Inversion/Overembracing, Denizens, Land Quests and finally just SBURB, under which falls all of the above plus the other less important parts of SBURB like . This corroborates the idea that Pages are extremely powerful, once they realize their potential. "[12], With few exceptions, all trolls fall on the hemospectrum, a caste system dictated by blood color and its corresponding attributes, such as lifespan, powers, personality, and rarity. In the figurative sense, she focused on helping people to heal from psychological wounds. A subreddit for Homestuck and the works of Andrew Hussie. Your mind would work significantly faster, and you'd have control over your brain's neuroplasticity. homestuck class personalities They also serve what there is little of in their session; for example, Karkat, the Knight of Blood (Blood being about bonds) tried to get everyone to work together but was unsuccessful. Classpect (A Comprehensive Guide) | OptimistMinds This may imply that Caliborn's class and Aspect combination is related to him being "Already here.". Jade Harley (the Witch of Space) is able to change the size, velocity, and position of things in space, and an alternate-timeline Feferi (the Witch of Life) was shown healing WV in a dream bubble. This would be supported by Aranea's unlocking light for others, and Jade's unlocking space by her teleporting, expanding/shrinking, and moving powers. 3) Dirk destroys Jane's romantic chances with Jake, forcing her to come to terms with her timid and go-with-the-flow personality so that she can become a stronger and more decisive person in the future. Latula's "rad girl gamer" act fits with this pattern as well, as it was noted by Aranea in Openbound 1 that the Knight had lost her sense of smell. Dante Basco, who played Rufio in Hook, started reading Homestuck because his character made an appearance in it, and he later stated that Tavros is his favorite Homestuck character because of his relation to Rufioh. ", "Stuck on Homestuck: Shelby Cragg's paint adventure", "The Wizeguy: 'Homestuck' inspired 'Hiveswap' Interview", "Thanks for playing: the weird legacy of 'Homestuck', Cronus destroyed his own "hope" or fantasy of being a wizard. Some of the outfits are wrong and I'll probably update those someday maybe are left intact for historical purposes. Sollux is known to evade absolute death, even becoming only half-dead. unable to pick up the source of his scent, used the Breeze to lift the Dersite battleship, gifting Rose her signature knitting needles, louder and clearer than the other players. He looks angry. Bard and Prince are a pair of classes, respectively passive (+) and active (-), that deal with destruction. What do you hope your land is like? Connections to Homestuck. Games Music Resources Tools . The Extended Zodiac - Hiveswap This suggests that Bards can use their aspect to improve their own abilities and possibly others. Rose Lalonde is portrayed as an "intellectual", both through her obsession with Lovecraftian literature and through her organizing and planning the group's movement during the story. Maryam is a reference to the Arabic form of Mary. This also could allude to Roxy's description of the active/passive classes being similar to the "attack/defend powers in an RPG". [HS 9] Her astrological sign is Aries. Essentially, the Thief is one who steals their aspect or steals using their aspect for their own benefit, and the Rogue is one who steals their aspect, or steals from their aspect for the betterment of others. A heart of gold. The character is described as "ruthless, manipulative [and] powerful", and was considered among the "most hardcore" eyepatch-wearing fictional characters by The Mary Sue. I'll be doing them in one big batch. [12] Many more sprites appear throughout the story, the most notable of which are Tavrisprite, Erisolsprite, and Jasprosesprite^2. What do you do with them? Additionally, Kurloz, the Prince of Rage, is always seen as being completely calm in all situations, meaning he completely lacks rage. I'm Dahni Witch of Light! Her astrological sign is Pisces. Read the other results to find out if one fits you better. January 20, 2020 Roxy Just For Fun Personality Homestuck Class Tier Breath Aspect Like it says it title. A different definition may be that a Mage is one who arms themselves with knowledge about [aspect] which can be seen by Sollux Captor creating the Mobius Double Reacharound Virus, which dooms the Trolls' Lusi, and blows up Karkat's computer. Terezi is the troll who guides Dave through the earlier acts of Homestuck. some more strongly passive or active than others. The largest, most active Homestuck community in 2021. Sollux has the ability to talk to the recently deceased, who inform him that Alternia will be annihilated. John can change his body into the Breath, Equius's blood was used by Gamzee to blot out information related to him and Lord English, and Mituna suffered brain damage and is constantly injuring himself. So Knights use their aspect to battle, but they might use it for some other things as well. He is good friends with Karkat and Tavros and asks Tavros out once, but the page cuts off before Tavros could give a definitive answer. Roxy also regularly ganked pumpkins from Jake's island (gourds noted as being mostly detached from reality) to help feed the Carapacians in her neighborhood, in-keeping with the "Robin Hood" comparison sometimes attributed to the Rogue class. The 12 classes and their passive/active alignment are believed to be connected with Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung's mythic Archetypes. This all seems to imply heirs protect or defend through their aspect, or, as the class is passive, allow it to protect or defend. It shares this quality with the Maid, Heir, and Page outfits, although it's currently unclear whether the other classes have similarly equipped outfits. These similarities go beyond just the terms though, the traits of each type also fit the general personalities of canon characters who are of the associated class. Hemospectrum | MS Paint Adventures Wiki | Fandom 2) Dirk destroys Jake's fake confidence and fantasies of adventure so that he might develop the real confidence necessary to pursue his true power as a Page of Hope. She lives in a cave with her lusus, and is known for acting like a cat. Mobius Double Reacharound Virus, which dooms the Trolls' Lusi, and blows up Karkat's computer. He is the one who programs Sgrub (the troll version of Sburb) from the code Aradia found. Start Quiz. Which is your class? [25] In an interview with Big Shiny Robot, Hussie said the following on this topic: [Homestuck] seems to combine all the meaningless deaths of a trial-and-error game journey with the way death is treated dramatically in other media, where unlike [the] oblivious Mario, the characters are aware and afraid of the many deaths they must experience before finally winning the game. Similarly, Horuss Zahhak, Page of Void starts out with a deficit of nothing, being a high ranking renaissance troll with many skills. There seems to be a Heart for every emotion and personality we can think of. [HS 22] He is Nepeta's moirail, a companion who is seen as a platonic soulmate and helps pacify their more aggressive tendencies. [1] The traditional connotations of sylphs and witches are generally mysterious and secretive. Curiously, the only session to succeed in breeding a healthy Genesis Frog involved the Time and Space players working together. [14] In an interview with Comics Alliance, Hussie remembered how "the moment it went crazy was really unmistakable it was when I brought the trolls into the picture," saying that Homestuck became a "contagious phenomenon" about halfway through the sub-arc introducing the characters.[5]. "[3] After Ryan North asked why "MS Paint Adventures" doesn't follow the adventures of a "Ms. You'd be a technopath; manipulation of technology combined with an unbreakable mental internet connection. Though Hussie used death as "the line between relevance and irrelevance", characters generally remain relevant in some way in the story, as there exist various video game-style constructs that allow a character to be revived. Classes can be matched based on how similar their roles' functions are; within these pairs, one class serves as passive (+), the other as active (-), with each member of a certain . In addition, it appears the right pant leg, along with probably the leg itself, was torn off so that Caliborn could replace it with a gold robotic prosthetic. Dirk later confirms that the hood does indeed have some sort of cloth tiara deal embedded in it. It should be noted that, in a somewhat related circumstance, the god tier outfit of the Bard class comes standard with a clown-like form better suiting a jester and massive codpiece, which is a highly likely reference to Bard Quest's Hull of the Flagship codpiece. 8ut once that journey is over, how fearsome he 8ecomes! What is the most accurate/intricate Classpect quiz? : r/homestuck - reddit It is speculated that heirs are ones who invite change through [aspect]; they are apparently drawn to their aspect, subconsciously seeking it. )[HS 15][HS 16] His introduction mirrors Dave's, his astrological sign is Gemini,[HS 17] and his classpect is Mage of Doom. "[12] Her astrological sign is Virgo. You've told your teammate why their plan is flawed, but they just try to change the subject and talk about why they don't like your plan. Calliope's theories aren't always accurate, and Calliope's understanding of gender may be based on the concept of her own species' duality, so what she may understand as gendered traits may be according to personality traits contrasting her and Caliborn. Your Aspect is one of three qualities which uniquely determine your True sign, along with your Sign Class and Lunar Sway . Homestuck Theory Synthesis Classpect Test: More Info, Pt.1 Changelog here. All seen Maids have been female. You have total control of the comic for one day, and inherit all of Andrew Hussie's artistic ability. Jane Crocker is the heiress to the Betty Crocker fortune,[HS 1] and she is the symbolic leader of the four alpha kids. [4], In an interview with The Daily Dot, Homestuck guest artist Shelby Cragg praised Hussie's webcomic for its 50:50 gender ratio and large number of well-written female characters. He was obsessive over his former moirail Feferi which led to a toxic relationship, and when she couldn't handle keeping his anger in check and left him, he became so enraged that he killed both her and Kanaya (who tried to stop him), as well as almost killing Sollux.

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