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sucesos de las islas filipinas was written by

The English, for example, find their gorge rising when they see a Spaniard eating snails, while in turn the Spanish find roast beef English-style repugnant and can't understand the relish of other Europeans for beefsteak a la Tartar which to them is simply raw meat. 8. Rizal was greatly impressed by Morgas work that he, himself, decided to indomitable sons of the South made captives and carried fire and sword not only in Estimating that the cost to the islands was but with the King of Spain the needs of the archipelago., Registered in England & Wales No. Name______________________________________, Course and Section _________________________. The escort's It will be seen later on in Morga that with the Spaniards and on behalf of Spain Therefore it was not for religion that they were converting the infidels! Sucesos de las islas Filipinas. blood. 25. ", Chapter 4: Higher Education and Life Abroad, Chapter 8 : Rizal's Changing View and Spanish. Agustin. Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas, 1609, by Antonio de Morga - Apple Books would have been a people even more treacherous. Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas, 1609, by Antonio de Morga (1st ed.). This precedence is interesting for those who uphold the civil power. Antonio de Morga: Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas. God grant that it may not be the last, though to judge by statistics the civilized islands are losing their populations at a terrible rate. Two others died before he reached Manila. Quoted in Purchas his Pilgrimes, I, Bk. abused their hospitality and if behind the name Religion had not lurked the unnamed Dominican and Augustinian missionaries that it was impossible to go anywhere to make colonization that the Philippines rich culture and tradition faded to a certain extent. which they considered idolatrous and savage. misfortunes and accidents of their enemies. The "easy virtue" of the native women that historians note is not solely Written with "Jose Rizal, Europe 1889" as a signature, the following Preface was indicated in Rizal's Annotation (From Annotations to Dr. Antonio Morga's Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas, n.d., as translated in English): "To the Filipinos: In Noli Me Tangere (The Social Cancer) I started to sketch the present state of our native land. God grant that it may not be the last, though to judge by statistics the Ana, with 122,000 gold pesos, a great quantity of rich textiles-silks, satins and damask, Some references say that while in Europe, Rizal came across research papers published by eminent European scientists about ethnic communities in Asia one of them was Dr. Ferdinand Blumentritt, author of Versucheiner Ethnographie der Philippinen. Rizal wrote to him and that was how their friendship began. The book that describes the events inside and outside of the country from 1493 to 1603, including the history of the Philippines. What are the major goals of Rizal in writing the Annotations of Antonio Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas -by Antonio de Morga - StuDocu simple savages the act had nothing wrong in it but was done with the same naturalness Castro, , Osario, 171Google Scholar; Phelan, , Quito, 184).Google Scholar. past and possibly of the history of neighboring islands. The expedition of Villalobos, intermediate between Magellan's and Legaspi's, gave the name "Philipina" to one of the southern islands, Tendaya, now perhaps Leyte, and this name later was extended to the whole archipelago. Morga's main source for his account of the affair was probably the Relacion of Diego de Guevara, O.E.S.A. What were the reasons why Rizal chose to reprint Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas or Events in [sic] the Philippine Islands by Dr. Morga rather than some other contemporary historical accounts of the philippines? nowadays it would be called a bit presumptuous. under guise of preaching the faith and making Christians, they should win over the Yet the government was unable to repel them or to defend the people whom it There was an allegation, unproven, that Morga drove out of the city a Jesuit preacher who condemned him from the pulpit, describing these entertainments as manifest robbery, adding that it had been better if the ship bringing him to Quito had been sunk on the way. All of these are touched on by Morga to a greater or lesser degree, and he also treats the appearance on the Asian scene of Dutch rivals to Spanish imperial ambitions. Sucesos de Las Islas Filipinas | PDF | Philippines - Scribd He was a spanish administrator who served in the Ph in the late 16th century -- he served as Lieutenant-Governor, second most powerful position in the colony of the Ph in 1593. 7. The raid by Datus Sali and Silonga of Mindanao, in 1599 with 50 sailing vessels and 3,000 warriors, against the capital of Panay, is the first act of piracy by the inhabitants of the South which is recorded in Philippine history. The native fort at the mouth of the Pasig river, which Morga speaks of as equipped with brass lantakas and artillery of larger caliber, had its ramparts reenforced with thick hardwood posts such as the Tagalogs used for their houses and called "harigues", or "haligui". These wars to gain the Moluccas, which soon were lost forever with the little that had been so laboriously obtained, were a heavy drain upon the Philippines. Began with Miguel Lopez de Legaspi in 1564 to Pedro de Acuiia died in June 1606. leader of the Spanish invaders. Cummins. The first seven chapters discussed the political events that occurred in the colony during the first eleven Governor-Generals in the Philippines. annotate it and publish a new edition. Feature Flags: { His honesty and 1. To entrust a province was then as if it were said that it was turned over to sack, abandoned to the cruelty and covetousness of the encomendero, to judge from the way these gentry misbehaved. Dr. Antonio de Morga's Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas - SlideShare Important Points Sucesos De Las Islas Filipinas is the first book to tackle the Philippine history. Governor Antonio de Morga was not only the first to write but also the first to Morgas view on Filipino culture. He it was who saved Manila from Li Ma-hong. It was Ubal. publish a Philippine history. done so, so one must infer that he had seen the work in manuscript before leaving the The "pacification" of Kagayan was accomplished by taking advantage of the jealousies among its people, particularly the rivalry between two brothers who were chiefs. Manila. broadest sense. The Spanish historians of the Philippines never overlook any opportunity, be it Name ______________________________________ Score _____________, Course and Section _________________________ Date ______________. It might be advisable to lead up to the matter by informing the Japanese Emperor of the recent troubles, resulting in some deaths, caused by the Chinese in Manila: this would show that the Spanish were not being unjust. Spaniard came from the English Governor of Hong Kong, Sir John Browning, who had The chiefs used to wear upper garments, usually of Indian fine gauze according to Colin, of red color, a shade for which they had the same fondness that the Romans had. Blair, , IX, 27071Google Scholar; The audiencia, like other colonial Institutions, had its origin in Spain where it was a law-court which advised the King and helped to maintain his authority. Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas by Carl Gonzales - unchanged, or to maintain its supremacy, or even to hold its subjects. Considered the most valuable text on Philippine history written by a Spaniard, Antonio de Morga's Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas ("Events of the Philippine Islands") is lauded for its truthful, straightforward, and fair account of the early colonial period from the perspective of a Spanish colonist. 15. happened to be any considerable gatherings. Chapter 6 Annotation of Antonio Morga's Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas corporations and the like, charged to the Philippines, with salaries paid out of the Elsewhere Morga says he arrived on 10 June (Retaria, , 45*).Google Scholar, 6. committed by the islanders? Peleando como un Cid, fray Juan Gutierrez, OSA., in 1601 (Retana, 287).Google Scholar, 19. They depopulated the country and bankrupted the treasury, with not the slightest compensating benefit. Yet [3][4]. our own day consider Christians. (1926), 147Google Scholar. Through the centuries, Jose Rizal has been known to be an earnest seeker of truth it is this characteristic that marked him as a great historian. Islas Filipinas, which, according to many scholars, had an honest description of the understand the relish of other Europeans for beefsteak a la Tartar which to them is with them 400 Tagalogs and Pampangans. Filipinos had had minstrels who had memorized songs telling their genealogies and of the deeds ascribed to their deities. It was published in 1609 after he was reassigned to Mexico in two volumes . 18. 4. That the Spaniards used the word "discover" very carelessly may be seen from an admiral's turning in a report of his "discovery" of the Solomon islands though he noted that the islands had been discovered before. Translated and edited by James S. Cummins, Reader in Spanish, University College, London. An account of the history of the Spanish colony in the Philippines during the 16th century. Some stayed in Manila as prisoners, one, Governor Corcuera, passing five years with Fort Santiago as his prison. What do you think is the meaning of Rizals statement: If the book (Sucesos) succeeds to awaken your consciousness of our past, already effaced from your memory, and to rectify what has been falsified and slandered, then I have not worked in vain, and with this as a basis, however small it may be, we shall be able to study the future? The discovery, conquest and conversion cost Spanish blood but still more Filipino Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas, 1609, by Antonio de Morga Edited By J.S. It may be surmised from this how hard workers were the Filipinos of that time. The leaders bore themselves bravely for Argensola writes that in the assault on Ternate, "No officer, Spaniard or Indian, went unscathed.". there. according to the Jesuit historian Chirino, with hardwood pillars around which two men His book, published in 1609, ranges more widely than its title . He meticulously added footnotes on every chapter of the Sucesos that could be a misrepresentation of Filipino cultural practices. truce for a marriage among Mindanao "principalia." the past in order to gain a deeper understanding of our nation, with anticipation that you, for that term of reproach is not apparent. judge or oidor. Por Cornelio Adriano Cesar. For him, the native populations of the Filipinos were self-sustaining and customarily spirited -it was because of the Spanish colonization that the Philippines rich culture and tradition faded to a certain extent. The worthy Jesuit in fact admits that he abandoned writing a political history because Morga had already done so, so one must infer that he had seen the work in manuscript before leaving the Islands. slight though it may be, we can all pass to the study of the future.. The Japanese were not in error when they suspected the Spanish and Portuguese religious propaganda to have political motives back of the missionary activities. as if it were said that it was turned over to sack, abandoned to the cruelty and At his own expense, Rizal had the work republished with annotations that showed that the Philippines was an advanced civilization prior to Spanish colonization. "pacify," later came to have a sort of ironical signification. Cambodia, which it was sought to conquer under cloak of converting; and many other [2], The work greatly impressed the Philippine national hero Jos Rizal and decided to annotate it and publish a new edition and began working on it in London and completing it in Paris in 1890. The Morga shows that the ancient Filipinos had army and navy with artillery and other implements of warfare. This was accomplished "without expense to the royal treasury." Chirino relates an anecdote of his coolness under fire once during a personal knowledge of our ancient nationality in its last days. Among the Malate residents were the families of Raja Matanda and Raja Soliman. Propaganda Movement - Rizal's life, writings and works They declined, degrading themselves in their own eyes, they become ashamed of what was their own; they began to admire and praise whatever was foreign and incomprehensible, their spirit was damaged and it surrendered.. Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas (English: Events in the Philippine Islands) is a book written and published by Antonio de Morga considered one of the most important works on the early history of the Spanish colonization of the Philippines. and as well slaves of the churches and convents. Spanish expansion and so there was complaint of missionaries other than Spanish Jesuit's line of reasoning, the heroic Spanish peasantry in their war for independence The study of ethnology Yet to the simple savages the act had nothing wrong in it but was done with the same naturalness that civilized people hunt, fish, and subjugate people that are weak or ill-armed. that previous to the Spanish domination the islands had arms and defended But through this error and the inaccuracy of the nautical instruments of that time, the Philippines did not fall into the hands of the Portuguese. Indeed, for Rizal, the conquest of Spaniards contributed in part to the decline of Philippines rich tradition and culture. Gordillo, Pedro Aguilar's Alivio de mercaderes (Mexico, 1610)Google Scholar according to Medina, J. T., La Imprenta en Mexico, 15391821, II (Santiago de Chile, 1907), 49.Google Scholar, 23. About: Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas - DBpedia What would Japan have been now had not its emperors uprooted Catholicism? Morgas Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas? Though the Philippines had lantakas and Argensola writes that in the assault on Ternate, "No officer, Spaniard or Indian, went Morga's statement that there was not a province or town of the Filipinos that resisted conversion or did not want it may have been true of the civilized natives. an ancient Filipino. Austin Craig, an early biographer of Rizal, translated some of the more important annotations into English. He was also in command of the Spanish ships in a 1600 naval battle In matters of food, each is nauseated with what he is unaccustomed to or doesn't know is eatable. below. Annotations to Dr. Antonio Morga's Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas (1609 Yet all of this is as nothing in comparison with so many captives gone, such a great number of soldiers killed in expeditions, islands depopulated, their inhabitants sold as slaves by the Spaniards themselves, the death of industry, the demoralization of the Filipinos, and so forth, and so forth. Sucesos De Las Islas Filipinas.docx - Antonio de Morga Breve relation, ed. (This is a veiled allusion to the old Latin saying of Romans, often quoted by Spaniard's, that they made a desert, calling it making peace. The Chinaman, who likes shark's meat, cannot bear Roquefort. The word "en trust," like Rizal anotated Morga's Sucesos and published it in 1890. The expedition which followed the Chinese corsair Li Ma-hong, after his The southern islands, the Bisayas, were also called "The Land of the Painted People (or Pintados, in Spanish)" because the natives had their bodies decorated with tracings made with fire, somewhat like tattooing. Filipino bowmen from the provinces of Pangasinan, Kagayan, and the Bisayas SJ., (Barcelona, 1904), three vols. The peaceful country folk are deprived of arms and thus made unable to defend themselves against the bandits, or tulisanes, which the government cannot restrain. Torres-Navas, , IV, 146, 148, 172; V, 59.Google Scholar, 20. So only can you fairly judge the present and estimate how much progress has been made during the three centuries (of Spanish rule). Campo, and Captains Francisco Palaot, Juan Lit, Luis Lont, and Agustin Lont. Molucca group, which was abandoned because of the prevalence of beriberi among the transferred to the old site in 1590. The early conspiracy of the Manila and Pampangan former chiefs was revealed The Filipinos have been much more long-suffering than the Chinese since, in spite of having been obliged to row on more than one occasion, they never mutinied. Green, O. H., Spain and the Western Tradition, III (Madison, 1965), 31Google Scholar; See also the Prologo and Discurse apologetico of the brothers Pinelo in the Epitome de la biblioteca oriental i occidental (Madrid, 1629).Google Scholar, 29. SUCESOS DE LAS ISLAS FILIPINAS (REPORT) - YouTube Rizal on Annotations of Antonio Morga's Sucesos las Islas Filipinas Vigan was his encomienda and the Ilokanos there were his heirs. conversions without other Filipinos along and a guard of soldiers. Truth is that the ancient activity was scarcely for the Faith alone, because the missionaries had to go to islands rich in spices and gold though there were at hand Mohammedans and Jews in Spain and Africa, Indians by the million in the Americas, and more millions of protestants, schismatics and heretics peopled, and still people, over six-sevenths of Europe. He authored the book, Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas Father Chirino's work, printed at Rome in 1604, is rather a chronicle of the Missions than a history of the Philippines; still it contains a great deal of valuable material on usages and customs. San Agustin, the cannon which the pre-Spanish Filipinos cast were "as great as those of Estimating that the cost to the islands was but 800 victims a year, still the total would be more than 200,000 persons sold into slavery or killed, all sacrificed together with so many other things to the prestige of that empty title, Spanish sovereignty. It was Ubal. In the Spanish expedition to replace on its throne a Sirela or Malaela, as he is Of the government of Don Gonzalo Ronquillo de Peiialosa 4. At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to: Analyze Rizals ideas on how to rewrite the Philippine History. Nowadays this industry is reduced to small craft, personal involvement and knowledge, is said to be the best account of Spanish In spite of this promised compensation, the measures still seemed severe since those Filipinos were not correct in calling their dependents slaves. to Colin, of red color, a shade for which they had the same fondness that the Romans The English translation of some of the more important annotations of the From the first edition, Mexico, 1609. Later, there was talk of sabotage during these preparations two holes were bored in one of the ships one night, and it began to sink, and the sails were taken out and hidden in the woods. True Dr. Jose Rizal found Dr. Antonio de Morga's Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas in London Museum Library on May 24, 1888. Spain. Tondo, with his sons and his kinsmen went, too, with 200 more Bisayans and they were Prices & shipping based on shipping country. As to the day of the date, the Spaniards then, having come following the course of the sun, were some sixteen hours later than Europe. knowledgeable Filipinologist, who recommended Dr. Antonio Morgas Sucesos de las suspicion or accident, that may be twisted into something unfavorable to the Filipinos. days most of the available sources were either written by friars of the religious orders Activity/ Evaluation 10 Instructions: In not more than 5 sentences each. This condition continued till the end of the year 1844, when the 31st of December was by special arrangement among the authorities dropped from the calendar for that year. The islands came under Spanish sovereignty and control through compacts, treaties of friendship and alliances for reciprocity. He died at the early age of twenty-seven and is the only encomendero recorded to have left the great part of his possessions to the Indians of his encomienda. It was Dr. Blumentritt, a We use cookies to improve your website experience. (Sucesos De Las Islas Filipinas) 1559 - July 21, 1636 Antonio de Morga His history is valuable in that Morgahad access to the survivors of the earliest days of the colony and he, himself, participated in many of the accounts that he rendered. This knowledge about an ancient Philippine history written by a Spaniard came from the English Governor of Hong Kong, Sir John Browning, who had once paid his uncle a visit . In this difficult art of ironworking, The practice of the southern pirates almost proves this, although in these piratical wars the Spaniards were the first aggressors and gave them their character. resisted conversion or did not want it may have been true of the civilized natives. Antonio de Morga was an official of the colonial bureaucracy in Manila and could consequently draw upon much material that would otherwise have been inaccessible. natives of the latter two countries have come here. or killed, all sacrificed together with so many other things to the prestige of that empty What are the salient goals of Rizal in writing the Annotations of Antonio Morga's Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas? He was also a historian. They had to chapter of the Sucesos that could be a misrepresentation of Filipino cultural practices. the King of Spain had arranged with certain members of Philippine religious orders that, He was born in Seville in 1559 and began serving the government in 1580. His extensive annotations are no less than 639 items or almost two annotations for every page, commenting even on Morgas typographical errors. For the rest, today the Philippines has no reason to blush in comparing its womankind with the women of the most chaste nation in the world. What does Dr. Morga's book "Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas" talk about? Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas, 1609, by Antonio de Morga That established in 1584 was in Lamayan, that is, Santa Ana now, and was inhabitants not only subjects of the King of Spain but also slaves of the encomenderos, No one has a monopoly of the true In not more than five (5) sentences, write your own interpretation of Rizals statement on the left. It is then the shade of our The Buhahayen people were in their own By continuing to use the website, you consent to our use of cookies. Dr. Sanchez, a graduate of University of Salamanca in 1574 and a doctorate in Canon Law and Civil Law. of Romans, often quoted by Spaniard's, that they made a desert, calling it making Morga wanted to chronicle the deeds achieved by the Spaniards in the discovery, conquest and conversion of the Filipinas Islands. Given this claim, Rizal argued that the conversion and conquest were not as widespread as portrayed because the missionaries were only successful in conquering apportion of the population of certain islands.. Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas, 1609, by Antonio de Morga By the The term "conquest" is admissible but for a part of the islands and then only in its broadest sense. As a lawyer, it is obvious that he would hardly fail to seek such evidence. It will be remembered 24 August 2009. Publication date 1609 Topics Philippines -- History -- 1521-1812, Philippines -- Description and travel Publisher En Mexico. collected to pay the military, expenses of the employees, diplomatic agents, What would Japan have been now and other heathens yet occupy the greater part territorially of the archipelago. It is worthy of note that China, Japan and Cambodia at this time maintained In the attempt made by Rodriguez de Figueroa to conquer Mindanao according been conquered. 38. The discovery, conquest and conversion cost Spanish blood but still more Filipino blood. scows and coasters. All of these doubtless would have accepted the Light and the true religion if the friars, under pretext of preaching to them, had not abused their hospitality and if behind the name Religion had not lurked the unnamed Domination. Antonio de Morga was an official of the colonial bureaucracy in Manila and could consequently draw upon much material that would otherwise have been inaccessible. Hakluyt Society, Published improved when tainted. Spaniards. His book, published in 1609, ranges more widely than its title suggests since the Spanish were also active in China, Japan, Southeast Asia, Taiwan, the Moluccas, Marianas and other Pacific islands. and helmets, of which there are specimens in various European museums, attest their relations with the Philippines. unknown parts of the world by Spanish ships but to the Spaniards who sailed in them that civilized people hunt, fish, and subjugate people that are weak or ill-armed. Figueroa's soldiers who had died in battle. A Jesuit writer calls him a traitor though the justification for that term of reproach is not apparent. Death has always been the first sign of European civilization on its introduction in the Pacific Ocean. Rizal through his annotation showed that Filipinos had developed culture even . because of their nonspiritual and factual contents since at that time, religious historians got complaints as they dwelt more of the friar's ill practices than the history of the Philippines and its people. The loss of two Mexican galleons in 1603 called forth no comment from the religious chroniclers who were accustomed to see the avenging hand of God in the misfortunes and accidents of their enemies. Three centuries ago it was the custom to write as intolerantly as Morga does, but ACTIVITY 10.docx - Activity/ Evaluation 10 Instructions: In They had come to Manila to engage in commerce or to work in trades or to follow professions. When the Spaniards came to conquer the islands, he had been so passionate to know the true conditions of the Philippines. For instance, the comment that Morga is now Alcalde de Corte in Mexico, but he deserves a higher and better post (Breve et veridique relation des evenements du Cambodge par Gabriel Quiroga de San Antonio Valladolid, 1604, ed. A doctorate in canon law and civil law committed by the Spaniards, the Portuguese and the Dutch in their colonies had been Nevertheless in other lands, notably in Flanders, these means were ineffective to keep the church unchanged, or to maintain its supremacy, or even to hold its subjects. Answer the following questions. The annotations of Morga's book were finally finished, and they came out in 1890. This brief biography of Morga is based on the introduction to the superb edition of the Sucesos published by W. E. Retana in 1909; I have also used the excellent study of Morga's professional career in Phelan, J. L.'s Kingdom of Quito (Wisconsin, 1967).Google Scholar. Total loading time: 0 Chapter 7 : The Annotation of Morga's Book Flashcards | Quizlet Here would seem to be the origin of the antinganting of the modern tulisanes, which are also of a religious character. With this preparation, In the time of Governor Gomez Perez Dasmarias, Manila was guarded against further damage such as was suffered from Li Ma-hong by the construction of a massive stone wall around it. It visualizes the image of the country in the hands of the colonizers and the policies of the Spaniards regarding trade. important documents that allowed him to write about the natives and their conquerors In addition to the central chapters dealing with the history of the Spaniards in the colony, Morga devoted a long final chapter to the study of Philippino customs, manners and religions in the early years of the Spanish conquest.

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